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Everything posted by Remp

  1. Number of Event: 08 Date of Event : 13/04/2021 Type of Event : Chicken Arrest LWS/Helper : @Stoner Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @Ahamani4PF ScreenShots : ::: :::
  2. @cristian said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck Thanks <3
  3. @axel said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Application format: Part I] Real name :AxelCarl Username : axelcancer In game name :Axel Age :9 Nationality :Philipines How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?1 year Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why?Adminjail im Deatmatch dm i kill other players with no reasons Please list your previous squad/gang history:-- How many hours do you have in-game?380Hours RP Skills 0/10:8/10 Driving Skills 0/10 :7/10 English Skills 0/10:8/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean:roleplay like acting in real life Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:DM Deathmatch killing other players with no reasons Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean: Marker Arrest is Arresting criminals in the marker of doors. Dear Axel,Your application is ~[Pending]~(olive) ,Keep hangin/patrolling with members ingame.
  4. Number of Activity:07 Date of Activity : 12/04/2021 Type of Activity : Attacking Srs and getting them Involved Members: Razak,Juky,Witti and Me ScreenShots : ::: :::
  5. Number of Activity:06 Date of Activity : 12/04/2021 Type of Activity : Getting VIPs Involved Members: Razak,Juky,Witti and Me ScreenShots : ::: :::
  6. Number of Activity:05 Date of Activity : 12/04/2021 Type of Activity : Patrolling And arresting crims around SA Involved Members: Juky,Witti,Razak and Me ScreenShots : ::: :::
  7. @cristian said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck Thanks boy <3 <3
  8. Dear @axel You have 24 hours to fix your application,Or you will be denied.thanks
  9. @james said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck @zeel said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: good luck Thanks boys
  10. @hammer-1 said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck Thanks
  11. @medo12 said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck boys @aveyro said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good Luck ! @franklin said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Goodluck brothers! :heart_suit: thanks boys <3 <3
  12. Number of Activity: 02 Date of Activity : 11/04/2021 Type of Activity : Patrolling and arresting around SA Involved Members: Juky,Sohyb,Razak,Fantastic and me ScreenShots :
  13. @sweets said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good Luck <3 @lahuma said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: good luck @ares said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: good luck @element said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck bois! @guard said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Good luck! @antirug said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: Best of luck, people!! @skes said in Defence Intelligence Agency-Official Topic: good luck Thanks guys <3 <3
  14. Number of Activity:01 Date of Activity : 11/04/2021 Type of Activity : Stopping BR Involved Members: Razak,Fantastic and Me ScreenShots :
  15. Number of Event:02 Date of Event : 11/04/2021 Type of Event : Rhino Shooter LWS/Helper : @ANARCHY Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @Casuall ScreenShots : ::: :::
  16. Number of Event: 01 Date of Event : 11/04/2021 Type of Event : Chicken Arrest LWS/Helper : @ANARCHY Prize : $1.000.000 Winner : @Tommy ScreenShots : ::: :::
  17. ^[] Our Official Topic Here : https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26402/defence-intelligence-agency-official-topic ~[Hello this is our media archive And please Do not reply if you are not member of our squad and thanks.]~(red,red,red) ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808310489930792960/830541350100664330/JukySquadAct.png) **Number of Activity:** **Date of Activity :** **Type of Activity :** **Involved Members:** **ScreenShots :** ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808310489930792960/830541383399374858/JukySquadRP.png) **Number of RolePlay:** **Date of RolePlay :** **Type of RolePlay :** **Involved Members :** **Helpers**: **Story :** **ScreenShots :** ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/808310489930792960/830541379163258940/JukySquadEvent.png) **Number of Event:** **Date of Event :** **Type of Event :** **LWS/Helper :** **Prize :** **Winner :** **ScreenShots :** Total Numbers: Roleplays: 33 Events: 76 Activity: 134
  18. Mistake
  19. I saw like that Jail I liked it
  20. @MrGamer @SAFP-Stone @Versace @TripleX @MrSolrac congratulations
  21. HBD
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