Number of RolePlay: 32 Date of RolePlay : 26/07/2021 Type of RolePlay : Deliverying money Involved Members : N/A Helpers: Sohayb Story ScreenShots : Today I was driving my car around BC then i got called by unknown guy and he told me that he saw i guy at BC BANK. Then i went to BC BANK and i saw a car there and didn't see anyone near it,THen i waited until he get out and when he get out he starting puting money at his car then i rushed him Then i started talking to him,And he started explaining to me that he's doing that job since years And he told me to help him to take the money to LV bank ,The n i helped him. After we arrived He started taking them from the car then we went inside and gave them to the Guys at LV bank and We went again to our cars.