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Everything posted by kipt

  1. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  2. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours after the request. Property set for public sale.
  3. As stated, this property belongs to an admin. Request denied. Please head over to https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6786/saes-clan-members to learn more about who's currently part of the clan.
  4. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  5. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  6. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  7. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours after the request. Property set for public sale.
  8. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  9. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours after the request. Property set for public sale.
  10. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  11. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  12. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  13. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  14. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  15. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  16. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  17. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  18. User is not inactive. In order for a player to be considered inactive, his last login must be at least a month ago, for example: x was last seen on 5th August 2020
  19. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  20. Request denied. Property already requested here. Better luck next time.
  21. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  22. Request denied. Property already requested here. Better luck next time.
  23. Request denied. Property already requested here. Better luck next time.
  24. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property to be set for public sale.
  25. User is no longer inactive. Request denied.
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