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Everything posted by Duff

  1. Date and Time: 15/01/19 - Evening Number of Members Online: 5 ScreenShot(s)/If Any: Ofcourse,
  2. nowadays gangs are aimin to succesfull bankrobs, crack isnt important anymore @bazuka36 also you can not be sure if someone still abusing or no but the motivation side for the crackers would be good
  3. Event Number #15 Chicken Shooter Prize: $1,000,000 LWS: Nexroth Winner: @duff Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wcFEJjY
  4. hotfer domma
  5. Type: Race Flag Location: Las Venturas Participants: duff,mimmy,,manny,rivals Winners: 1. rivals - 2. duff- 3. mimyy Screenshots: ! ::: :::
  6. Type: Race Flag Location: San Fierro Participants: duff,mimmy,adembygt,,manny,rivals Winners: 1. manny - 2. rivals - 3. duff Screenshots: ! ::: :::
  7. Type: Race Flag Location: Los Santos Participants: duff,mimmy,adembygt,,manny Winners: 1. rivals - 2. manny - 3. mimyy Screenshots: ! ::: :::
  8. It wasnt expected @Mrwan sorry for what we ve done each other and it was really honour for us to fight together at field, CripZ will be missing all of you and peace ..
  9. @Rubisel eyy welcome back jb boy seems like from now on it looks like i wont be in there long
  10. Vehicle type : coment Vehicle Colour : purple Specify any upgrades : usernames to lock: fener1907 where you want it placed : ls northern side vehicle type: hotring racer vehicle colour: purple ( idk we will check ingame ) specify any upgrades: usernames to lock: fener1907 where you want it placed: ls north 2m reward interior I will contact about this later Interior aint fixed
  11. This post is not automated post Receipt Number: 4459-7527-6737-9310 Much loves from CripZ z4e !! I will edit this later
  12. Nice senelere kardesim umarm istediklerini elde edebilecegin bir yl olur div-hqum benim happy birthdayy
  13. Vehicle type : cheetah Vehicle Colour : purple Specify any upgrades : Sticker1 (wrap) usernames to lock: fener1907 where you want it placed : ls northern side vehicle type: buffalo vehicle colour: purple ( idk we will check ingame ) specify any upgrades: sticker1 usernames to lock: fener1907 where you want it placed: ls north 4m reward interior which i can get
  14. This is an automated post TXN ID: 47V02134L90343831 Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic. Happy New Years From Turkey to every SAES Member who still provide this server for us ~ Much love from CripZ I will Re-Edit this later
  15. Event Type: Obstacle Running Race Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @duff Winners: Crowne Date: 20/12/19 Screens:
  16. Event Type: Mower Race Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @duff Winners: Matthews Date: 20/12/19 Screens;
  17. Event Type: CarShow Event Prize: $1.750.000 Hosted by: @duff Winners: Crowne,Kok,Knelee Date: 20/12/19 Screenshots: ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/V8W7GYL.jpg )
  18. Event Type: Kart Race Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @duff Winner: Zwolle Date: 20/12/19 Screenshots:
  19. ~[Type:]~(green) RaceFlag ~[Participants:]~(green) @duff @mimyy @Amazing ~[Screenshot:]~(green) ::: :::
  20. Event Type: Land on Truck Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @duff Winner: Sila and Gugu Date: 16/12/19 Screenshots:
  21. Event Type: Race Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @duff Winner: @Stark Date: 16/12/19 Screenshots:
  22. ~[Participants:]~(green) @mimyy ~[ RP Scenario:]~(green) I was resting when my rest was disturbed by the phone bell. Was an unknown number and from there in a quiet voice say the words "I come to the place, wait for me". I didn't answer at first because I had no idea what it was about, but then I realized that this was my ex-enemy Mimyy, yes, but that's another story I'll tell another time. Not long after, she arrived and we went in to discuss what would happen. If you are wondering its about drugs, our known history in the criminal world, yes. We had a conversation that i would receive all the stock today but the things not look that easy. We went to show her what she will get now, but as I expected, she was not happy and we got into a conflict and then she left and said that if she didn't get everything soon, I would pray that I wasn't born. Ha,you know what will happen if she try touch me... Aight,so we've agreed we will meet in the coming days, let's see what happens ..
  23. Type: Race Flag Location: Las Venturas Participants: duff,mimmy,fyzero,gxtno Winners: 1. fyzero- 2. duff - 3. mimmy Screenshots: ! ::: :::
  24. Type: Race Flag Location: Bayside Participants: duff,mimmy,adembygt,rikki Winners: 1. duff - 2. adem - 3. rikki Screenshots: ! ::: :::
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