Type Of Activity: Refilling the rafinery from 0 to 100% Date: 13/05/2020 Participants: me Screenshots: ::: Situation: Before: After: Refilling Pictures -> :::
Type: RaceFlag Participants: Bangas Link Jokerulty and me Location: Los Santos Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Jokerulty :third_place_medal: 3- Link Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
Type: RaceFlag Participants: Link Gui Apoq Chasin and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: :first_place_medal: 1- me :second_place_medal: 2- Gui :third_place_medal: 3- Link Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::