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Everything posted by Hesha

  1. This is an automated post TXN ID: 5MP36999KV936473X Donation: 1.00 GBP
  2. Happy birthday
  3. the game sucked ass, only that thot made it worth it
  4. @Ardron said in GM Notice: Who uses forums tho! xD Other groups :thinking_face:
  5. @Ardron said in GM Notice: We in Cuban Cars are using private discord to post activities 3 of the GMs are Cuban Cars, don't worry, but it would be better if you post them on the forums.
  6. @Cornelius said in GM Notice: *players in gangs didnt fuck up whole month * GMs: Yes, we're punishing the groups by offering help. Thank you Cornelius, very cool.
  7. I do know CIA is a squad mens, it's just me getting used to these new forums.
  8. Group activity and rewards guidelines There have been some shake-ups in group management as of late, with a focus on revitalizing the group side of the server. From today forward there are new requirements when it comes to maintaining any and all groups with the exception of (DE/CLO/CeM/G6). Each group, on the 1st of the month, will be required to supply the Group Management team with a very brief update outlining the groups activities for that month. An example can be found . Every group is required to track their activity. This should be done with either a Media Archive, List of Activities or whatever is best suited to your group. Groups which are currently deemed to not be meeting standards will be given a plan of action by group management on what is expected of the group. Punishments, demotions or even removals may come when a group fades into obscurity. Groups should be actively acting within their role. It makes no sense, and does not count as 'activity' for a racing group to hold a deathmatching event for example. This also applies to doing RPs that are not within your defined role. Groups will be reviewed on a monthly basis, post-receipt of the monthly report from the group leadership. Decisions made about groups will not necessarily be made public, in the same way Gang Management is. Over the next few weeks all current groups rewards will be reviewed, with the limiting of rewards likely to happen in the event that they cannot be justified or the group is too inactive. Further information will come from this post, if you are the leader of a group it is expected that you will return a copy of your completed activities list on the first of EVERY month, starting June 1st. The groups in question which are expected to deliver these: @InvestArms-Corporation @San-Andreas-Pirates @Centrino @San-Andreas-Interceptors @Lightning-World-Sports @The-Motor-Heads-TMH @ZIP-Planning-and-Construction @Cunning-Stunts @raceTech @San-Andreas-Fire-Department @San-Andreas-Medics @Cluckin-Bell @Cuban-Cars @All-Load-Trucking @SAPA @Outbreak-Organization @Joe will also be helping out with organizing the monthly activity review and making decisions based on said review. He will be liaising with groups to help them out to meet the expected requirements. Regards, The Group Management Team.
  9. @TameR said in Promotions: hell yeah , Terry is the first turkish to be staff here ,Congratulation also Congratulation @JohnnyEnglish @System31 :joy:
  10. @Cazzone Hi, please re read them again. It was actually a missclick and I have restored them as soon as I was notified (which is like less than 5 minutes), so please take your time to read them. Again, as for Gengar, the HQs can pretty much answer as it's a matter above my paygrade :shrug:
  11. @Gengar said in Use of exploits reminder: @Hesha said in Use of exploits reminder: @Gengar I won't speak for SAES HQ, but I will speak about being "on the other end of /give". Players who received money that was obtained by abusing the bug weren't actually banned, but the money was taken from them and deleted. No need to confirm anything with anyone. Fugitive did not abuse any bug, he just received the money from one of the players who abused the bug. That ended up with him being banned, all false claims about me covering up the bug abuse and Z demotion and warning. And if anyone from SAES who was investigating the bug just approached him and asked him to hand over that money, he would have done so without a single objection. All this could have been solved a lot more simpler. There was no need for Fugitive to be banned, nor for Z to be denied and SAES HQs would still have their justification to remove me from clan, which is what they were after for quite some time. Please take the time to watch his ban appeal then, you will find out that he, maybe, lied to you as well.
  12. @GanJa said in Use of exploits reminder: !!!!! F In the name of Allah, with all due respect to SAES HQ, Gengar is right. Burn in hell, you infidels! Press F to pay respects.
  13. @Gengar I won't speak for SAES HQ, but I will speak about being "on the other end of /give". Players who received money that was obtained by abusing the bug weren't actually banned, but the money was taken from them and deleted. You can confirm with @Bone If you want to. As for the others who got banned, we have every bit of proof that actually shows that they abused or helped in it, and you will see that evidence later in the ban appeals. Also, while investigating, we found out that it's not the first time or the first bug those in question abuse. I hate that this happened the way it happened, but everyone, in the end, tasted what they were cooking, no?
  14. :teddybestadmin:
  15. kol sana wenta tayeb yastaaa <3
  17. @DROT said in Let's revive the AK! (AK-47 = M4): What sort of look if not visual one wtf? Do you view things by hearing them, you got a sonar or something? Dolphin motherfucker https://www.dictionary.com/browse/looking "dolphin motherfucker" best insult 2k19
  18. @zaza said in LV SAHA Parking lot Auction: Oh shit @Hesha @Bone wtf gz zaza, enjoy your 400 mils garage :joy:
  19. Sorted.
  20. @Markus said in Bank Robbery Map Icons: @Hesha said in Bank Robbery Map Icons: @Markus @IceCold saying no without a reason is just idiotic. Oh come on, let me make myself clear of the reason then. You aleady have notifications to Bank Robberies, you even get it two times with a sound notification and most of the time other officers report to the radio that there has been a bank robbery in a certian city. Like, just ask in the Radio and most likely you will get answered. It is your problem if you do not pay attention where the BR is.
  21. Weak bets. 200 mils.
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