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Everything posted by Heroo

  1. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Petrow @Poxiran @Spartan @skinner @ and me Location: San Fierro Winner & Prize: 1- Petrow 2- me 3- Poxi Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. Type: RaceFlag Participants: and me Location: Winner & Prize: 1- me 2- Jokerulty 3- EighTaiLs Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Jokerulty @Arkantos @EightaiLs and me Location: Tierra Robada Winner & Prize: 1- me 2- Jokerulty 3- Arkantos Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Type: RaceFlag Participants: @Greed @Raider @Hunter and me Location: Bone County Winner & Prize: 1- me 2- greed 3- Raider Prize: Raceflag prize Screenshots: ::: // due to countdown I missed my being first one info but you can see +80 k (1st one prize)) :::
  5. Activity type: Refueling Information: Refilled all LS stations. Screenshots: Situation: ::: Situation before: Situation after: ::: Refilling images: ::: :::
  6. ALT - Trucking Role-play : Transporting a rhino to Cuban Lighthouse from A51 area. ::: It was a warm, normal morning. I woke up and was ready for my work. I took a look my family, smiled and got out of my house. I got on my way to ALT base, but before I ran my truck, I saw something unusual, one black Sultan and one black Sandking I sensed there are men in vehicles but didn't see their face. I have never seen those vehicles before in my neighborhood. They seem dangerous because sultan and sandking were not fast vehicles so they were not standard criminals, they didn't seem to me that they want to escape from cops. Nevertheless, I didn't care for them. After I was on my everyday route to my job. Suddenly, there is a tanker blocking my road again a black tanker. I thought things are getting complicated. And my phone rang: It was a man who was watching my house. He told me to do delivery with the black tanker standing in front of me. A rhino delivery from A51 area to Cuban Lighthouse. Now I know that they were about to steal the rhino. I cannot resist them. They know my house, my family can be killed. They weren't just a couple drug dealer or something. Even though I have never delivered a dangerous or criminal pack, I responded: "I will do whatever you want" If anyone cop sees me with that rhino, the delivery can be failed. If the delivery fails... My family dies. I can sense that from the man's voice who I talked with on the phone. I wanted to help from my mate CripZ>Alp. He is very good at running away from cops and distracting them. The plan was that, Although the route is not crowded (I chose the least crowded way), he will go through the route in advance and see any cop is there. If he sees a cop, he will distract them and pull them away from the route. Thanks god, Alp didn't see any cop. we made it successfully. I got on my fastest vehicle and went to home. The sultan and the sandking was gone. My family was safe. ** ::: Involved ALT members: @Heroo Participants: @Josque Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Activity type: Refueling 9 critic gas stations around SA. Date: 08/04/2020 Participants: N/A Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. As you know the building is right behind the SR and disc. The starting bid is 10m. Min increase 1m.
  9. TXN ID: 5597-7371-5834-2134 Donation Amount: 10 GBP Requested Awards: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: wrap2 Specify any upgrades: - Username to lock: muratsev99 Where you want it placed: LV Airport For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. Date: 31/10/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Username: muratsev99 Ingame nickname: Hero Date of birth: 30.08.1999 Define TBD rp role in your own words: always work for the church and God's sake. To do that, drug dealing, pickpocketing and carjacking will be my way. Why are you willing to join our family: saes RPG is a group game, thus, I needed a gang. You looked the most convenient one for me. Why we should accept you: I'm an active player, I can participate in BRs or just hang out. Also, really believe to contribute to the gang. Any TBD suggested you to apply: [TBD]Haley Anything else to add: Looking forward to participating!
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