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Everything posted by Heroo

  1. Type Of Activity: Trucking all around SA. Date: 26/04/2020 Participants: only me Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Type: RaceFlag Participants: petrow @barras EighTaiLs @catalin002 vlad @LaZaR alina and me Location: Tierra Robado Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- petrow :second_place_medal: 2- EighTaiLs :third_place_medal: 3- me Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type: RaceFlag Participants: petrow @Brooklyn @System31 @barras @LaZaR @Jay me Location: Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Petrow :second_place_medal: 2- Lazar :third_place_medal: 3- me Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Petrow @Jokerulty EighTaiLs @Jay @LaZaR and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Petrow :third_place_medal: 3- Jay Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @GoldMine @Stoner FLAVOUR Vynee and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Stoner :second_place_medal: 2- me :third_place_medal: 3- FLAVOUR Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Type Of Activity: Refilling stations in LS and RC Date: 23/04/2020 Participants: me Screenshots: Situation: ::: Situation before: Situation after: ::: Refilling pics: ::: :::
  7. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @GoldMine Vynee flavour and me Location: LV Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- GoldMine :second_place_medal: 2- me :third_place_medal: 3- Vynee Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. ALT - Trucking Role-play: A routine police control on LV-LS highway. ::: As usual, I was filling the stations. It was a bit late and I was a bit sleepy. I barely realized the blue-red lights. Even though I didn't do anything criminal at all, it was a nervous talk. The officer asked me to get out and walk with him to his car. We had a small talk. Where are you going, why are you going, then I realized that it was a routine police control. I relieved. He checked my ID and then he took me back to the refinery. He was too polite to me. ::: Involved ALT members: @Heroo Participants: @SoZa Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type Of Activity: Refilling stations in SF Date: 23/04/2020 Participants: me Screenshots: Situation: ::: Situation Before: Situation After: ::: Refilling pics: ::: :::
  10. This is an automated post TXN ID: 65G697208V612190G Donation Amount: 20.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: RC Raider Vehicle Colour: camo wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: (muratsev99) Where you want it placed: CripZ base, specific location will be shown in-game. Vehicle Type: Stunt Plane Vehicle Colour: #005550 + lines wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: (muratsev99) Where you want it placed: CripZ base, specific location will be shown in-game. 4m in game cash. This is my old donation: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/16623/donation-hero-amount-10-00-gbp Donations total: 30 GBP. Donator spawn and Medium Interior 11 for my house in GT. For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  11. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Alp @Axestos @Stoner and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Axestos :second_place_medal: 2- me :third_place_medal: 3- Alp Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Axestos @Alp @Stoner and me Location: Bayside Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Stoner :second_place_medal: 2- me :third_place_medal: 3- Axestos Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Axestos @Josque @Stoner and me Location: Ghost Town Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Axestos :second_place_medal: 2- Stoner :third_place_medal: 3- me Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Josque @Stoner @TMH-h and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- Alp :second_place_medal: 2- Stoner :third_place_medal: 3- me Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Josque @Duff @Stoner and me Location: Tierra Robado Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Stoner :third_place_medal: 3- Alp Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @JoGe @FastYounq @SWT @zaba @Butcher and me Location: Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- JoGe :third_place_medal: 3- FastYounq Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Jokerulty @tr0ix @NubBob and me Location: Bayside Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- nubbob :second_place_medal: 2- Jokerulty :third_place_medal: 3- me Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Hang-Around Number: #1 TMH Members Involved: @AdemBygt Duration of Hang: 10 minutes. Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Axestos @zaza and me Location: Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- axetos :second_place_medal: 2- me :third_place_medal: 3- zaza Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Axestos @AdemBygt @AntraX1992 and me Location: Tierra Robado Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Antrax :third_place_medal: 3- Axetos Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Jokerulty @Josque @EighTaiLs and me Location: Tierra Robada Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Jokerulty :third_place_medal: 3- EighTaiLs Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
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