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Everything posted by Hesha

  1. @Ramos said in what's your 2019 wishes: Stf rewards to be sorted in a week kek
  2. nigga is inactive
  3. @Ragnar34 thats carter. He is former nnb and still in the rehabilitation process. We are making some progress but he tends to go back to his old habits
  4. With arrival of the new year, changes are coming to SAPD too! Lately few management related changes were made and we aim to get the things rolling once more starting with some new juicy additions. What you may expect in the weeks to come are new arrivals to PCD staff which we plan to increase activity of, and most excitingly conversion of SAPA from squad to group. This is a major change in terms of PC entry and recruitment, such as external tester role ceasing to exist and squad members becoming able to undergo academy programme without leaving their current squads. More changes may come, some more noticable some less, but all with purpose of making a more pleasant career for all members of law enforcement. Current SAPD HQ Roster: Chief of Police RonSeal Deputy Chief of Police DROT RPG Commander Tut TSG Commander Sam^ HQ Sam-B (PCD Director) Wed like to thank the retiring HQ members for their service throughout past years, SAPD wouldnt be where it is today without your effort and dedication. @Magnus @Royalty Last but not least, changes made are mainly to improve the police side so wed love for all squads to cooperate with us, and if anyone has any suggestions you are more than welcome to suggest them to any of the HQs mentioned above! SAPD HQ
  5. What the fuck
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Gz bois Swat bois make me proud
  8. Happy birthday Magnus :hammer: Hope you have a good one
  9. Nnb bribes them before we arrest them :(
  10. Sorted. Thanks for donating :dog:
  11. Sorted. Thanks for donating :dog:
  12. Sorted. Thanks for donating :dog:
  13. Sorted. Thank you for donating :dog:
  14. Sorted. Thank you for donating :dog:
  15. Rewards sorted, thank you for donating! :dog2:
  16. Icup Spell it This rape game shit I kill it
  17. What? This meme sucks, can't be mine.
  18. @fyrr said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Your meme is bad and you should feel bad
  19. Sorted.
  20. Happy Birthday you Austrian beast!
  21. Pretty sure I still did the right thing. A guy was deathmatching, breaking the rules, being a cunt and spamming the mainchat. And when I tried to talk to him, he just logged off. Not to mention that when you messaged me, you told me that I'm a fool. What am I supposed to say? Noted with thanks? At least I answered back instead of full on ignoring. And @Barry-Allen he didn't turn out to be right. He simply didn't provide the proof to back his claims. I still stand by my ban and he can appeal at the given date with the proof he had. Until then, I will investigate the matter further.
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