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Everything posted by Liyones_

  1. Well since long time i was in SAES discord but i left , be sure that i didn't got muted so yesterday i rejoined and i found my self muted for no reason i didn't even talked when i was there so i think it's bugged , can any HQ unmute me please! thanks
  2. Happy birthday , oww why Brophy didn't add u to SAES HQ team as gift sad.
  3. Happy birthday @Qweezy let's wait for Brophy to add you to SAES clan.
  4. Date: 01/08/2020 Activity: #02 Participants: @CheGuevara @clash @LAPD_Spanish_VEN aka Donald.trump , @Dango @VayraN @Hatchet @MarksMan @gzuz @grim @mike Kind: Driving around sa and protecting Donald.trump and voting. Screenshots: ::: ::: i would like to thank everyone for coming and supporting us ! and a special thanks to @LAPD_Spanish_VEN for trusting us ! Finally i would like to say ~[Congratulations]~(lime) to our new Chief of the Personal Security Unit @Dango !
  5. Happy birthday my fav LWQ <3 and best brother i've ever got<3
  6. Hello everyone, Not a good one:
  7. Happy birthday my best friend <3333333
  8. Date: 29/07/2020 Training: #02 Participants: @Rick @clash @DRAHMEED @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @The-Best1 Parachuting: In this training the members and wannabes did well Rick: 35 Clash: 20 Drahmed: 35 Spanish:20 Remp: 35 TDM Training in GT A vs B: In this training B was winners and some members was missed Team A: Liyones / Drahmed Team B: Rick / Clash Screenshots: ::: ::: And finally i would like to say ~[Congratulations]~(lime) to the new recruits Drahmed and Clash ! welcome to the team !
  9. Ingame name: 203|Liyones Username: dhiamlaih Country of Residence and Nationality: Tunisia > Sousse Spoken Languages: English / Frensh / Arabic Age: 16 years old Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I started playing since 2016 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Pirus : kicked because i got adminjail ICE: kicked because i got banned SAFP: left because im boring in cop side also im not enjoying there. Has anyone in The Company convinced you to join us? If yes, who?: None
  10. Happy birthday , @Blue it's time to eat couscous
  11. Address: Oh My House Has a Fence Account name: alifurkanp1 Last seen: 25 june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/riEDmra
  12. Address: House of the Vole Account name: kazimari Last seen: 24 june 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C9Sjfzw
  13. Happpyyyyy Birthday <3
  14. Happy birthday @Schwarz <3
  15. DJ Account name: dhiamlaih Ingame name: SAFP*|Liyones Your age:16 Do you got acces to a radio panel?: No but i really would like to get access , and i would like to be DJ and learn from this team.
  16. Happy birthday
  17. Type: 1 vs 1 DM all guns LWS/G6: @Pazoo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: @dualipa Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZzgDu9A
  18. Ingame Nick: Liyones Username: dhiamlaih Age: 16 years old Gender: Male Current Organisation: SAFP Current Groups: N/A Previous Groups: N/A Why do you want to join us? Well as i see this group is good and experienced , and i would like to join because i found it for fun and im ready to support this team as much as i can ! Why should we accept you? Well im an experienced member , respectfull , helpfull and i like help other players doesn't matter what kind of help , i like to play music and make this comunity enjoy and having fun. Do you have any DJ experience? Not experienced enough Tell us something about yourself: well my name is Liyones im 16 years old i live in tunisia i have 2 brothes and 3 sisters i like technology stuffs like developping / designing / scripting etc ... i like playing video games and hand ball. Did you take any punishment? (If yes why did you take it and what is your punishment) Yes , i have story of punishments would be better if we talk about it ingame. When did you join SAES? 2016 Is there anything you want to add? N/A
  19. Type: Chicken Arrest LWS/G6: @Pazoo Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: @Garcia Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/AUTcWTj
  20. @Terry said in Changing Prisoners Clothes: We had a similar skin mod to this not long ago, and it was changed for a reason. I don't see any valid reason to go back, at least not that soon. Current jail skins are good and nostalgic, brings backs memories from years ago and I think people like it. In real Life when u enter jail they give u the orange clothes, so i think it must be added to SAES.
  21. Yes but why not adding those clothes to main skin u have ? , for example i have Arms dealer skin so it will add those clothes to arms dealer
  22. Happy birthday <3
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