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Everything posted by Bunny

  1. So after a long time, a lot of discussion, a lot of just me not posting the topic (which indeed is true)it's time for the results of the recruitment! The following people have been decided to be added in the lines of Desert Eagles Military Academy: TripleX Albie AntiRug Winterbottom Riani Predator Congratz to the following people. There were a lot of canditates to choose from, but these were the ones that we decided to follow up on. 9 members have been added since the recruitment, and 4 people will be lasting as they've went through the harsh DEMA training. If you wish to withdraw your invitation, please contact me in private message. Thanks for everyone who participated, and better luck next time! ~DEHQ Team
  2. SIEGE Siege is the very first SAES:RPG event that will be hosted by Desert Eagles. Siege can be compared to Cuban Liberation Organisation's Clan Wars event, but with a different rule set. Instead of being more of "best gang/squad in wars", our event is focused more towards tactics in attacking and defending a building. WHAT IS SIEGE?: Siege is classical 5v5 battle between attacking and defending team. One team will be defending a bomb site (a vehicle within the building) while the other team has to plant the bomb, by entrying a vehicle inside the bomb site and leaving the engine open. If the engine hasn't been turned off in 45 seconds, the attacking team wins. If defenders get inside the bike and turn off the engine, defending team wins and so on. Rounds will be best of five, and the sides will be changed on each round. We've constructed using ZIP Panel, while the other team has to defend the building. We have constructed few different maps to play on, and all of them are different. They have different rooms, different entries and different hatches to shoot from. I've had to do some balancing to make it equal for both side, so the rules will be listed in the spoiler below: Also those who want a prize, we haven't yet decided on what the prize for the winning teams are. More of that will be informed later. RULES ::: -No driving the bombs in sites -Combat shotgun isn't allowed, hence you cannot wallbang -Defenders are allowed to exit the building, but obviously you can easily be shotdown as you lose all your cover -No drugs, or anything that gives you power over others. No selling guns either, all the weapons will be handed to you manually ::: HOW TO WIN? There's multiple ways of winning, so let me list them all for both sides. ATTACKING SIDE ::: ATTACKING SIDE: -Killing all enemies within four minutes -Having the bomb planted for 45 seconds, without it being defused ::: DEFENDING SIDE ::: DEFENDING SIDE: -Killing all enemies -Waiting till the time has ran out (four minutes) -Defusing the planted bomb ::: DO YOU WISH TO TAKE PART?: To take part of the Siege events, please fill the application below. Please note that applications are closed until 30.8.2019, as we're still waiting on few maps and balancing the modes out, and making adjustments to make it as fun as it could be. Participating is completely free, and we'll be willing to take donations which we'll be adding up into the winning prize. **Everyone is allowed to participate, CLO's, Gangs and squads. ::: Team Name: Participants: (6+2, as in two as vacant if someone cannot join) Account names of participants: Optimal timezone for your team to play: ::: (Thanks for @DyamDouglas for the art!)
  3. @Ramby Could do that, I can add hospital respawn close to it, so you should be able to respawn next to the dam. When I get my panel back that is.
  4. @Markus Can't, no roles to do that
  5. @Markus Could make it a monthly thing. Stay hosted one a while ago.
  6. Idea Every wednesday, from now on, at 16:00 IG Time I'll be hosting deathmatch zone! There will be gun/drug sell in front of zones, and the zone will change on weekly basis :). It'll be admin covered, meaning that breaking rules inside the area can be punished. We have one currently going on! The time of deathmatch zone will vary of the amount of participants. Current one going in LV! In future events, all the money gathered from drug & weapon sale will be used to an event after the dm zone! Rules: Every spawn, except admin and LWS are allowed Kill people ONLY INSIDE THE AREA! Special abilities (Headshots, blipless, VIP spawn RPG and that) are allowed within the DM Zone Don't kill the vendors (Drug/Bribe/Guns) Have fun! Schedule: 21.8 Las Venturas DM Zone 28.8 Bayside DM Zone (16:00 server time) 4.8 ??? Future Future plans: -'ll probably be adding more stuff for the duration of DM Zone: Vehicles (Hunters, hydras. Make a ceiling so they cannot be drove away from the area. -DM Islands -Small towns used as areas -and much more!
  7. Address: Bake A Brophy Business Account name: mustafa25000 Last seen: 19th July 2019 Screenshots:
  8. Address Marks&Spencer Shop Account name: mustafa25000 Last seen: 19th July 2019 Screenshots:
  9. Store Robs were pretty boring, as they were either in LV/LS. CD could be lowered
  10. @JoGe I suggest removing nightstick arrests during BR, and only make it kill arrest, add more covers for eachside.
  11. mona
  12. Greetings troopers. It is time for another Desert Eagles Live Recruitment, on a short notice however. We've removed over 100 inactive persons from our lines, and moved non-motivated personnel into reserves, so we've spaced up room for fresh blood. The Recruitment will be held 10/08/2019, 18:00pm server time. It'll be hosted once again with event panel, and everything is already made to work. We'll be mainly looking for assault and airborne unit members, so proficiency in these sections will be always taken as a positive if you're a candidate. Courage today, Victory Tomorrow! ~DEHQ Team.
  13. @Jay Not necessary confirm, but also could be something like having to stand next to x person, and it would take around 5 seconds to handcuff. If any person would move, it would stop the handcuffing
  14. Flashbacks aren't even that useful during BR, since you can shoot still straight by literally crouching and holding lmb.. It only helps with newbie crims that don't know that. Unless flashbang has been reworked to make your mouse look in random direction
  15. @Reggi False. We are not allowed to deny crims from Desert Eagles, even if we would like to do so.
  16. @Tut-Greco Realisticly given, all weapons should be very much one shot. Given gameplay perspective, 2 shots snipers overpowered.
  17. "What I would do, is decrease M4's damage by two, to drop the damage to same as MP5, but keep the weapon accurate-> It'd be better in long range fights and burst shots, (90 metres distance from eachother, good for tapping) while decreasing AK-47's recoil by a bit, and keeping the damage at 10. (Still works in long range, if you tap the shots) This way you get M4 more bursty weapon, and AK-47 is more of a spray weapon, while keeping both weapons effective. I wouldn't increase the damage of AK-47, as it can get out of hand fast (reminding, that combat shotgun does 40% damage when all pellets hit, and sniper does 41%, desert eagle 46%)" M4 8 damage per shot/ Ak47 10 per shot. @Joe
  18. Increase sniper damage to >> 50 per shot (2 Shots per kill, currently 3) Increase rifle damage to >> 25/30 per shot ( I hope this suggestion revive this weapon). (4 shots per kill) Increase deagle damage to >> 40 per shot (Deagle already does 46%, so this would be a nerf and would make it pair with Combat Shotgun) Increase M4/AK damage to >> 15 per shot ( 7 shots to kill, Currently 10 shots to kill) These suggestions of yours would be nuts, and I don't support them. Current balance is way better, I don't want two shots sniper rifles. You know how annoying it would be to play knowing that two shots from snipers would kill you, especially in SR's or jail? @Groove "Could eventually add the pump-action shotgun (the one commonly used by law enforcement) to the discussion aswell & a slight buff to AK-47 (doesn't have to be dmg) could be interesting to make it somewhat a viable alternative to the M4 in term of combat; or you could always take the problem on the other way and slightly nerf the M4 (reducing the mag capacity to 40 bullets, and deal 9 dmg instead of 10?)." Could be effective nerf to 9 damage, forcing 12 shots from M4. If you do that tho, then AK-47 would be more of an tapping weapon, but yeah I also had some other suggestion to balance M4/Ak-47 in the other topic
  19. I don't support this since rpg is way more reliable to destroy cars than granades
  20. Finally selling this one, after owning it since 2012.. Currently taking bids, starting from 10mils. It also has a carspawn, and has been used as HLS base before and also Secret Service hideout. Remote location allows excellent smugle roleplays.
  21. No big majority of brs end with all safes cracked due to amount between crim/cops
  22. Buffing it would do nothing, it still is and will be weapon to finish off enemy
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