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Everything posted by Sira

  1. @Edward - Accepted for the record. @Nishki - Denied, we are still not sure about your loyality. Feel free to re-apply in 1 week.
  2. ::: :::
  3. Late answers: @HaKy , @Razak - Accepted Current answers : @LesSy , @Nishki - Pending. Keep sticking around us until we take the right decision about you. Update: @Spider - Dendie :))) PM from [MMC-H]Spider: no thing about me on MMC? :) <3
  4. 05.10.2019 ::: :::
  5. 02.10.2019 ::: :::
  6. 30.09.2019 ::: :::
  7. 27.09.2019 ::: :::
  8. Role-Play #67 **The Heist(10/11)** Mongols knew the San Andreas Bank security vehicle's route. So in the last Sunday's meeting it was the main topic of conversation. Mongols wanted everything to be well made and planned, there was no place for mistakes. They had to set up a road block, but somehow they had to get the driver out of the armored vehicle. From the last meet with the police officer, Mongols got some information about the driver. They had a picture of the driver's daughter and they thought they could use it. Sira found two old burnt vehicle's chassis from a old friend. Afterwards he found two Towtrucks that Mongols could use to drag the chassis to the right location, so did they do. After 3 days of preparation and planning it was a go time. Mongols attached the chassis to the Towtrucks and went to the planned roadblock's location. They fully closed the road. Mongol got one bike aswell so they could block the both sides of the road. They prepared and just waited for the right moment. In 30 minutes the armored vehicle showed up in the distance. Mongols pulled up their masks and just waited for the targeted vehicle. The armored vehicle hit the breaks and got trapped between the biker's vehicles. Ballas slowly moved forward towards the armored vehicle with his weapon aimed and threw the driver's daughter picture over the vehicle's front window. The driver had no other option but to leave the vehicle. Mongols took the driver down. Took his only weapon so everything was going on plan. Corn explained to the driver that none will be hurt if they follow the biker's orders. The driver had to get undressed. Once Corn got the driver's clothes he tied up his hands and legs, and left him in the middle of the road. Mongols took their vehicles back and Corn stole the empty armored vehicle. The Las Venturas Bank was waiting the armored vehicle to get the montly report and transport it back to San Andreas Bank. Three Mongols and Corn dressed up as the expected driver drove to Las Venturas Bank. The bikers were hiding in the trunk under some canvas. Corn made his own badge and entered the bank's checkpoint with no problems. It was in the middle of the afternoon and there weren't so much people in the bank. Corn used the access card he got from the driver and got the Mongols into the bank's safe. They quickly took the money and ran back to the armored's vehicle.Once they was ready and already left the bank Corn took out the vehicle's GPS and drove back to the bikers's club houses. Mongols haven't made any bigger profit that this one. Screens lined correctly as a whole story: https://imgur.com/a/omqdS75
  9. @Gengar said in Organization Zero | Role play archive: Title: Cruising around the neighborhood Participants: @Organization-Zero, @Underground-Empire, @Mongols-MC, @DieselPower Story: Organization Zero has gathered in their base with their friends and decided to go around the state of San Andreas, using their motorcycles. Friendly ride, while also scouting potential areas for some future projects. They started the trip from Organization Zero base in Flint County, moved trough Los Santos towards Las Venturas, passed a circle through and around Las Venturas and finished in biker bar near Area 69 in Bone County. After few drinks, they all went on their separate ways. For info on all vehicles you can purchase from Organization Zero, check this topic with link to their website, where you can read even more details on each individual vehicle. Pictures: ::: :::
  10. @Gyurma Accepted.
  11. SpeeD - Denied. @Gyurma - Pending, keep hanging with the mongols. Josseto - Accepted.
  12. Rank : Architect In-game name : I am known as Sira Accountname : siraminor18 Number of constructions : I am taking part of ZIP since 2014 and for that amount of time I have done plenty of constructions and projects, I lost 2/3 of them because I changed my pc (sadpepe) Will post my future projects here Construction Title #Construction_number: Number of objects: Link to the code pastbin (in case of sharing): Link to the Album:
  13. 09.09.2019 ::: :::
  14. 12.09.2019 ::: :::
  15. Role-Play #57 @Ramos said in SA Fire Department :: Media Archive: Roleplay type: Bridge Collapse Description of roleplay: Los Santos Firehouse has been alerted about bridge collapse at Los Santos North. They have immediately equiped themself and drove to the scene with 2 fire engines, 1 ladder truck, 1 battalion car, with additional ambulance from San Andreas Medics. Once, they arrived to the scene, fire engine 1, equiped themself and prepare fire hoses to take out the fire, fire engine 2, equiped themself with gas masks and oxygen bottle's to roll inside the collapse to get the victims out of there. While, ladder truck personnel operated ladder to the highest point of the bridge, where they looked for any possible victims up there. SAM Ambulance was on standby, until it was called in action. The victims were, 2 agents from Federal Buareu of Investigation, 1 has been sent to the hospital, another one died at the scene. Firefighters also saved 2 bikers from the club Mongols MC. Once victims were taken care of, aswell as fire, firefighters started with cleaning the road and the stuff under the bridge. Once they were done, Battalion has dispatched San Andreas authorities, to deal with that incident. Location: Los Santos North Participants: @Ramos - @Toolbox - @Ramby - @Batuhan - @Shadro - @Bangas - @AntiRug - @TaJ - @Glayd - @Riani (SAM) - @Cornelius (victim) - @Sira (victim) - @zizoubhk (deceased victim) - @kajobecha2 (victim) - @Tritosh (random guy) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8hN4tku
  16. @SweetGSF - Accepted.
  17. Role-Play#54 @Ronnie said in Vndalos de El Corona | Media archive: Roleplay Number: #40 Participants: @Ronnie @skann @ccc @Carbon @Mongols-MC Date: 06.09.2019 Story: Our alliance with OC can only work if we organize things, and to organize things we need to meet. Me, and three hermanos of mine were travelling to San Fierro for exactly that - to try and talk to them. However, on the way, we got distracted, by four beautiful bikes in front of a bar in south SF. Always looking to make a little extra money, we decided to have some fun, and take them for ourselves. After some trouble, we managed to start them all up, and I lead the way for us, to meet with another business partner of ours, the Mongols MC. First, we drove to Whetstone to make sure that we weren't being followed. After making sure, we did a 180 turn, and went straight to the Mongols compound. There, I flashed my charisma, and after some negotiation, managed to sell them the bikes. We even got a ride back to El Corona - we split the profit, and concluded that it was a good day. We'll meet with OC some other time.... Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qFVMdPF
  18. 06.09.2019 ::: :::
  19. Role-Play #50 @Carbon said in Vndalos de El Corona | Media archive: Roleplay Number: #39 Participants: @Ronnie @Shocked @Carbon @Sira @Jack @Pogo @Cornelius Date: 04.09.2019 Story: The war with the Pirus, while leaving the Vandals victorious, was not without cost. A lot of money, weapons, ammunition, and lives (though not as much as them, suck it, you red pendejos!) were lost. So, the new guy, Umberto, had an idea. We replenish our storages. Well, not really, but we fix up our money situation. There are lots of ways to do that, especially for a criminal, but he settled on a job that he always wanted to do - rob a gas station. While you may score around a thousand from taking the money inside the gas station, the real stuff is outside. Fuel. Lacking a tanker, but armed with a truck, he purchased fuel tanks, enough to hold 1500 gallons of fuel. Packing these up in the back of a truck was tricky, but he made it work. Then, he convinced two other maniac Vandals, to accompany him. Realising that these wouldn't be enough, he also enlisted the help of the Mongols MC. Armed with their intelligence, but mostly their guns, they began their descent into the gas station near Whetstone. The robbery went smoothlessly. The Mongols secured the gas station and made sure that no cops were called, while the Vandals filled up the fuel tanks. Most of the time was spent waiting anxiously for even one cop car to show up. No mercy, no half measures - those were the orders. But, none came. The fuel tanks were loaded up, the cashiers and shoppers sufficiently beaten, and both the Vandals and the Mongols strolled out of there like a walk in the park. The Mongols were given their 50% on the spot, while the Vandals decided to store their loot in their warehouse at Unity Station. It would be sold later, for a nice bit of profit. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/L9RLOmu
  20. Role-Play #49 @Yuki said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive: Participants: @Yuki/ @Kim/ @Sira/ @Ted/ @Batuhan Story: 03/09/2019 13:00pm It was a sunny day in San Andreas. Director Kim and IAC Agent Achelous had a deal with Mongols Motorcycle Club. The deal happend in Bone County ontop of the hills near the destroyed and abandoned buildings. The Director and the Agent approached the Bikers slowly as they were waiting for them. Kim and the biker talked how the deal was going to happend. Agent Achelous pulled out his m4 just for security measures. They offered them a box full with cocaine and ecstasy pills also they had m4s and snipers in their trunk which they needed. During the deal Achelous thought if something wrong was going to happend and it actually happend. As the Director and the Agent were returning to car the bikers opened fire at them Kim tried to run behind the destroyed buildings as a cover but Kim got shot in the leg. Achelous was fast and took cover behind the walls and started shooting with his m4. The bikers started the engine and drove away. Then Achelous called 911 for emergency, after 10 minutes the SAM Air Division came and gave Kim first aid and took us to Bone county hospital. Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Small announcement: Mongols MC's topic has been fully updated, thanks to Corn. Officially we just applied for level 2. If you have missed our promo video, make sure to check it out, thanks to Nori. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uE-iU7ou6UQ&feature=youtu.be
  22. #dicksout4bazuka
  23. Kestas , El.Patron49 , You did not put any efforts to hang out with us. Denied. @Franklin , @HardBass You informed us about your real life things, take your time and come to the server once you could. Under-review. @RadiO Accepted for the record.
  24. 20.08.2019 ::: :::
  25. 12.08.2019 ::: Had some fun driving together. :::
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