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Everything posted by Crank

  1. Date: 14/06/22 Participants: @Blue @Curvy Type of activity: Money Transporting Description Money transport from LV bank to SF Mint. Link to images: [s=] [/s]
  2. Date: 14/06/22 Participants: @Blue @Curvy Type of activity: Money Transporting Description Money transport from LV bank to SF Mint. Link to images: [s=] [/s]
  3. Happy Birthday Alex
  4. Display Name: Crank Username: hateyou Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32328/donation-crank-amount-10-00-gpb Total number of Donation Points: 20
  5. This is a manual post TXN ID: 64952578K3233580K Donation Amount: 10.00 GBP Requested Rewards: 2 vehicles, NRG Donation Tracking Topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32329/donation-point-balance-crank Vehicle Type: NRG Vehicle Colour: #15254D Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: hateyou Where you want it placed: Close to the icon. The NRG should face to the right, towards the street. [s=][/s] (Since donation points are doubled, requesting another one on the same prop) Vehicle Type: NRG Vehicle Colour: #15254D Specify any upgrades: None Username to lock: hateyou Where you want it placed: Also facing the street, right beside the other NRG, so when you spawn on the prop, you can instantly hop onto the bike. [s=][/s] @Brophy Can you confirm the donation via PayPal, as for whatever reason it has not automatically detected the donation.
  6. What a lot of people miss, especially criminals that barely play as cops is, that cops deal with a lot of sync issues, as Licano already stated. Even though it looks easy to run around, hitting people with nightstick, it is not. Once criminals are moving around it becomes an almost impossible task to arrest anyone soley with the nighstick, as you sort of have to predict where they are running towards in order to have a hit registered. For example, I personally have barely any success to run around and arrest people with nightstick as I got no lag to help me out. This greatly helps out any criminal to just shoot me down with ease. Furthermore, you have not elaborated how this would work once a player has been tased. Do you expect cops to hit them twice whilst they are on the ground? You seem to forget that any kind of hit or shot removes the animation of a tased person (them laying on the ground), resulting in them being able to fire/hit back. Cops already consistently require a bunch of hits with a nightstick to arrest anyone on the ground, I am also not talking about the laggy type of player, because these players are almost impossible to arrest with only 1 nightstick hit even when tased. Also, how would you expect cops to raid BR vault rooms with this change? It is already hard enough to reach the vault room with a half decent BR defense, requiring 2 nightstick hits (at best without server sync) would make crackers invincible to any raid. Now, lets say you make it so tased criminals still require only 1 nighstick hit and you make it so BRs are not affected from this change, then what is even the purpose of this change? So that cops are absolutely forced to shoot groups of criminals to get that 1 hit nightstick? The server already lacks cops, restricting them from having a small chance to make 1 lucky arrest with nighstick spam against a group would make cop side even less attractive to lonewolf players. I see no reason to make a change such as this so that criminals have an easier time on SR roofs f.e.
  7. Apart from this being the best suggestion ever to fight the dirty dirty terrorists, it has no practical way of implementing it. On top of that you would be the first one to use it against other people. No.
  8. Congratulations men, may you succeed at the tasks ahead
  9. Happy Birthday abi
  10. What's the buyout price
  11. GT property was sold. You may close this.
  12. Warehouse was bought. You may close this.
  13. I essentially own all of the 3 properties (the middle one I am selling for a friend). The space that the 3 properties cover combined is pretty big and could be used for a base. The third one on the right is also pretty close to a Store Robbery location, which is also quite convenient. First one (The big one on the left): Address: Lucks N Company Manufacturing Factory Daily profit: $3150 (including taxes) Starting bid: $1.000.000 [s=] [/s] I am also selling the other 2 on the left. Both are for sale for 7m each.
  14. You can reach the place for dueling immediately after spawning. It has served me well, but I would like to liquidate my assets for other properties. Starting bid: 60m Screenshots: [s=] [/s]
  15. @Strong
  16. @Strong
  17. Address: 10 Muscle Parade Account name: icyjumper Last seen: 17th April 2022 Screenshots:
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