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Everything posted by Kybali0n

  1. A preview-video from 2014 never unreleased, batallo kybalion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd-mOHqMLdQ
  2. canserbero's dick muncher
  3. Happy birthday my bro @Sicario hoy somos Tony Rosado en Huacho Salud Csm! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFQT8Sn-D4s
  4. Pitty puta warned 3times in exchange with tc ;D
  5. with alarm or with out alarm i will kill every pig camping there
  6. That would force wanted civilians to buy guns and defend themselves by being "considered criminals for being wanted" which would increase the chaos. On the other hand, not all wanted civilians are delinquents.
  7. wanker miboun xd
  8. Just to remind suggestions, it has to benefit both extremes :D
  9. @Tritosh Ey i have 22 and my dick is 9? any solution?
  10. wow now everyone have big penes, easi to lie on pc ;D my dick sise is 9 cm is big?
  11. This is a suggestion from a police perspective to increase your profits by excusing it with "reducing DM". Btw is not only from these days the masive shit u talk, I dont know if you are new but the massive jailbreaks are made since many years if you did not know, another thing is that you can't arrest and look for a suggestive method to stop what you can't do. EVEN OUTBREAK is from years ago too! even the positive votes are from the oinks, so what we are talking about ? :D
  12. It would be fun but monotonous, LS jail is legend since ages, i remember when it changed location to LS beach near old CLO island and the previous one at Red/Flint County with cracking-way to jailbreak.
  13. my fella the mister leg
  14. It would be goodi copy link from youtube and paste it on saes to chill music ;D
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