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Everything posted by Duff

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever?: 35 Pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change?: I didint yet Why do you need this change?: Because that i would like to add custom wrap for burrito so i have to change it Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13032/donation-duff-amount-15-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12081/donation-duff-amount-17-00gpb-3-gpb-from-old-in-total-20 Links to your previous donation changes requests: Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Hotring Race 3 Location: CripZ Base Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Burrito Username:fener1907
  2. Today evening i will come online
  3. 100 gimme that
  4. I will find someone to make a custom wrap for me then request it soon
  5. This is an automated post CRIPZ FTW TXN ID: 5PR60419W0895625G Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  6. greetings from deli jale Sincerely wolker duff
  7. Happy birthday remzi reis cCc
  8. Name: Ismail Nickname: duff RP Name: Duff_Gaviria Login Name: fener1907 Age: 23 Nationality: Turkey General Information: Hello Dear Staff, I'm Ismail and Im 23 years old. Im from Turkey/Istanbul also im living the current country. Im working at the hospital; actually we are leading the clinic inside of the hospital and our clinic working on the different projects such as personal cancer vaccine and infections causes transmissions. also about the general information about SAES: yeah Im playing SAES since 2012, I started to play saes with my friends at the begining we were just chilling around and everyday i wanted to play more sadly my friends has left the server and they didint continue to play on here so i joined many gangs before joining cripz. at the 2013 when i joined the cripz and i met with zaza my journey started on here so after 7 almost 8 years we are here and still playing as cripz English skill (1/10): 8 Write a summary of this topic (Min 100 words): San Andreas Conservative Party was founded back in days 2013 by Frank and Henry. Their goal was stabled on changes for the San Andreas Citizens and to bring the peace around SA. first of all they started with the economy part and they announced the economy system how must be : Everyone must work but must have the right keep their jobs in sa satisfying way. also for the Economic moves was planned on supporting big corporations of SA Country. they knew that special regimes of taxation will help the big corporations it was planned to SA Citizens their goal was supporting the economy in that ways to PURPOSE ELIMINATE THE UNEMPLOYMENT ISSUE. About the Security actually peace declaration was also common in this decleration since SACP has funding the extra funding whenever its seen neccessary for police units and squads of the SA. they disallowed the protests to avoid from a war between citizens and police units. SACP believes in direct meeting from each side with the Citizens and if there is a needed a chance they have to hear the demand thats how they were planned to control peace and security around SA What rank would you like to obtain: Well yeah, I would like to be Senator in any Country Current roleplay groups: ZIP Previous bans/warnings by an admin: (if yes explain) Back in 2014 I have been banned by SAES>Bone. it was all about my bank account someone from turks has been reported me to him about having 102m on my bank account. after the discussing and sharing all details about my bank account Bone has unbanned me after 6 hours Why do you want to join (Min 30 words): I would like to be part of SACP because that I wanted to help you around to growing up this community again like we did before. also I thought it was time to enter politics and I was searching a group so Im applying to SACP since you guys have more experiences from past and I wanted to bring new ideas to my own party ( who is open for the changes all the time ) and what is best for the our country
  9. I would like to good luck
  10. CripZ4Life good luck mens
  11. good luck my brothers duff is here to help
  12. TXN ID: 7A50-0734-4466-1883 Donation Amount: 17.00GBP Also from old forum : 3.00 GBP https://archive.saesrpg.uk/profile/14876-duff/ ( 3 gpb here ) Requested Awards: I will contact with any of you in saes
  13. Name: duff Username: fener1907 Team betting on: CripZ Amount: 25m https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWozzEiDBLI
  14. howlze mennnnnn it was all joshbond's fault not urs
  15. Name: duff Username: fener1907 Team Betting on: CripZ Ammount: 25m
  16. yes i agree we need something to bet for fun if someone abusing just punish him do not punish the our gameplay
  17. bb tomorrow
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