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Everything posted by Latinoo

  1. rest in peace khaled 🕊️ was a cool and friendly guy
  2. voting no cuz cardio is good for life
  3. Date: 21/04/2023 Activity: Stopping HR & SR Screenshots:
  4. Date: 20/04/2023 Activity: Stopping BB BR (0/8)
  5. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? August 2022 Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LS AP (Icon is still there, shamal is gone) Vehicle 2: Shamal Location: SF AP Vehicle 3: Shamal Location: LV AP Vehicle 4: Shamal Location: BC AP Username: carbon12
  6. Address: NwA Weed Farm Account name: leeys Last seen: 14th July 2022 Screenshots:
  7. Address: Richman Mansion Account name: leeys Last seen: 14th July Screenshots:
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28706/donation-point-balance-latinoo When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 6 months ago Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Vehicle 2: Shamal Vehicle 3: Kart Vehicle 4: Kart Vehicle 5: Alpha with generic wrap Vehicle 6: Infernus with custom wrap Vehicle 7: Sparrow Vehicle 8: NRG with generic wrap Location 1: SFAP Location 2: LSAP Location 3/4/5/6/7: HS Base Locatio 8: Small clothestailor
  9. ip visible in the 2nd screenshot of your admin panel
  10. :crown: @Durby @Bisollini @xBlue
  11. happy birthday kanka
  12. 2017 [s=] [/s]
  13. Happy birthday emirates guy :heart_suit:
  14. Address: 4 Las Barrancas Trailer Park Account name: bonobos19 Last seen: 23rd January 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/kpLGCHk
  15. Happy Birthday
  16. :buffkys: [s=]no news[s=]yet?[s=]@Brophy [/s][/s][/s]
  17. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28706/donation-point-balance-latinoo When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 4 months ago ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Jester with custom wrap Location: HS Base Vehicle 2: Reefer Location: LV Docks Vehicle 3: Bus Location: HS Base Vehicle 4: Jester with custom wrap Location: HS Base Vehicle 5:: Cabbie Location: HS Base Vehicle 6: NRG Location: At property: "Computer Sales and Components Store" (presko99) Interior: Remove the interior from my property "Grande Maison Bleue - Vinewood" ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Jester with custom wrap (carbon12_3) Vehicle 2: Jester with custom wrap (carbon12_2) Vehicle 3: Infernus with custom wrap (carbon12_4) Vehicle 4: Infernus with custom wrap (carbon12_5) Location: Everything placed at my property "1 Temptress Road" Username: carbon12 Vehicle 5: NRG-500 with wrap camo Location: At the prop "Computer Sales and Components Store" Interior: Interior 25 in my property "1 Temptress Road"
  18. Property requested already bitch
  19. Address: Flint Country Oil Refinary Account name: dawis67 Last seen: 10th December, 2021 Screenshots:
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