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Everything posted by Duff
Type: RaceFlag Participants: Chasin / Kaoz / Mimyy / Duff / Nulgath / Matizz Location: SF Under The Bridge Winner & Prize: 1- Kaoz 2- Matizz 3- Duff ::: :::
Type: RaceFlag Participants: Chasin / Marwyn / Mimyy / Duff Location: LS - Richman Winner & Prize: 1- Chasin 2- Marwyn 3- Duff ::: :::
Address: Apartment 22 LV Complexsouth Account Nmae: pera98 Last seen: 27th March 2020
TXN ID: 6WE989364H400591Y Receipt Number: 1820-9391-8546-0958 ( this is from email ) Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
This is an automated post TXN ID: 6RM084139T499335P Donation Amount: 50.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
TXN ID: 6XW55013S15948156 Donation Amount: 40.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
@Laza Im not sure if you are reading this, I know that there are already treatment protocols for Covid-19 ( atleast they are trying ) so I would like to give you some opinions about that virus you should boost up your immune system by taking Vitamin C... try to get 10gr Vitamin C daily via IV protocol and stay strong and be positive you gonna rekt that shit and you will back to SAES to ask me Duff Can I Start ADs and i wont let you so easily again
bump !
Location: SF Starting Price: 100m Minimal Bid Increase: 10m
Your ingame username: fener1907 Your ingame alias: Duff Your year of birth: 02.10.1996 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turkish Country of residence: Turkey How long you have been playing SAES: I'm playing since 2012 Qualities you can offer: My goals as a moderator are simple, yet I will go into detail on each point I make. Firstly, I have a great deal of experience with the administrating of servers. I know that each case should be catered to with a unique approach, as each report is circumstantial and nothing should be overlooked. This is something that I know I could help the team with, as right now, I am a very open-minded individual. There are two qualities I know I have. One, the ability to take a neutral approach when necessary and two, to be empathetic. If you can't commit yourself to other players as if you were in their shoes, then you can't attend to their needs. The same logic applies to many real life situations. The administrating of a server, especially of this capacity, also requires staff members to set a worthy example. Therefore, I can safely say that from the moment I was given such an important role as moderator, I would be ready to deal with the hustle and bustle while maintaining a positive attitude. I would also implement a logical approach to my role as a server moderator, if I could not see to a case, I would not shy away from the help around me. In example, language barriers. Something that I have no control over unless I chose to learn every language in the book, which is something I have unfortunately never taken the time to do. I know I have trustworthy people around me who'd be able to cater for my needs, as well as me catering for theirs. It's a two-way street a lot of the time from when I have worked with, and for others in the past. Finally, I would always strive and endeavour to live up to my role as a moderator. It isn't like me to slack, I like to show off a little to my elders. I'd ensure I was active both in-game and via the forums, attending whatever I am required to attend. Your weaknesses: I can't hide the fact that I have some weaknesses. For example, in some situations I can get mad easily and argue on a case for so long. Also there is something that dissappoints me the most, and that is disrespect. When I act respectful to someone and if I don't get respected equally, that really lets me down. I have even ended some of my friendships because of that. Preferred Position (CS/SAHA): Community Staff Do you have Discord Installed: Yes, I do Reason for application: Well, This is something I've considered for a good few years now. Who I was in the past was never a fitting addition to the team, granted, and only now do I see that. You could almost say I am embarrassed by how I used to behave. However, with all said and done, I am refined now compared to then and everything in the past, this move is about 'the now'. So, in reference to the server and community, I believe that the server has always been attractive to players. Whether that be the recruiting of new members to attend to its weak spots, or the adding of new features to the server or forum. This is a very attractive quality, one that I believe a clan needs to survive. I have good relations with most of the members and the people I have met during this time. I love the team's trust in its community and players; this presents players like myself with the opportunity to prove themselves to be responsible, trustworthy and reliable. I can't say that this isn't somewhat experimental, me myself, I know I can deliver depending on what I am handed. However, to put everything you have into a few paragraphs, I can only hope I am given this opportunity, again, to prove what an asset I could be to the team. Server Memberships: CripZ LWS / Trusted Member South Venturas - Senator ZIP Additional information: I am living in Istanbul and I am 24 years old. I am living with my parents and working as an assistant in a private biotechnologie company. My company is working on several project which we believe that are going to be useful for humanity(mostly on curing cancer). Personally, my man goal is to help as much as I can to my company on its projects and make them happen as soon as possible. Other than that, I am a huge fan of football, I am a very passionate fan of Fenerbahe. The results of my teams games kinda affect my whole mood for a week. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Ive muted several times due to speaking a foreign language Previous (legitimate) bans: In 2014, I was banned by Bone due to having 100m in my bank but I was unbanned in the exact same day Do you eat pork: Yes
Location: SF Starting Price: 100m Minimal Bid Increase: 10m
Bloodzs are too retard, sadly they couldnt beat cripz now they re trying to beat saes with 15 years old brains CripZ for the win
Type: True or False Winner: @kree Prize: 1.000.000$ Screenshots:
Participants: Bubu Story: I was chilling around with my motorbike, then I find a biker guy who was using freeway and I was kinda looking for some illegal things then I decided to go to that biker to offer a race to groove street at the first he laughed a bit and called me like a princess he was kinda making fun of me and I offer a race for keys and we started to race from bone county to groove street, he was kinda leading the whole way but I kept motivating my self like race wasn't end you can do this at the last corner I catch him and passed and I became a winner end of the race then he also arrive the groove street and I laughed at him and asked him like who got the balls now, after a while, he gave me his freeway keys and went away. Screenshots: ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants:@mimyy @OwenDlash @samcro Location: Bone County to Las Venturas Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants:@mimyy @Libnik @Unbiased Location: Las Venturas to Red County Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants:@mimyy @IceCold @Freddy Location: Red County to Las Venturas Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow @rasta @NubBob Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: 1.nubbob 2.duff 3.mimyy ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow @rasta Location: Bone County Winner & Prize: 1.duff 2rasta 3.petrow ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants: @mimyy @street @Petrow Location: Red County Winner & Prize: 1.street 2.mimyy 3.petrow ::: :::
05/02/2020 TMH Activity
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: RaceFlag Participants: @mimyy @kaitoX @duff @muratsev99 Location: Los Santos Winner & Prize: 1.mimyy 2.duff 3.hero ! ::: :::
-TMH Racers Take On [ @duff]- Type: BF-400 Race Participants: Location: Las Venturas to MC TOP Winner & Prize: Rainy Screenshots: ::: :::
Type: Race Flag Location: Bayside Participants: duff,mimmy,draven,chasin,bartman Winners: 1. chasin - 2. draven- 3. duff Screenshots: ! ::: :::