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Everything posted by Kybali0n

  1. girl :harriot:
  2. ~[blue]~(blue)
  3. @Elite said in Official Quote Wall: leaker :/
  4. I t will be a pleaesure to eat more pork meal
  5. hb xoanna ;D
  6. i break the LAW
  7. Jailbreak #576 OB Members: Me OB Helpers: @Elite Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jeG6rMZ
  8. Girl besides TT riana
  9. @Spartan said in Show us yourself V3: Peru! Elegancia mi neto, cerveza!
  10. Feliz dia hermano q la pases como te lo mereces, un abrazo a la distancia y cuidame esas nalgas <3
  11. Happy birthday papi!
  12. @TaaviLaudur said in Promotions: better luck next time @Kybali0n Shit :/
  13. His name remember weed jargon in mi city: Griffa ;D
  14. Huacho, Peru! (Im the green jacket!
  15. whats next nickname or next acc ?? btw the real who left doesnt announce it! btw hows ur sister? also good vibes son!
  16. I remember time ago when SAFP was active around with Halo, Panchoo or Abdallah from FOX, those guys had wat we as crims have: (teamwork), u rarely see 1 crim alone, most of times we hang in group with their gangmates/or friends, it was too interesting seeing a SAFP vehicle coming with 4 cops inside and crim dropping a nade (when nade was allowed at SR's) and at those times the cops didnt cry like now cuz they kept their role.! before they catch us to keep their role and having fun, now they kill for logs/ for kill stats / for arrests in stats!
  17. @LAW said in actives of server in cops: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12855/actives-of-server-in-cops try read in first topic what i say what i fear about our future in server i just say things for make server stable we are like 100 crime vs 10 or 20 maybe less cops just try read full topic maybe aim wrong or right we all have different views but we all agreed to make our server better not only now in all time Then making the server stable is increasing 600 secs??, I see a good activity in cops, they lately have stopped many BR's and many gangs can confirm it, I include AA! U just look for u benefit, cuz if cops would team up, u would not say this bullshit ;D Its not our fault ppl prefer crims than cops, for that reason u chosed that side knowing that or no? ! Then if u make 600 secs, I suggest delete kill arrest ;)
  18. Stupid request, how u gnna increase 420 to 600 seconds, its a benefit to cops? or u just dont wanna see more crims around which u cant arrest ;D ? Its not enought with the piggy script kill arrest in JAIL and BANKS ??????????, If its a request try to benefit both extremes, not ur nasty space.!
  19. @Elite said in Show us yourself V3: Hey bro nice dick!
  20. who ing atm ??
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