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Everything posted by Sira

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  2. Sira

    F bykers

    Damn I hate those kind of topics. I saw OC got deleted and I won't let them be the only one getting ''RIP'' comments. Mongols Motorcycle club is now officially deleted. I rather keep the shitty reputation we have right now than making it any worse. I am thankful for everyone who helped us in any way, give me your adress so I could send you a bottle of homemade rakija. Several things happened recently inside our club which forced us to end up with this decision. It was a wild ride that has come to an end. Happy birthday to TT tho. F bykers :sadpepe:
  3. @Ncyseq - so you got denied to C and decided to apply to Mongols? We ain't a second choice gang and that makes you denied.
  4. Hello there @Remp05 , @Azuna-The-Best , @Azuna05 @Azuna02 , @The-Best1 and probably @the-best . Please stop creating new forum's accounts to keep trying joining us. This time you even applied to ETF(https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9251/etf-emergency-task-force/278?page=14) with your first forum account @The-Best1 . Please do not bother applying once again with your fake profiles.
  5. We could turn the idea to be a criminals vs police event. I suggest all criminals to work together, from that I mean gangs will pick their best crackers, doesn't matter from which organisations and let them crack, the rest will just defend. Something just like PBR but with a real cracking, more difficulty and more rewarded. From cop side they should be freely allowed to attends the bank robberies spawned as HLS or DE, even if there isn't any CLO member. But I think that respawn-spam at properties should be re worked as it is already being discussed in another topic.
  6. Breaking news : mmc's bank robbery success has incredible increased after reading bartman's tutorial.
  7. nvm lmao
  8. @Azuna02 - For some reason you decided to create a new forum account just to make a application for MMC. Then you tried to lie me with saying you forgot your real forum's account which is @The-Best1 , also which was last online 4 hours ago. There you applied for 4 organisations in the period of 8 days. Plus you used @The-Best1 's account today to apply to SAC. We are not a second choice gang. Feel free to re-apply in 3 months. Your applications goes denied. Good luck!
  9. @Alexander - Applying to several organisations in short period of time. Denied, feel free to re-apply in 2 months.
  10. @SHREK1 - I know applying for more that one gang in once gets you higher chance to join any of them, but this ain't working here big iq. We are not a second choice gang. Poor application aswell, did it take you more than 2 minutes? Denied , feel free to re-apply in 2 months.
  11. 19.11.2019 Had a great ride with the new riders in San Andreas GMC ! ::: :::
  12. 16.11.2019 ::: :::
  13. ::: :::
  14. 14.11.2019 ::: :::
  15. 13.11.2019 ::: :::
  16. On behalf of Mongols Motorcycle Club, I must say we are sorry for every inconveniences we did to every player in SAES's comminity, especially to ThC and the GM team. We will be working over improving our general attitude and few actions has been already taken. If any MMC's member annoys someone, please send me a proof and story behind the screen on my discord (Sira#0157), actions will be taken. PS: a old Mongol has been invited and his name is mr.heis, welcome back fella!
  17. 13.11.2019 ::: :::
  18. 11.11.2019 ::: :::
  19. 06.11.2019 ::: :::
  20. Zdr fellas, got few news towards our club. -Topic has been fully updated, thanks to lord Corn. -We've decided to move back to forum applications. We moved our applications to google, with the idea to avoid the copying other applications. It's gave some positive results, but anyways now we are moving back to old school forum. Just simply press on the banner ''Application and it's will lead you to our application's format. Paste it on our topic and answer the questions. Applicant's results will be posted once we make a final decision about him/her. This will be for now. MFFM
  21. 27.10.2019 ::: :::
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