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  1. I noticed /switchweapon is back to server, so i ll again go with this - it should be removed. Why? Cuz it's letting us abuse to shot without animation of shooting, what i mean is Running > shooting > switchweaponing into another gun to avoid shot animation. It's especially overpowered for weapons that have slow fire rate with high dmg output (Deagle, shotgun, sniper) or even tazer so in case u won't hit ur target u won't lose distance.
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  2. Make turfs alive again +1
  3. @leonard said in Turf war balance: krekic with all due respect your suggestions are always shit asf Na but now serious, maybe they're, but u know, im not limiting myself to one server.And trust me on thoose servers even cop side is that balanced it's having sometimes more online cops than crims, so everything is possible, but u know it's better to do something useless like limit turf war to only inside turfzone which will even make it worse or change car vmax for 5 kph, heh...
  4. Well, for me best solution is just to make rule u can't help in turfs, u can keep ur alliances for free zones tho and alliances still can help u by turfing other zones and making enemis split for example. (If u'll ask what's point of changing it when alliances can turf other zone, trust me difference is big, i know what i am saying)
  5. I'm coming with idea to make turfs be balanced, literally as a turf player i can say thoose turfs are so shitty now, cuz winning side is always with more alliances, but there's simple solution just add a rule that saying u can't help other gangs in their turfs or do something about amount of helping people, whatever just to balance it... Its really boring to fight 30 vs 10
  6. Lmao, there's no way to balance it tho, in one server i won't name, who knows that knows, bank robbery system working in this way, bank robbery starts when there're ~~20 criminals and 20 cops(for example) in bank , when br starting entrances getting closed so after getting killed you can't comeback, so it forced both sidees to use brain and skills, and its 20v20 tdm inside the bank and for example it's balanced, but first of all it's completly other banking system, 2nd cop side isn't death there as it is in saes and 3rd do you even expect saes to change anything? Exactly :)
  7. Simply after getting killed we ve to wait some time (like 25-30s) to respawn/change spawn. In my opinion it will be good, cause it will reduce spamming respawn in house (especially when u re near killed cop's house) and overall will bring a kill any value except for /stats.
  8. Have no idea who's he
  9. @KrugeR said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: I agree with what @Henry said, especially the peds part. I would also like to add that cops should prioritize killing the criminals instead of arresting them as that would allow more fun and we already have plenty of other events and activities where we arrest criminals. Make it so cops can get headshoted and cops also get the ability to headshot. Making it so cops prioritize killing instead of arresting would make this suggestion more acceptable to the criminals. if cops will be headshotable im tottaly in.
  10. @Henry said in [SUGGESTION] Turf for Cops: I would like cops had the ability to somehow take part on turfs to neutralize them, lowering the progress of on-going ones and being able to start a turf which incase cops won, would be neutralized and wouldn't be owned by anyone. Also for the fun of it I would actually go more with kills than arresting though. Also would be nice if there were peds in each turf depending on what gang owns them and make them dissapear if turf is neutralized. Yea sure, its not like when there re 30 criminals on turfs, u need only few cops to totally cleanese thoose criminals xDD For me thing is simple, cops for me can even be able to take a zones, but without tazer and nightstick ;p
  11. @Bangas said in add protection for teams in JB/BR/SR: @krecik said in add protection for teams in JB/BR/SR: @Bangas said in add protection for teams in JB/BR/SR: i already saw a lot of stuff during this 5 years playing saes but this one... this one surprised me. can you explain me how will i kill a criminal that i don't want in my gang BR? U tell him: gtfo or i ll find ur family - easy asf And if they don't? i pull my pants down and start screaming "I AM PEDOBEAR" while i rape the ones that doesn't want to leave on their own? LMAO Yeee, damn bro u know how life works xDD
  12. @Bangas said in add protection for teams in JB/BR/SR: i already saw a lot of stuff during this 5 years playing saes but this one... this one surprised me. can you explain me how will i kill a criminal that i don't want in my gang BR? U tell him: gtfo or i ll find ur family - easy asf
  13. @AntiRug said in Mazda RX-7 Veilside: Much rather have an E38 tbh, Also fits the game much better imo. https://www.gtaall.com/gta-san-andreas/cars/126821-bmw-7-er-e38-on-style-95.html yee, make suggestion about it
  14. @Cornelius said in Do something with hitreg / fix bullet sync: When other MTA servers doesn't have crouching visual bug (even saes rvb), but you still blame MTA devs pepega its for sure something with saes and not mta...
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