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Everything posted by Sira
-31- Event Type: Lucky Tube Event Prize: $1.000.000 LWS/G6: Corn Winner: ReceiverCops Screens: ::: ::: 7.07.2019 - Late night activity ::: :::
Role-Play #20 - The mechanic clothes ::: As usual nothing last forever. Our vehicles are good but they need to be look after. Sira and Forg has sent their members to do their tasks and they had no work to do. That's why they decided to have an chill day. They went to the Mongol's garage located in Las Venturas and put the mechanic clothes. The day was so beautiful so they decided to work outside instead inside the dark garage. The Mongol's leaders took their mechanic's equipment outside and started to work. Forg wanted to change his Harley's wheels. Later on he noticed that the Harley's oil level is below the limit so he poured brand new one. While Forg was working on his Harley , Sira cleaned his Van. After the cleaning he wanted to get rid of the clatter sounds that were coming from the engine. Sira had to demount half of the engine to notice they are few loose bolts which cause the annoying sound. Sira and Forg's day passed with beer and bolts , they had so much fun. :::
@Gopnik , @Spray , Inerzuz - accepted and invited
Road Trip #7 ::: It was stressful day for the Mongols. After having an gun fight with the law they wanted to chill out by riding the San Andreas's roads. Mongols regrouped at their base and took their way. They drove by Rebel's base and noticed their vice is standing there alone. Mongols parked their bikes and let Corn to fight with Bagetto. The Mongol rekted his ass and they continued their road trip. Mongols drove through Palomino Creek and took their way to Los Santos. After LS Mongols went to their bar located at Dillimore and had some fun. Oh and yeah Mongols had escort by some ETF's agent , but both sides didn't pay attention to each other. :::
tOpIc hAs bEeN uPdAtEd gOd bLeSs pAiNt aNd cOrN From now if you are willing to join us you must fill our application format at https://tiny.cc/MMC-Application. Results of your applications will be posted here. gOoD lUcK MFFM!
@WinstoN_41 @NeoNas No efforts showed in game. Denied @InteL Keep hanging with the Mongols. Pending @NikitA321 Accepted and invited.
Role-Play #18 - Easy profit ::: Mongols had no plans for the day and went to their bar located at Dillimore. They were chilling and having fun until some random person came to the bar. The stranger looked around the bar and had sat on one of the bar's chairs. He asked Sira what is the most expensive alcohol they have. Sira suggested the stranger to try one of the CripZ's moonshines so he did. The Mongols's president noticed how expensive is the outfit of the stranger . Later on Sira knew he was right because the stranger did not stop talking how many vehicles he is owning , how big is his house and etc. Mongols did not really pay attention to the self-indulgent cunt. When Sira asked him if he could pay his bill he refused. After the second attempt of asking nicely the stranger took few dollars from his wallet and threw them at Sira's face. Sira took his bat behind the bar, jumped over and attacked the stranger. All Mongols jumped from their tables and beated the shit out of the cunt. Once he was knocked out Mongols took his wallet and clock but they thought it was not enough. Balla$ took the stranger on his shoulder and carried him to their van. Mongols drove him to their base and dropped him inside of one of their shacks. Sira took the stranger's phone and called his dad. Mongols's president explained to him that they must pay $500.000 till the end of the day or for every day late their son will lose one finger. The family had to drop a black sack behind the pizza shop located in Palomino Creek. In his panic the stranger's dad called FBI because he did not know what to do. The FBI's agent explained to him that the best way to process the situation is just to pay. The victim's dad took out of the bank half million dollars , put them inside of black sack and gave it to the FBI's agent. The agent went to the given location and dropped the sack. Mongols knew that the dad could ask the law for help so they went to take their money five hours later. Once they saw all of the money are inside the sack they went back to their base and released the victim. It was an profitable day for the Mongols. :::
Role-Play#17 @Wolf said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: Role Play Number: 30 Participants in The RP: @hope , @Sira RP Scenario: Well, Today i was Patrolling with Hope Around SA we got a call from our Director he Told us there is a guy Called Sira trying to Steal Stuffs from Car then After i finished the Call Officer Wolf1 and Officer Hope Went to the Base and prepared ourselves and we took a car From LV Police Department then We moved to arrest this Guy after We Followed him , We See the Guy stealing Stuffs from Car then WE moved to Cuffs him and Arrest him and we Moved to Red Country Police Department and when we entered Officer Wolf1 UnCuffs the Suspect then Officer Hope take our Equipment from Suspect and Put him into Jail then i thanked Officer Hope for Helping me after that i called the Director to tell him the Mission was Successful Done ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
Role-Play#16 ::: Few days ago Sira was at the local bar at Fort Carson. He was alone chilling and enjoying his life with an cold beer in his hands. Suddenly one of the mongols came to the bar. He told to his president that one of our hangarounds are missing since 2 days. Sira immediately understood what is going on and knew exactly who would do it. Sira and Ballas jumped on their bikes and drove as fast as their Harleys could to the closest hill known as the Death hill. The hill is named like that because of the several suicides happened past few months. Once they arrived they saw Sira's assumptions were correct. It was the enemy motorcycle club named as Rebels. They were on the edge just about to push our hangaround. It was the perfect place for that because even if the police find the body they would think it is one of the suicides.Mongols took their bats but in each case they put an assault riffle on their back. Rebels aimed at the Mongols so they were forced to use fire. Sira and Ballas killed three patched Rebels and fortunately saved his hangaround. :::
Role-Play#15 ::: @Markus said in Vndalos de el Corona | Media archive: Roleplay Number: #7 Participants: Markus, @Sira, @Cornelius, @Ted & Balla$ Date: 26.06.2019 Story: As mentioned at our previous meeting, MMC was in need of the Rebels MC bikes. They told us they would pay good money for each bike, 8.000$ for each one we bring to them and we talked about bringing 3 of them so we would earn 24.000$ in total. It was early in the morning and I finally decided to go and take the bikes from the Rebels MC. I called up Sira that the bikes will be ontop of the planned mountain in about 1 hour or so and that he'll need a Packer for the bikes. I drove up to the Rebels MC base and scouted the area, seemed like no one was home but the bikes were there, I quickly attached the electric wires and then the bike started working, I drove it off to the mountain. As my other homeboys were smuggeling dope from Columbia to here for us to reproduce and sell, I had to do all of this alone. I managed to deliver all of the bikes without the Rebels noticing that it was me doing it. Sira arrived with his fellow mongols and then we had a little chat about how it went. He was quite surprised that I managed to do it all by myself and he also was in love with the bikes. He also gave me tip because the Bikes were armored and bulletproof, also had Turbo on them. :::
@WinstoN_41 and @NeoNas , keep hanging with the mongols so we could be sure to take the right decision. Pending
-17- Event Type: Land on the picador Event Prize: two rounds each of $750.000 LWS/G6: [TST]John[L] Winner: Honer and Nyx Screens: ::: :::
Role-Play#14 ::: Sadly but alcohol isn't unlimited. The thirsty mongols drank almost everything from their bar.They had to refuel the missing. Mongols aren't that friendly with the law and didn't want to buy alcohol from legalized alcohol shop.That's why they turned to the illegal manufacturers. Friend of them helped them to satisfy their interests. He gave them an phone number and told them to use it whenever they want to buy the alcohol. Later that day Sira decided to call the number. The unknown man knew he could trust Sira because the phone number he used was trusted. Afterwards the man introduced himself as @Nishki , member of the well known gangster organisation CripZ. Once Sira heard that he knew he would buy one of the best alcohol in San Andreas. Nishki told Sira where they would meet. On the next day they had to meet so did they. The place was CripZ's territory so Mongols didn't even think cops would catch them. When the Mongols arrived the CripZ's members was already there. They acquainted each other and continued with the actual part of the meeting. Sira asked Nishki what is their best alcohol they have ever made. Nishki smiled , without even saying a word and went to his vehicle. Mongols looked at each other and didn't even know what was going on. Then the CripZ member called the bikers and gave to each one an small shot of their best whiskey. Mongols have never drink that good whiskey. Mongols admired CripZ's alcohol. Without any doubts Mongols wanted to buy that whiskey. But they wanted more. Together with the whiskey Mongols requested some beer , vodka and much more. In other words Mongols took industrial quantities of alcohol. Nishki was surprised by quantity and wanted to give them a discount. Both shaked their hands on $6.000 for everything. Mongols continued they free life. MFFM! :::
Role-Play#13 ::: Roleplay Number: #2 Participants: Me, @Nord, @Sira, @Henry, Balla$ & @Cornelius Date: 17.06.2019 Story: I was cruising around with my Savanna and stopped by a Gas Station where I fueled up my car but all of a sudden. An MC stopped next to me and they had Mongols patches. I instantly noticed that they're the MMC and they've been revived from the dead. They also noticed my colors and bandama and glasses, they saw that I was a Latino gang member. Sira came up to me and asked: Sira: What gang do you represent brother? Markus: Vndalos de el Corona Sira: Oh that's something new init? Markus: Ye holmes. Sira: Looking for some work? Markus: Oh fo' sho', I am specialized in many things, just call me Gives Sira his number. Sira: Expect a call soon brother, be safe. Then we both drove off and I went home. Next day I went cruising again and got a call from their President, Sira. He told me he needs some bikes jacked from the Rebels MC. We set up a time and met at the Dillimore bar. I arrived there with my Soldier and then went inside, they were already waiting for me. I went inside and they welcomed me and offered me a cold Corona which was nice. He gave me more information that they need 3 of their newest bikes jacked from them and delivered to the Mongols MC instead, they also promised quite good prize, 24.000$ in total. 8.000$ from each bike we deliver. The offer seemed nice and simple. We made a deal with the MMC and their stuff will be delivered soon. Scouting operations of the Rebels MC have already begun. :::
Role-Play#12 - Lucky trove ::: One of the mongols has been lucky past few days. Ballas was driving around Mount Chiliad area. On his way he spot a parked Harley visible damaged and rusty. Surely the Harley wasn't look after as it request and it broke down. It was a gold mine for the Mongols. Ballas did a quick check and noticed that the bike isn't that bad. He pulled the mini ramp from his vehicle's trunk and loaded it. Tied the Harley to the trunk and drove to mongols's base. Ballas arrived safety and unloaded the trove. Mongols had few bike parts in their base so Ballas started working on it soon as he got to the working place. He tried to change the accumulator and refilled the engine with fresh oil and fuel. Then he replaced the old wheels with brand new 16 inch original Harley Davidsons's wheels. Rurprisingly the bike growled. Ballas repainted the bike and the Harley was ready for the San Andreas's roads. :::
Road Trip #6 ::: We started up from our base located at Red County. Our first destionation was Bone County , we passed by Fort Carson and continued to Las Venturas. There we drove around the city and took the way to Los Santos. From Los Santos we went to the local bar at Dillimore and had some fun. MFFM! :::
Role-Play#11 - A visit by Rebel @jpslimmen2 said in Rebels MC Media Archive: ~[Story:]~(#700000) After a bit of road tripping around bone county I came across one off our worst enemys called mmc at the local bar there. So I decided to observe him for a bit to see where he was up to. ::: After I found out he was going inside to grab a new beer I knew it was my duty to sabotage his bike so i cut some cables to make sure that ugly piece wasnt going anywhere. I also knew it wouldnt take him long to come back and start drinking again so I went back at a save location to observe him again. Witch shortly after he came back and found out that his bike wasnt working. He went back inside to grab some tools I ques and knew I wasnt done. I ran across the street and sprayed his bike in the colors he loved. Now my job was finished I stepped on my bike and drove off like a true rebellion knowing this might get a tail. :::
@bymgan1234 @Vgodrig @NikitA321 You started good so far but it was just one day. Later there were no efforts showed in-game. Feel free to re-apply in 2 weeks if you are still interested. Denied
Role-Play#10 - A gun storage visit ::: Friday, Late night, time to remind who rules over Red county. The past weeks the clubs attention has been taken away from an intensive cargo delivery to the hilltop farm up in the suburbs of dillimore. Rebels mob spread all over the place. Prospects watching, controlling the incoming trucks. the frequent deliveries got our eyes on the prop. seemed like rebels forgot who is in charge of these territories, payday time. At sunset the van was loaded up. We had everything set up. The Property wasnt left unprotected as we expected, a couple of prospects, easily taken out. The main farm was locked up. Once the gate was pulled, using the van, and reached inside we ran into Crates of m4s and glocks. Quickly loaded the stuff in the van and prepared the place to be set on fire. Several gas cans spilled and just a gunshot needed to level this place to the ground and teach rebels a lesson. the smoke reached the sky and was visible from distance. Gunshots were heard in distance, shortly bike engine sounds were getting louder and louder. Seemed like company was coming to the party. Rebels themselves! A lesson has been taught. no cargo delivery, crossing our territories is left unchecked, and it will be kept this Way. Rebels broke the rule and faced consequences. Quickly dealt with our guests and got on the bars. Kings are back! MFFM! :::