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Everything posted by Kybali0n

  1. Thanks ma fellas, I am grateful from my heart because the words of encouragement help me mentally and those who commanded negativity, I hope God protect them and the day they feel the weight, they will understand.
  2. tao nicusi happy birthday pene, enjoy ur day and hit a pot for me :*
  3. @hazy said in Bad life never dies. Kybaalion: @Kybali0n maybe it happens but do you think anyone here really cares? As you can see, I didn't think I had the vibes of so many people and look... two pages giving me support and if you don't care, what the hell are you doing commenting here, kid? btw I don't know who you are or what hole you came from but I invite you not to comment anymore and to continue living in your pink bubble, bless boy
  4. @hazy said in Bad life never dies. Kybaalion: just a joke lmao its not joke when it happens to u noob
  5. thanks from the deep !! virtual family! Onelove
  6. @Epichu said in Bad life never dies. Kybaalion: Now you have become a real AA member i always have been a real AA member pendejo thanks everyone for ur vibes! bad life never dies
  7. I'll be brief because I've never liked to do dramas. Yesterday, December 25, drinking alcohol with people in the neighborhood, at approximately 19:00 pm, a guy who I still do not know his identity shot me, came to the conclusion that someone else had sent him. The bullet thank God they were able to take out in the hospital in the left arm. I make this post to make them think better things, bad things do not lead to something good, I was wrong with many things and God has given me a second chance. do things in the best way, boy. today was me, I hope that tomorrow nobody happens. VIVA AA - https://imgur.com/a/Yd5YHtR
  8. congratz pendejos
  9. xd
  10. si supieran q bastian es tu otra cuenta xd
  11. u can do /class, that suggestion would be useless, why would you want to talk privately if that's what you call a "gang" because they're a collective, that there are separations in your case, is another matter.
  12. @TaaviLaudur good luk
  13. Agregame que tambien soy peruano mano lanza el wiro
  14. everything that benefits the criminals and harms the cops will not be taken into account, sad
  15. Pitty Putaa!!
  16. gluck with relationship with ur hand, cya with next account
  17. Cops have too many benefits, enough with kill/arrest script, still wanna more??
  18. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $ 1,420,420 Winner(s): [Slug]Barras Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper LWS/G6: Taa0viLaudur Screens: https://imgur.com/a/2p7HgbQ
  19. ya veremos pendejooo! welcom black
  20. Happy birthday bebe
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