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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. There's no time to come to BR's as team usually, too many good crackers.
  2. The kill arrest balances out the jb n br. Both of those are small narrow ways full of cs spam, maybe if you lag you can squeeze through but any normal player have no chance of getting through. As for afk crims, arent gang members allowed to kill those? I know its irritating, but it also makes cop side way more enjoyable and rely more on tactics
  3. Just nerf taser range and get this one. Maybe instead or stunning it would make the persons camera move randomly for 10 seconds and slow the person? Make it more rewarding to use dog instead of rubber shotty
  4. You do understand how hard it is to keep all rules up to date, especially when we aren't a triple A development team with 40mils to spend on a gam e and and check translations. We can try to help people with different languanges set in rules, but we have no way to update every language consistantly. We don't have saes membere or all countries to translate either. English rules are always up to date, as it's something we all understand...atleast most. The other languages are however great for giving people the main idea o how the rules are. Also the point on James and Flusha is invalid, as he was not cleary coming for you. I don't think if a person hits you once in front of jail as his passing by is clearly going for you. People are not jealous for your vehicles, people are mad as your vehicles fuck up their fps. As for ICE looking bad, some points are valid. Why I think ICE looks unprofessional is this: Not to mention the topic looks pretty unorganized, but that changes from person to person. To throw the ball back, why do you think people find ICE unprofessional or noobie squad?
  5. @Thing Most of the people who started this server were newbies, but someone always taught em. Sadly, this guy never got a lad to teach him to the game. I was a dmer before I was taught by other lads People can change, but its way easier with assistant compared to trying to do it alone
  6. Seems like that one was impossible.
  7. RP wise to shake it up if you would ask permission by Joe before taking actions, good idea. Using threats like external groups or status, not so good idea.
  8. I kept running with 6.5kg gun in army one handed
  9. @ODAKAB So AK-47 would kill with 6 shots. It shoots about...5-6 shots per second anyways? Compare it to combat shotty, doing for 40dmg if you hit all pellets. It would buff assault rifles too much. Imagine speed drug with 16% dmg, M4 won't help too much since burst shooting is more effective than spray shooting, only when ur literally next to eachother spraying is effective, and youd rather use cs then
  10. @SNome said in Let's revive the AK! (AK-47 = M4): You better off buffing the ak rather then nerfing the m4. "If you'd increase the damage value of AK-47, effectiveness will start at 12 damage per shot, killing with 9 shots. 13 damage 7 shots, getting strong very quickly. At 7 shots, you'd start to favor ak-47 in long distance fights over sniper, as it's more reliable in lag. (the range of m4&ak47 is 90metres with loc feature sniper has 250 and 300 metres, can explain how it works if you wish."
  11. @kipt Nerfs are pretty minimal and puts m4 in almost same level, We could obviously also just buff ak47 a bit, but then getting them to same level is harder. If you nerf clipsize, its just three bullet different, not really chanching the usage of weapon. Not something youll notice without testing.
  12. @kipt If you'd increase the damage value of AK-47, effectiveness will start at 12 damage per shot, killing with 9 shots. 13 damage 7 shots, getting strong very quickly. At 7 shots, you'd start to favor ak-47 in long distance fights over sniper, as it's more reliable in lag. (the range of m4&ak47 is 90metres with loc feature sniper has 250 and 300 metres, can explain how it works if you wish.
  13. @Bunny said in Let's revive the AK! (AK-47 = M4): Currently AK-47 and M4 do same amount of damage, being 10. Both do 10 damage, from bodypart being hit. If you want to balance it out, without dropping to same level as MP5 (8 damage per shot) having 9 damage per shot would force you to hit 11 shots. Even then, you want to help the recoil of AK-47 a bit (Currently, it doesn't matter if killing takes 9 or 10 shots due to lag difference, it won't count all the hits anyways). Lag is especially bad with high recoil weapons. (Funny fact is, that AK-47 has almost most recoil of any weapons, since shotguns don't suffer from recoil) The spread being same for both weapons (every bullet goes clockwise of the white pixel in middle of the crosshair, every shot increases the distance from the white dot, but the clockwise spray pattern is the same. Technically, you could hit all the shots even when you spray, if you can control it by moving the mouse around the target, extremely difficult however. What I would do, is decrease M4's damage by two, to drop the damage to same as MP5, but keep the weapon accurate-> It'd be better in long range fights and burst shots, (90 metres distance from eachother, good for tapping) while decreasing AK-47's recoil by a bit, and keeping the damage at 10. (Still works in long range, if you tap the shots) This way you get M4 more bursty weapon, and AK-47 is more of a spray weapon, while keeping both weapons effective. I wouldn't increase the damage of AK-47, as it can get out of hand fast (reminding, that combat shotgun does 40% damage when all pellets hit, and sniper does 41%, desert eagle 46%) Adding to this, AK47 would take 10 shots to kill, while M4 13. This damage buff would make ak47 more efficient in closer battles compared to m4. I'd decrease M4 clip size to 40 too. Obviously, it can be tested and rebalaced accordingly. I'll be running tests today in-game, will be looking if theres a better way to balance that would come into my mind.
  14. Currently AK-47 and M4 do same amount of damage, being 10. Both do 10 damage, from bodypart being hit. If you want to balance it out, without dropping to same level as MP5 (8 damage per shot) having 9 damage per shot would force you to hit 11 shots. Even then, you want to help the recoil of AK-47 a bit (Currently, it doesn't matter if killing takes 9 or 10 shots due to lag difference, it won't count all the hits anyways). Lag is especially bad with high recoil weapons. (Funny fact is, that AK-47 has almost most recoil of any weapons, since shotguns don't suffer from recoil) The spread being same for both weapons (every bullet goes clockwise of the white pixel in middle of the crosshair, every shot increases the distance from the white dot, but the clockwise spray pattern is the same. Technically, you could hit all the shots even when you spray, if you can control it by moving the mouse around the target, extremely difficult however. What I would do, is decrease M4's damage by two, to drop the damage to same as MP5, but keep the weapon accurate-> It'd be better in long range fights and burst shots, (90 metres distance from eachother, good for tapping) while decreasing AK-47's recoil by a bit, and keeping the damage at 10. (Still works in long range, if you tap the shots) This way you get M4 more bursty weapon, and AK-47 is more of a spray weapon, while keeping both weapons effective. I wouldn't increase the damage of AK-47, as it can get out of hand fast (reminding, that combat shotgun does 40% damage when all pellets hit, and sniper does 41%, desert eagle 46%)
  15. After Naval Brigade was launched, we've decided to look for new members! We're looking for hard-working, skilled and good hunter fliers to add into our lines! Naval Brigade was launched this year, led by Strong and the vice leader of Desert Eagles, as it's own separate brigade from A51. They work as a sister-group for the main group, but we fight in hand to hands. They have their own air force, to defend their own base and help out ground troopers while in fight. Naval Recruitment won't be like normal Desert Eagles recruitment. There will be no live recruitment this time around. The recruitment will start from this day and will end at 20th April 2019. During this time, we'll be handing out private tests to Military Academy to those who we find meeting our requirements! Any activity from past and upcoming will be looked as a positive factor as we pick members. To those who miss live recruitment, do not be worried! Live recruitment will be hosted upcoming summer! That recruitment will be only for Assault and Airborne unit! The DEHQ team General of the Army, SAES>Patrol General of the Army, SAES>Bunny Chief of Staff, Dyam Douglas Colonel Darius Air Marshal xTrade Major IG8820 Admiral.Strong Commander.Crash
  16. Thanks yall!
  17. More Pog rewards champ
  18. you guys are underbidding so much.
  19. "Some say death is the end. But for us, it's only the beginning." THIS IS A GROUP. EVERYONE CAN JOIN IT (G/S/C) Coyotes (Can be recognized for wearing |AC Behind their name) is group of elite fighters who live in San Andreas. The group itself is split into 4. There's Elite, Professional, Master and Apprentice. Elite is the Group's HQ which are usually the best fighters in the server, all around San Andreas. Coyotes is invite only. The players have been confirmed to be good fighters by myself, invited to the group. We carry the |AC Tag as honor, showing our capability with weapons. We're up to dueling for money, usually all around the day. We do it for cash, and we also teach people for cash. The AC has been here before, but it was later resigned for my inactivity. Now we are back, stronger than ever before. Our rankings are: Elite, professional, master and apprentice fighters. You keep your rank by being good enough, or if you've had the legendary status (as in, being the best fighter at one point in gt.) Roster: Bunny, Strong "Till the end and beyond, our gladius will strike through your heart." Our promotional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=206&v=3hJrmVDDJxc
  20. @marko said in SpoooOOOky Desert Eagles Recruiment 2018: @cappo said in SpoooOOOky Desert Eagles Recruiment 2018: You've made it impossible then. Exactly, you won't' be able to find the landing target ! You can't find something that doesn't exist
  21. After discussing it with the rest of the Desert Eagles command[DEHQ] , it has been decided that the Desert Eagles will be looking for new recruits in order to improve its size and help us in our constant/never ending and challenging battles against country enemies, including the Cuban Liberation Organization and other terrorist organizations. This also means we're skipping this years Christmas recruiment. Spicey. THE RECRUITMENT WILL TAKE PLACE THE THIRD SATURDAY OF OCTORBER (SATURDAY 20th OCTOBER) THE RECRUITMENT WILL HAPPEN AT 18:00 INGAME TIME Admin messages will be made during and a few minutes before the recruitments to give you further instructions. We suggest you come no more, but no less than 25 minutes in advance. Anyone arriving late will NOT be able to join the recruitment. The details of tests you will have to go through will not be disclosed until the recruitment. You may prepare for our traditional tests including parachute or Team Death Match. You should come to the recruitment spawned as a civilian with no weapons. Good luck to all candidates and see you there! THE DEHQ TEAM General of the Army, SAES>Patrol General of the Army, SAES>Bunny Colonel Tayber Air Marshal xTrade Major IG Commander Crash Admiral Strong
  22. (liking anime is a big plus)
  23. Activity:
  24. @lincoln Granted, but you lose your soul to me. I want to become DE Leader.
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