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Everything posted by kipt

  1. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  2. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  3. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  4. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale.
  5. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property set for public sale. PS: Since the property was put for public sale, interior number 25 was removed from it.
  6. The player in question is not inactive. You're missing an 'i' in the username: 'jiom'. Request denied.
  7. The player in question is not inactive. You're missing an 'i' in the username: 'jiom'. Request denied.
  8. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  9. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  10. Failed to sort this within 48h. Property set for public sale.
  11. Failed to sort this within 48h. Property set for public sale.
  12. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  13. Failing to sort this within 48 hours, the property will be set for public sale.
  14. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  15. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  16. Sorted ::: :::
  17. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property to be set for public sale.
  18. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  19. @Orten1 said in Inactive LS: Address: 10 Downing Sreet Account name: baffousam Last seen: 4th april Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/24iZmVw Sorry to inform you, but the property you requested belongs to a current SAES clan member. Request denied. The property was put for sale under your account, for the market max price ($100 000), bought, and transfer to BMaster's account. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
  20. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  21. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  22. Sorted. Thanks for reporting.
  23. This auction exceeded the 14 days parameter by far. This topic will be archived in order to keep things clean. Feel free to create a new one if you wish to resume this auction.
  24. Failed to get this sorted within 48 hours. Property to be set for public sale.
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