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Everything posted by Miltingary

  1. CC Activity Number: 4 Participants: - Duration: 25 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/jWolm7f
  2. CC Activity Number: 3 Participants: - Duration: 20 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HGYu1BA
  3. CC Activity Number: 2 Participants: - Duration: 23 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KUkwbEv
  4. House Robbery Date: 02/09/2023
  5. CC Activity Number: 1 Participants: - Duration: 23 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/X4Skztk
  6. Store Robbery Date: 01/09/2023
  7. Store Robbery Date: 01/09/2023
  8. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? July 19 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Camper Vehicle 2: CargoBob Vehicle 3: Cement Truck Location: All at Z Base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Marquis Vehicle 2: CargoBob (with my wrap) Vehicle 3: Camper Location: All to AA Base Username: mehmet1106
  9. Assisting Bank Robbery 31/08/2023
  10. Vehicle ID: 548 CargoBob Wrap access: Thread for reward change: Wrap image or give existing standard wrap name: If standard wrap: If custom wrap: Translations: (if custom wrap) I want to replace my existing "mehmet1106_1" wrap that is currently in the game with this wrap. Please remove my previous wrap and apply this one instead.
  11. Ingame username: mehmet1106 Ingame nickname: Miltingary Previous nicknames: N/A Age: 20 Date started playing on SAES: 01/06/15 00:00 Current memberships: SAFD: Battalion Chief SAM: Senior Paramedic Brinks: Instructor RaceTECH: Professional ALT: Trucker Previous memberships: FBI/UE/Z/JK/NAVM/THC/SSB Previous punishments/bans: I just got AJ years ago. Can't remember the reason much. Not any bans. My strengths: Decent cracker & active around, also just chill My weaknesses: Not too much, i just NT sometimes that's all Additional information: N/A I agree to the rules of this organisation: Yes I agree to the rules of the community/server: Yes
  12. Date: 28/07/2023 Participants: @Rieeria @MetalHead @Ankush77 Type of activity: Money Transport Description: Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Link to images: https://imgur.com/a/MFBTVTf
  13. "secret no exposed"
  14. Vehicle ID: 548 Cargobob Wrap access: Thread for reward change: Wrap image or give existing standard wrap name: If standard wrap: If custom wrap: Translations: (if custom wrap)
  15. Vehicle Type: Cargobob Vehicle Colour: Custom Wrap Specify any upgrades: - Usernames to lock: mehmet1106 Where you want it placed: Z base Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 3 Vehicle Colour: generic wrap - hacker Specify any upgrades: V8/AWD Usernames to lock: mehmet1106 Where you want it placed: In front of my "Eesti On Vene Keel 2" prop. I want to add generic wraps for my LV-BC-SF-LS AP Shamals and My infernus in front of my 1 Zombo Road prop. SF AP Shamal: hippie LV AP Shamal: hacker BC AP Shamal: midget LS AP Shamal: wrap1 Infernus: weed
  16. Account Name: mehmet1106 Icon name: 4 Mia Khalifa Road
  17. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? April 18 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Damaged Glendale Location: LVX The Four Dragons Public Parking Interior: 4 Mia Khalifa Road ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Camper Location: Z base Username: mehmet1106 Interior: Large Interior to my "Eesti On Vene Keel 2" prop.
  18. Patrol #3358 Personal Patrol #18 Participants: - Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 15 mins. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/WugxJ4j
  19. Participants: @Rieeria @Orten1 District: LV>LS Shift period: 16 mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 15 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/LzwIIF0
  20. This is an automated post for: Miltingary Donation: GBP 30.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  21. Participants: - District: SF>LV Shift period: 15 mins Number of vehicles extinguhished: 6 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/MpuxB7n
  22. Date: 14/07/2023 Participants: @Rieeria @Legend @Ankush77 Type of activity: Money Transport Description Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Link to images https://imgur.com/a/q3ipALZ Date: 14/07/2023 Participants: @Rieeria @Legend Type of activity: Money Transport Description Money Transport from banks to federal mint. Link to images https://imgur.com/a/AcGzwem
  23. Turf Date: 13/07/2023 Before After
  24. Turf Date: 12/07/2023 Before After
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