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Everything posted by Latinoo

  1. Date: 23/05/2021 Information: Stopping SR Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @Pancy Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. FOX crew: @Pancy @Latinoo @Hassoni @Beast_ Date and time of the patrol: 23/05/2021 - 17:06+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Date: 21/07/2021 The place of the event: LS Event type: AvD LWS: JK|Judyes Prize: $2.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: @PerroLoco 's team Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Date: 21/07/2021 The place of the event: BC Event type: Lucky RPG LWS: JK|Judyes Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: O|Brother Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Date: 21/07/2021 The place of the event: BC Event type: Hunter Shooter LWS: JK|Judyes Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: Razor Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Date: 21/05/2021 The place of the event: BC Event type: TDM LWS: [AA]Yoko Prize: $2.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: Doom & Pain Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Date: 21/05/2021 Information: Responding to LV BR Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @Pancy Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Date: 19/05/2021 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Marko @Knele Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Date: 19/05/2021 Information: Stopping LS Bank Robbery (Black Bullets 0/8) Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Marko @JohnnyEnglish Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Date: 19/05/2021 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @Marko @Knele Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Date: 19/05/2021 Information: Stopping Store Robbery Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Marko @Knele @Beast_ Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. FOX Crew: @Latinoo @Beast_ @Knele @Marko @Legend @Pau Date and time of the patrol: 19/05/2021 16:48+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Date: 18/05/2021 Information: Stopping Store Robbery Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Knele @eddie4 @Beast_ Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. FOX Crew: @Latinoo @Beast_ @eddie4 @Knele Date and time of the patrol: 18/05/2021 15:20+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Date: 17/05/2021 Information: Stopping Store Robbery Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Marko @Knele Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. Date: 17/05/2021 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @Marko Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. Date: 17/05/2021 Information: VIP Secured Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @Marko Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. Date: 17/07/2021 The place of the event: BC Event type: Hunter Shooter LWS: [AA]Avanger Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: FOX Winner: [TST]Mixpeko Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Date: 17/05/2021 Information: Stopping LS Bank Robbery (Black Bullets 6/8) Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Beast_ @XpooKs @eddie4 @Marko Screenshots: ::: :::
  20. Address: Chicken Bells Account name: mrotgna21 Last seen: 17th April 2021 Screenshots:
  21. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 50 pounds When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 13 April 2021 Why do you need this change? I want to change some cars. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26208/donation-latinoo-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24904/donation-latinoo-amount-10-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24632/donation-latinoo-amount-20-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23147/donation-latinoo-amount-10-00-gbp/1 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25705/latinoo-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24816/latinoo-s-reward-change https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26438/latinoo-s-reward-change?_=1621187991280 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Police Sultan Location: RC (close to the hospital) Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: SF AP ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 with the wrap of "sticker1" Location: At my prop "Computer Sales and Components Store" Username: carbon12 Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: SF AP (If possible in the same position as where it was I just wanted to remove the wrap)
  22. Date: 16/05/2021 Information: Responding to BC BR Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Skomorje @Beast_ Screenshots: ::: :::
  23. Date: 16/05/2021 Information: Stopping LV Bank Robbery (Medellin 6/8) Players involved(if any): @Latinoo @Skomorje @XpooKs Screenshots: ::: :::
  24. SECTION A 1- Name (optional): - 2- Ingame name: Latinoo 3- Age: 16 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: 7/10 6- Native language: Spanish 7- Other languages: English 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: 2017 10- Total gameplay (hours): 2572 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): 3-5 12- Average FPS: 45-60 13- Average Ping: 210-240 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: ::: UE: I got kicked because I broke many rules VeC: I had a discussion with one of the HQs cause we failed a BR and he decided to kick me C: I dont remember the exactly reason about it but as I remember (if im not wrong) I had a disucssion with few members X: I joined in X when it was lvl 1, and left it when it was lvl 4 during that time in the gang, I made alot of friends there and ended up reaching lvl 5 (HQ) about the reason of why I left it I would like to talk about it ingame or on discord M: Someone there offered me to join when I left X since M and X were allies I accepted it and stayed there for 6 months semi active cause during that time I lost the interest in the server now im active again and I wanted to try out the cop side ::: 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): Fox Operation X, is a squad based in Los Venturas, exactly near the Police Department of that state, the squad have very professional and trained members who are ready to take down any terrorism attack that could happen in San Andreas. Also it has 2 units, the much ranked one is more professional than the regular unit since S-14 Officers are highly trained and well operated B. Define marker arrest: Arresting people that is in the marker without giving them a chance to move away C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Deathmatching is not allowed that means you cant go around killing people for no reason No cheats or trainers Camping in the hospital is not allowed You are allowed to talk only english in the mainchat E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: RP or Roleplay is a usual thing that an officer can be free to do in every arrest basically you give the criminal a chance to RP so he can get ride of his stars which would be something nice to do before opening fire SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Hi im a ordinary guy that likes to play games online im from Chile im in high school I like to spend my time with family and friends and in my free time I go out with my dog II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are that im good working with others as a real team im also a kind person and about my ingame skills im good handling weapons and driving and one of my weaknesses is that when someone manages to piss me off sometimes I cant control my words but well im trying to control myself as much as I can and about my ingame weaknesses is that im really bad flying planes such like shamal/dodo III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Well I think that FOX is a good squad and active it also has good and quality members also it is a old squad in the server and I have a feeling that I would fit in and I would do good to as FOX member thats why I wish to join it over the others squads in the server IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I think im helpful guy im always willing to help others I am also a good listener when someone has a problem and I also considere myself as a mature guy I can take the responsibility of my actions im also decent roleplaying and arresting thats why I think I would fit into the team V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? No By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. ::: :::
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