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Everything posted by Remp

  1. Number Of Event # 44 Date of Event: 24/06/2021 Type of Event: Avoid my Chainsaw LWS/Helper: By Me Prize: $1.000.000 Winner(s): @Latinoo Screen(s): ::: :::
  2. ^[Builded Event] Event Number # 8 Event Type: LMS (Small) Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): Hosted By myself (No LWS) Winner(s): @Judyes Screen(s): ::: ::: The build is small Becuase i don't have enough Objects ;)
  3. ^[Builded Event] Event Number # 7 Event Type: Chicken Arrest Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): Hosted By myself (No LWS) Winner(s): @Jean75002 Screen(s): ::: :::
  4. Event Number # 6 Event Type: Rhino Shooter Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): @Colobria Winner(s): @ZoRo Screen(s): ::: :::
  5. ^[NEW TYPE] Event Number # 5 Event Type: Race with Obstructions Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): I Hosted it by myself (No LWS) Winner(s): @Mr-Khaled Screen(s): ::: ::: Details: This event Called "Race with Obstructions" (Swiming) like real life all vs all will be back and forth And And there will be walls every few meters so you have to dive and then finish the race. ~[Event builded by @Killer]~(red)
  6. ^[NEW TYPE+Builded EVENT] Event Number # 4 Event Type: Avoid My Chainsaw Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): I Hosted it by myself (No LWS) Winner(s): @Latinoo Screen(s): ::: Buildings ::: Details: This event called "Avoid my Chainsaw" ,Its Like chicken Shooter ,But in this event i use chainsaw and chase players to kill them,The last one will be the winner
  7. Number of Event: 43 Date of Event : 24/06/2021 Type of Event : Guess The cars Orders LWS/Helper : By Me Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @alperens x2 @Yassinos x2 @Orten1 x1 ScreenShots :
  8. Number of Event: 42 Date of Event : 23/06/2021 Type of Event : WWE Team vs Team (5vs5) LWS/Helper : By Me Prize : $2.500.000 Winner : Stalin and his team ScreenShots :
  9. ^[NEW TYPE] Event Number # 3 Event Type: Guess The cars Orders Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): I Hosted it by myself (No LWS) Winner(s): @alperens x2 @Yassinos x2 @Orten1 x1 Screen(s): ::: Yassinos was Timed out ::: Details: The event is simple Its called Guess The cars Orders,There's 3 cars at 3 garages (A-B-C).. I give the cars name And i tell 1by1 To give me the right Orders And who give the right one,will win. ~[The Event is builded by @ZoRo]~(red,red)
  10. ^[NEW TYPE+Builded] Event Number # 2 Event Type: WWE Team vs Team (5vs5) Price: 2.500000 LWS(s): Hosted it by myself And Bary. (No LWS) Winner(s): @Stalin And his team Screen(s): ::: Buildings ::: Details: This event is a Boxing event ,Its like WWE irl , Its called WWE Team vs Team , I choose 2 Captains and they choose other 4 players ,And then The captains Choose who will play first ,And the teammate who won will continue with his HP against another teammate from enemy Team,Until we have Last one ,Who will be the winner with his Team.
  11. Number of Event: 41 Date of Event : 22/06/2021 Type of Event : Kill Me First LWS/Helper : @Judyes Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @Seba764 ScreenShots : ::: :::
  12. ^[NEW TYPE] Event Number # 1 Event Type: Kill Me First Price: $1.000.000 LWS(s): @Judyes Winner(s): @Seba764 (zywoo) Screen(s): ::: ::: Details: This Event is a simple Event, I will choose 2 in every round And they stay at somewhere Then Both will use m4 and Aim at me,And after CD they will start killing me ,And who Killed me First will be the winner fo the Round. We keep it like that Until The Final.
  13. ~[Hello Guys, I will post my events here,Welcome and enjoy it]~(lime,lime,lime,lime) Hello again I will try to host a great events For you all , Well I want to join LWS Since i started playing this server But The time and many things didn't let me try to Join,But i decided to Try This year And i hope you'll will like my events and new event ideas . ^[About Myself] My name is Ayoub I live in Algeria 04 Iam 18 years old, I like watching and playing video games ,And my Best game is this Server ,Because it is the best server to kill time and have fun with friends, Istarted playing it In 2015, I know many Players in this Server and they know me aswell, So i hope that they liked me , My in-game name is Remp I want to try to join LWS Because i want to help players Also to host a great events for all etc. ^[STATS] Total Events: 32 Money used: $40.500.000 New Event Ideas: 07 Events builded: 09 ^[Event Format] **Event Number #** **Event Type**: **Price**: **LWS(s)**: **Winner(s)**: **Screen(s)**: ^[Type Of Events] ~[Kill Me First]~(lime) ~[WWE Team vs Team (5vs5)]~(lime) ~[Guess The Car Orders]~(lime,lime) ~[Avoid My Chainsaw]~(lime,lime) ~[Race With Obstructions]~(lime) ~[Rhino Shooter]~(lime) ~[Chicken Arrest]~(lime) ~[LMS]~(lime) ~[Jump in]~(lime) ~[Avoid The shamal]~(lime) ~[TDM]~(lime) ~[Free For All]~(lime) ~[The Fall]~(lime) ~[1v1 Sniper]~(lime) ~[Chicken Nade]~(lime) ~[Cave Fight]~(lime) ~[LMS no rules]~(lime) ~[Lucky Nade]~(lime) ~[Car Show]~(lime) ~[Attackers vs Deffenders]~(lime) ~[Knock me off my NRG]~(lime) ~[Attackers vs Deffenders]~(lime) ~[Kill Me First]~(lime) ~[First One to warp wins]~(lime) ~[Last man standing]~(lime) ^[New Events Ideas] ~[Kill Me First]~(lime) ~[WWE Team vs Team (5vs5)]~(lime) ~[Guess The Car Orders]~(lime,lime) ~[Avoid My Chainsaw]~(lime,lime) ~[Race With Obstructions]~(lime) ~[Jump in]~(lime) ~[Free For All]~(lime) ~[First One to warp Wins]~(lime) ~[Lucky Nade]~(lime) ~[Chicken Shooter]~(lime) ~[Hunter Shooter]~(lime) ~[Rhinoo Shooter]~(lime) ^[Events Builded] ~[WWE Team vs Team (5vs5)]~(lime) (Builded By me And @BaRy And some Objects By @Cheess As ZIP. ~[Avoid My Chainsaw]~(lime,lime) (I builded it alone as Worker) ~[Chicken Arrest]~(lime) (Builded it as worker) ~[LMS]~(lime) It was small ,Becuase i dont have enough Objects ~[Jump in]~(lime) (Its builded By zoro ,Becuase of ZIP Objects) ~[Chicken Shooter]~(lime) (I hosted and builded this event for @Animator11 as a worker) ~[TDM]~(lime) (Builded by me and @Karagiannis ) ~[Free For All]~(lime) (Builded by @Karagiannis ) ~[1v1 Sniper]~(lime) (Builded By Me)
  14. Number of Activity: 90 Date of Activity : 11/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping an SR Involved Members: Bean ,Razak and Me ScreenShots :
  15. Number of Activity: 89 Date of Activity : 11/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping some SRs,And VIPs And stopping a PBR Involved Members: Juky,Neji,Razak,Sohayb And me ScreenShots : SR1 SR2 SR3 VIP1 VIP2 PBR
  16. Number of Activity: 87 Date of Activity : 10/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping some SRs,And VIP Involved Members: Juky,SAM,Neji and Me ScreenShots : 1 2 3 4 5 6 VIP
  17. Number of Activity: 86 Date of Activity : 09/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping some SRs Involved Members: Juky,Neji,SAM,Sohayb,Razak ScreenShots : First Second Third
  18. Number of RolePlay: 18 @iacez said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: Participants in The RP: Me, @Remp @Youssef @Shadow RP Scenario: It was a Great and Sunny day as usual, I received a call from someone saying that there was an Accident in the road, so I quickly drove to it and I tried calling the Medics but they didn't came. They're all injured and I tried doing CPR on them, thankfully they're okay, and I drove their cars to the base and I asked them a few questions, afterwards I took the tools and new Hood aswell as new Engine. I removed them both very carefully. after 1 hour I successfully removed the Hood and the Engine, afterwards I took a rest for a little time and I start replacing the Engine and the Hood. after an hour or so, I successfully Replaced them with New Hood and New Engine. so I test drived it and it was good! the Driver himself said "Thank you so much for helping us, and for replacing my Hood and Engines!" Ofcourse, as a professional Mechanic, I appreciate them and I said "It's not a problem, sir, I'm glad to help at anytime and anywhere!" and he drove away while the other 2 is waiting for their vehicles to arrive because it was towed. Screenshots: ::: :::
  19. Number of Activity: 80 Date of Activity : 09/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: Juky,SAM and Me ScreenShots :
  20. Number of Activity: 79 Date of Activity : 08/06/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping SR Involved Members: Neji ,SAM And Me ScreenShots :
  21. :crazypepe:
  22. Participants: @Remp District: All districts Shift period: 15 min Number of vehicles: 11 Screenshots ::: Vehicles Extinguished: 507 Vehicles Extinguished: 518 :::
  23. Participants: @Remp District: All districts Shift period: 25 min Number of vehicles: 18 Screenshots ::: Vehicles Extinguished: 489 Vehicles Extinguished: 507 :::
  24. Number of Event: 36 Date of Event : 2021/05/17 Type of Event : Face the Rhino LWS/Helper : Judy Prize : 1.000.000$ Winner : Yousef ScreenShots :
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