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If so add something for general voice (anyone hears you scream your head off in x range) and something for the class (crims listen to crims, cops to cops, clo to clo, de to de, official gangs to official gangs, etc). Otherwise, no.
The property belongs to a SAES clan member. Request denied. To learn more on who's part of the clan you can check either or
Use services to upload an image into the web and then share it via the link it will get generated. Alternatively you can use discord to upload an image into a conversation and then open it via a link that discord itself provides for such image.
@Czesney said in FREE CLO: This issue can be solved just by replacing the current GMs, and allowing a group similar to ddt and mz to exist, dont @ me or rape. (and ofc that group get to blacklist AA, TT, LE etc...) Agree. A group for CLO rejects. So I can finally try my luck in DDT again.