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Everything posted by Liyones_

  1. Gz Boys deserved ! @Shadro sa77a frr !
  2. It's Tomorrow fellas don't forget to come and have fun !
  3. Event: #06 Hoster: @MrSolrac Winner: @Hellman Prize: $2.000.000 Kind: Lucky Nade Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Event: #05 Hoster: @MrSolrac Winner: @IshYoo07 Prize: $2.000.000 Kind: Chicken shooter Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Date: 6/08/2020 Training: #03 Participants: @Rick @me @FreshCoffee @kirosa @DRAHMEED @clashgamer Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Happy birthday @Tema my favorite Terma <3
  7. Starting bid change to 2m Starting Bid 2m
  8. Niiiiice Good Job Brophy , liked it !
  9. Starting Bid: $5.000.000 15 seconds to run.
  10. Hey there, So as i see that players always fighting because of this problem , always in BR/SR/JB when cops attack crims kill each other by accident also low HP peoples , so i suggest to add protection system for teams so crims can't kill other crims and cops can't kill other cops also in SR crims kill each other while they tryin to kill the cop when a cop parachute to SR , this will be very useful if dev add it to game , thanks for voting ! Best regards
  11. Date: 4/8/2020 Activity: #03 Participants: @Rick @Dango @DRAHMEED @Hatchet @LandShark @clashgamer and me. Kind: road trip around san andreas . Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Date: 4/8/2020 Roleplay: #01 Participants: @shah @WenDo @Dango @Hatchet and me Title: Securing the president Story: When i was in my office i got call from presient wendo and his supporter shah , they asked me if im free for quick hang around san andreas to check poor families and see how is life , so i called some SGS bodyguards and units and we went to pressident house , we got him in our limo and we hanged around san andreas. Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Event: #04 Hoster: @Element and @Matheus Winner: @Moley aka eatdapussy Prize: $5.000.000 Kind: Kill the president in Jeff Screenshots: ::: ::: Thanks @Element for the ads !
  14. Hello there, so we got some problems that members are not that much in event so we changed type , kill the president in Jeff and it was Wendo .
  15. Hello there, Some of you have seen us around the past weeks but not that actively. It is because we were working behind the scenes on stuff we need to make the group more better and experienced in the comunity. Well SGS decide to make a big event . The event will be around San Andreas all you have to do is to kill the president but there will be 8 or 10 bodyguards near the president and they will try to Kill you and protect the president. Cops can take part in this event by supporting us and protect the president . Everyone of you is welcome to the event, The winner will get $5.000.000 , we can raise the price , so if SGS and cops win we have a good surprise for them. Location: Around San Andreas Date & Time: 4/08/2020 - 16:00 In-game time Write it down or mark it in your calendar, do not miss the fun and the cash which you can win! Well some peoples will ask when event will end , well event time is 30 Minutes so you have to be fast ! Rules: Not allowed to destory our cars using planes/Helis like shamal or hydra for CLO. When we say stop ! means stop ! do not continue. No Teams ! do not take 3 peoples in your car and shoot us ! That's the rules for now ! if we hace more we will explain ingame. For cops : Also we will recruit some experienced bodyguards so don't lose this chance and try your luck, join our discord : https://discord.gg/p2zrRH Best Of Luck! Securing of Properties, Chief of Unit, Liyones
  16. Event: #03 Hoster: @Colobria Winner: GG team (@Witti ) Prize: 200k each Kind: A v D ::: Screenshots: :::
  17. Voting no is not enough can u "no" explain why u voted no please
  18. @Filex said in Allow Modded skins for Gangs/squads/groups: MTA/GTA counts 312 skins, to be able to have a new skin model you need to get rid of one of them, considering that we have already modded skins, and that many of the skins are used in saes for the variety of spawns and also considering that number or g/s and the download and the lag that may occur do you think it's possible? No from me. Yeah , imagine SWAT and FBI skins have same clothes/face or BB and AA skins , btw isn't it RPG server ? then it must be like irl , imagine me and my brother have same face :kekw:
  19. Well as we all see that all skins are used in SAES , so i suggest to allow to edit the dff file and make it modded or easier without making one if u're not experienced in that you can download a skin that you need from google or GTAgarage and edit it , it can make server more good and better RP , so everyone can make his own skin u don't need to copy paste those skins , What do you think guys ?
  20. Sorted by Brophy thanks !
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