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Everything posted by Latinoo

  1. Thats a joke? btw good luck ^^
  2. He always records everything
  3. Good luck!
  4. Ingame name: 215|Carbon Ingame username: carbon12 Previous organizations and leaving causes: N/A Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an old criminal organization who doesn't take anything for granted, it has been on the active for the past 150 years and is considered one of the most respectable and reliable groups offering an unique "shop" of criminal activities such as, corrupted politicians and cops through blackmail, hired hitmans and weapon or drug trafficking. It's members are powerful and are an inspiration to anyone that wants to follow the crime life. What binds you with Underground Empire: Seeing their activity in-game got me interested in joining in, not only they always stick together, they also do things to make the gang stand out, they don't only focus on being just on the game. The bank robberies, the roleplays and its friendly members are a "must have" thing to any criminal gang present in this community. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a crime who needs a teamwork and every member has his role in the crime and he need to stick of it and respect his captain orders and its the best way to get money and it needs a plan without any evidence in any scene . And they decrease the chances of failure as a team.
  5. Okay kybalion, won the action can anoyne lock this please?
  6. @Kybali0n said in Businnes, near LS bank: 5.9 m Minimum bid increase: $300.000
  7. Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS: @KARIM Prize: $1.000.000 Type: Chicken Nader Winner: MatizZ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hd0THJu
  8. Starting bid: $3.000.000 Minimum bid increase: $300.000 ::: :::
  9. I requested in 00:00, And please, dont reply here and next time, pm a saha member thanks.
  10. Address: 1 River Street Account name: arcom15 Last seen: 22nd, June 2019. Screenshots:
  11. Address: Ronseals Man store. Account name: arcom15 Last seen: 22nd, June 2019. Screenshots:
  12. Feliz, cumpleaos pajero! Que cumpla muchos mas el viejo! :tada: @MrSolrac https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRUb2RAF3Hg
  13. Adress: 15 Groove Street Username: tamik009 Last seen: 21st june 2019 Screenshots:
  14. Address: Richman Mansion Account name: tamik009 Last seen: 21st, June 2019. Screenshots:
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