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Everything posted by Crank

  1. Address: Appartment Block 199 Account name: icyjumper Last seen: 17th April 2022 Screenshots:
  2. Account name: hateyou Icon name: Abandoned Caravan
  3. My brother @Zoom-In happy birthday
  4. Account name: hateyou Icon name: San Fierro South Docks Shop 30
  5. Have Gang Robberies fixed first
  6. Your ingame username: hateyou Your ingame alias: Crank Your year of birth: 1999 Your gender: Male Nationality: German Country of residence: Germany How long you have been playing SAES: Since late 2012 Qualities you can offer: Ambition: Through either studies, sports, my career, or minor things that I have been tasked to do, my ambition is an indication for my tenacity to achieve the goals that I have planned for myself or the job that I must fulfill. I don't stop until the goal is reached or the plan fails. With determination to succeed, I will always push myself through what others would deem as impossible. Quick learning & self-reflection Adaptability: With quite a history of situations & people that I have had to deal with over the years, I learned how to be flexible and to adjust at any moment. I face new problems, pivot among distractions and politely proceed forward. For this reason, it is also not difficult for me to meet and adapt to a new team that works towards a common goal. Ability to resolve conflicts fair and effective: Knowing how to resolve conflicts within a community is absolutely essential due to the amount of various complex problems that can arise. Addressing them in a mature demeaner is a first. Maintaining respect for anyone no matter what whilst keeping a cold head is a second. From my experience, communities are multilayered and within those layers are people with distinct intentions. Being aware of those intentions and knowing the how/when/what of conflicts helps a long way of resolving conflicts fairly and effectively. That is precisely what I can offer. Dependability, reliability, and responsibility: Due to my studies, I can offer quite a lot of time for SAES. Hence, dependability is not going to be an issue. I do whatever I am tasked to do, and I do as promised. Furthermore, I am quite confident to say that I take responsibility for my actions. No matter if they are right or wrong, you can expect that I accept the consequences. It is also quite easy for me to step up and take initiative when others are still asking the what and the who. I gather my facts, I analyze them and upon reviewal I create a decision. It can be as easy as that for me. Experience: Surprisingly, I have already had the chance to be a part of a staff team on a server that is unrelated to SAES. Even though it had only a player base of 40 players at max, it was nevertheless an opportunity that I am glad I took. Since the player base was so small, I had to be careful how I approached certain situations. After all, losing even one player for such a server was painful. Hence, I needed to learn when and how I had to make particular decisions. Only at extreme cases, I was confident to lock out someone from the community. Early on I also had to learn that being a part of a staff team is not always fun and games but that it is also interconnected with responsibilities, time, patience and work. However, that lesson did not negatively impact my experience, if anything I actually embraced it. Unfortunately, the server died and so did my membership. I miss doing what I did there though. Having said that, I think I could perfectly transfer what I learned onto SAES. No matter what, I am willing to fully pledge myself to the community that I have been a part of for so long now. Your weaknesses: Although I always meet my deadlines, I used to have a big problem with procrastination, and Id end up working really long days as a deadline approached for whatever project, exam etc. I decided that I needed to deal with the issue recently, so I created routines and schedules for myself. It is still an on-going process, but I think I can see improvement. Sometimes I catch myself delegating too many responsibilities on myself, because I feel like I can finish the task myself. This proves to be extremely energy-consuming and stressful when working on bigger projects. For this reason, I am trying to divide the task whenever I can in order to protect my sanity and to give other people a chance to cope with tasks themselves. It is still difficult to cope with, but I am ready to face the challenge to deal with it. I can also be overly critical of myself and other people. Once I finish a task I feel a sense of worry that I could have done more, even though I had done whatever I could in the contrary. You could also call it perfectionism. With age, that attribute is slowly diminishing though and I am learning to accept that not everything can be as perfect as I envision it to be. Do you have Discord Installed: Crank#1410 Reason for application: For one, because of my experience as a staff member. I admittedly miss the tasks and the problem-solving that came along as a staff member. It proved to be extremely enjoyable, so why not try it on the server I exclusively play on? On the other hand, I very much think I could help solidify the staff team, even though it is a difficult task, but I am not afraid of taking it on. I could present you a collection of other reasons such as help dealing with reports and reliably conducting daily affairs of a community staff member, but that goes without saying. Server Memberships: SWAT Additional information: Yo, my name is Stefan, I am currently studying business information systems. It is gonna take a while until I graduate, hence I have quite a lot of time on hand until I do. Therefore, I am more than up to invest some time in some side projects like CS. I had the pleasure to enjoy this community at its fullest for almost 10 years now. I have seen the good, the bad & the troll. Even though the server can be a buggy mess sometimes, it has a certain charm that I caught and never seemed to get rid of. To be honest, I never thought of applying for Community Staff before as well but I think it is about time that I finally do. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None, a few troll mutes asfaik and perhaps the ordinary admin jails. Previous (legitimate) bans: Edit: Thought I had none but I remembered that 6 years ago or smth I was banned for a week for deathmatching. https://streamable.com/nroc4d Credits to @brotherhoodman https://saesrpg.uk/topic/28/saes-meme-pictures-v2/3133?page=157
  7. Congratulations to the people that made it
  8. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[(27/03) - Taking (UE, O, HS, CDC, Z) Zones]
  9. You are now 29, gz boomer
  10. Address: Super Ls Electronics Account name: bonobos19 Last seen: 23rd January 2022 Screenshots:
  11. The Company new Discord: https://discord.gg/RV5NkNEQ3s
  12. The Company goes public again We have made a new Discord Server some time ago and now decided to make it public. Join if you are interested in The Company! https://discord.gg/RV5NkNEQ3s
  13. @silalius Can't remember a time in which we were 'always' winning. Even during the times of quarantine, battles weren't one-sided. Sometimes one side won, sometimes another. Nowadays it is us just taking a few zones for mere deathmatching. You can compare player numbers from today with the ones from last year and then you can see how many options were open back then and how many are left today for us. But if you are happy with how turf wars go nowadays (if they even happen), then enjoy them while they last. Can't wrap my head around the people that view this suggestion negatively while it is actually a benefit for both sides if done right. Might even be more fun.
  14. @brotherhoodman Activity is not going to resolve that issue. Even if we are active enough, it will not change turf wars. On day one, we will be fighting UE, on the next day Z, on the next O and so on. Eventually, it will become tiresome, whilst you are in the position to relax and rotate who is gonna turf next from your allies. We don't have that luxury, what can you not get? Are you so obsessed with being on top that you even want to leave turf wars in the dust? Nothing is too far fetched because if we stop turfing entirely, there will only be 2 gangs that you can fight. What if B~B decide it is enough too? Are you going to let that happen too? Well, as long as you can farm $$$ all is fine, right? Besides all of that, I don't see how this suggestion is going to hurt you. If well executed, you can use this script to your advantage. I don't see any problem with it unless you are not willing to take any risks?
  15. @chaplin No need to bring up alliances as an argument if you are unaware of your diplomacy
  16. @brotherhoodman Then you could as well let turf wars die because there is not going to be a major shift with turf wars. The server is losing players daily, Friday evening player peaks are at 80. If there is no change within either your alliances or within the turf script, you will have no enemies to fight, because we too play for fun.
  17. @chaplin I suppose you are not really aware of your own diplomatic situations as CDC has supported your side from the start.
  18. @chaplin Where are you counting 4 gangs? At best, there are 3 gangs that can turf at once, which is a best case scenario. What usually happens is that one of us (AA, B~B, ThC) turfs alone and gets attacked from 4 gangs. It is really rare that all 3 of us manage to be online at the same time to turf on different sides of the map. I am not including Lunas because at best, they are turfing as 4 and get smashed. You should be aware of the imbalance as you are one of the people that participate in turf wars frequently. "Diplomatic moves" is the exact thing that I rejected above in connection with new gangs not being willing to join the losing side. Obviously you are not having problems to gather more allies whilst being the dominator.
  19. As I have already mentioned in the topic of @krecik in https://saesrpg.uk/topic/30407/turf-war-balance, turf wars are currently unbalanced and pretty much dead. The majority of the gangs are in one faction, dominating the server whilst farming activity & money unlimitedly. For this reason, I want to dare to suggest a balance change in order to revive turf wars and make them enjoyable without directly touching the alliances that have formed yet. The main problem currently is not the number of helpers inside one turf zone, but the number of gangs ganging up on one attacker at the same time. It happens, that 3 or 4 different gangs are each attacking one gang in several different zones, leaving the attacker scattered & outnumbered in every zone, resulting in a loss. In fact 70% of the official gangs are in one side. The argument of inviting more gangs to the outnumbered side is also invalid as new gangs will not voluntarily decide to join the losing side for the sole reason to farm activities & money by taking allied turfs with no opposition (The most recently formed gangs are the perfect example for that). Furthermore, new gangs aren't formed as frequently as they were more than a year ago, so even if one gang decides to join the losing side, it will barely have any effect. It just takes away the fun when you DM one gang in one turf zone, just to be AFK turfed from another gang in another zone. I have stopped using the said tactic to -split- the enemy because of the effect it has on the joy of gameplay. For this reason, I have come up with a balance change for turf wars; Zone Cooldowns for Turf Wars The change has to come from within the script itself because we as players can't change the direction to where turf wars are going at the moment. It was a suggestion that was already brought up. If you could introduce a cooldown to turf zones, that would appear immediately after a zone is taken or defended, it would help immensely. The attackers can take zones, and the opposition is forced to defend. I'd suggest having the cooldown at ~30 mins because 10 minutes would have little to no impact. The same goes for 15 minutes. Gangs would just wait for the cooldown to disappear & to attack the zone to slow down the attackers consistently, as they are then forced to defend on 2 or more fronts again. There would also be a cooldown for successfully defending a zone, so gangs cannot attack 1 zone over and over again. Furthermore, to prevent abuse from defenders, that spray immediately after a zone is getting attacked (so they get progress down to 0 or below 0 to get a defender cooldown) a certain amount of progress is needed to trigger a cooldown for the zone: 50 progress should at least be reached for the cooldown to take effect. 50, because spraying 3 times achieves progress of 45, so you would need to farm 5 more progress to get a cooldown as a defender. Such a thing would also prevent people or allies from accidentally triggering and leaving a zone, which would result in an attacker being unable to take the zone. An example of how this would work out: ThC attacks a Z zone, ThC gets over 50 progress, thus if Z successfully defends, the zone would have a cooldown. If ThC takes the zone, said cooldown will also appear. If an ally of ThC accidentally attacks the zone and gets defended by Z immediately, there will be no cooldown as 50 progress was not reached. Through this minor change, gangs would have to be strategic about which zone they attack, as it could very well turn out to be a waste of time if defended. Defenders need to defend or they would lose more zones. More momentum/movement for an attacker, less stagnation. Longer turf wars, longer fun. This change alone will not save turf wars, but it will be a start of balance. There are still problems with crowded zones, but that is a topic for another time because at least crowded zones are more fun to DM in than whatever is currently practised. I also hope, that the opposition is going to re-consider what they actually desire on SAES: Save the last joy we got (turf wars) or continue farming money & activities whilst losing any joy because there is no enemy to fight. @Tut-Greco Can you keep this suggestion topic clean from unnecessary comments? It would be good if we could stick to the topic. I also ask the people that do not have any interest in turf wars to not get involved. Thank you.
  20. @krecik Your suggestion will not work out the way you think, because the main problem currently is not the number of helpers inside one turf zone, but the number of gangs ganging up on one attacker at the same time. It happens, that 3 or 4 different gangs are each attacking one gang in several different zones, leaving the attacker scattered & outnumbered in every zone, resulting in a loss. The argument of inviting more gangs to the outnumbered side is also invalid as new gangs will not voluntarily decide to join the losing side for the sole reason to farm activities & money by taking allied turfs with no opposition. Furthermore, new gangs aren't formed as frequently as they were more than a year ago, so even if one gang decides to join the losing side, it will barely have any effect. It just takes away the fun when you DM one gang in one turf zone, just to be AFK turfed from another gang in another zone. I have stopped using the said tactic to -split- the enemy because of the effect it has on the joy of gameplay. But that is not what I want to talk about. I would rather counter your suggestion with an in my opinion better suggestion that would leave more options for any gang participating in turf wars: The change has to come from within the script itself because we as players can't change the direction to where turf wars are going at the moment. It was a suggestion that was already brought up. If you could introduce a cooldown to turf zones, that would appear immediately after a zone is taken or defended, it would help immensely. The attackers can take zones, and the opposition is forced to defend. I'd suggest having the cooldown at ~30 mins because 10 minutes would have little to no impact. The same goes for 15 minutes. Gangs would just wait for the cooldown to disappear & to attack the zone to slow down the attackers consistently, as they are then forced to defend on 2 or more fronts again. There would also be a cooldown for successfully defending a zone, so gangs cannot attack 1 zone over and over again. Furthermore, to prevent abuse from defenders, that spray immediately after a zone is getting attacked (so they get progress down to 0 or below 0 to get a defender cooldown) a certain amount of progress is needed to trigger a cooldown for the zone: 50 progress should at least be reached for the cooldown to take effect. 50, because spraying 3 times achieves progress of 45, so you would need to farm 5 more progress to get a cooldown as a defender. Such a thing would also prevent people or allies from accidentally triggering and leaving a zone, which would result in an attacker being unable to take the zone. An example of how this would work out: ThC attacks a Z zone, ThC gets over 50 progress, thus if Z successfully defends, the zone would have a cooldown. If ThC takes the zone, said cooldown will also appear. If an ally of ThC accidentally attacks the zone and gets defended by Z immediately, there will be no cooldown as 50 progress was not reached. Through this minor change, gangs would have to be strategic about which zone they attack, as it could very well turn out to be a waste of time if defended. Defenders need to defend or they would lose more zones. More momentum/movement for an attacker, less stagnation. Longer turf wars, longer fun. This change alone will not save turf wars, but it will be a start of balance. There are still problems with crowded zones, but that is a topic for another time because at least crowded zones are more fun to DM in than whatever is currently practised. If this gets enough support, I can make a new suggestion topic with a vote, to see who would be interested in my suggestion.
  21. ^[] ^[LV Bank Robbery - (21/12/2021)] ^[] ^[]
  22. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[25/11/2021 - Taking O/HS Zones in TR] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[]
  23. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[20/11/2021 - Taking Z/O/HS/UE/RF/CripZ Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[] ^[] ^[]
  24. ^[] ^[TURF WAR] ^[14/11/2021 - Taking O/UE Bayside & TR Zones] ^[Before] ^[] ^[After] ^[]
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