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Everything posted by Miltingary

  1. Vehicle ID: Sultan 560 Wrap access: Type of wrap: Custom Wrap image: Translations: (if custom wrap) all english, just MAFYA/MAFIA
  2. This is an automated post for: Miltingary Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Rewards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  3. - Week #4 February - BR Misc. TURF
  4. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? October 25, 2024 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Tug in old Renegados base (hippie) wrap Vehicle 2: Cargobob in old Renegados base Vehicle 3: Baggage Trailer (Uncovered) in old Renegados base ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Cargobob in new Renegados base Vehicle 2: Newsvan (camo4 generic wrap) in renegados base Vehicle 3: Barracks in new renegados base Username: mehmet1106
  5. Address: Opus Dei Freemason Bank Account name: xavka2 Last seen: 24th December 2024 Screenshots:
  6. In-game Name: Miltingary Account username: mehmet1106 Age: 17 Joined the server on (Date): 2015 Events topic link: (In case you haven't posted your events on Discord): On Discord Events you see yourself doing if you get to join L.W.S: Generally, most people prefer to create quick and easy events for the media archive. Yes, this could be my preference when necessary, but I usually don't want to create boring events because why would I do boring things in a game that I play to have fun? I usually don't like events that rely on luck or where the winner is chosen by others, such as Chicken Shooter or Lucky Nade. I don't see myself organizing these types of events. I see myself organizing events where experience prevails and people have fun, such as AvD, Tennis Nade, and Football. Let us know your current Gang/Groups memberships: ALT/SAM/Renegados/Helvete/Brinks/SAI/raceTECH/SAFD/RadioSA Explain what you understand by our motto, "Exclusivity, Quality and Fun": I think it means enabling players to spend their free time having fun and enjoying quality time while earning rewards. Explain why you want to join L.W.S: My main reason for joining L.W.S is that it consists of high-quality members and is one of the most beneficial groups for the server. Additionally, this group will allow me to have fun while doing useful things for both myself and others. Are you a former L.W.S Trusted Member: N/A State something briefly about yourself: I'm Mehmetcan, I live in Turkey, and I'm just an ordinary person. I aim to have fun and enjoy my time.
  7. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking Topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? August 13 ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: FBI Rancher (generic wrap) in front of Ls Cannabis Shop 2 Vehicle 2: FBI Truck (generic wrap) in front of Liquor Store Idlewood Vehicle 3: Turismo (custom wrap) in front of 1 Zombo Road ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: NRG-500 in front of Corner Magazine Store Vehicle 2: Infernus with (generic weed) wrap in front of 1 Zombo Road Vehicle 3: Cargobob to Renegados base Vehicle 4: Baggage Trailer (Uncovered) to Renegados base Vehicle 5: Tug to Renegados base (hippie) wrap Username: mehmet1106
  8. Radio Station : RadioSA Main-Streaming DJ : @Miltingary Participants: - Date : 08/10/2024 Duration : 59 minutes Screenshots :
  9. Application Type: CS Your ingame username: mehmet1106 Your ingame alias: Miltingary Your real name: Mehmetcan Your DOB: 05/06/07 00:00 Your gender: Male Nationality: Turk Country of residence: Turkiye Language skills: I know Turkish and English only. English Proficiency: B1 How long you have been playing: I'm playing since 2015 Your strengths: I see myself as a relaxed and chill person, especially when playing games. I play games to have fun, and I enjoy making others happy while doing so. Helping people and making them smile is something I really like. I also have a lot of experience as a staff member on different servers, and I enjoy interacting with people and being part of a community. I can stay active for most of the day, so I’m usually around when needed. One of the things I like most about myself is that I don’t get angry easily. I stay calm, even in stressful situations, which helps make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Lastly, i enjoy taking on responsibility and handling things. Your weaknesses: Honestly, I'm not very patient person. If I have to wait for something or make others wait too long, I lose interest. Like everyone, I have other weaknesses, but this is the one I can mention right now. Member of the SAES discord server: Yes Reason for application: I like taking responsibility and being part of something. After playing on the server for so many years, like any player, I want to try new things and reach new goals. This is why I’m applying. I want to help make SAES better and more active like it used to be. I've been playing on SAES for 9 years, and I think I have enough experience to give it a try. Unique qualities you can offer: I have been active on this server for a long time, and I think I am very committed to it. I believe I can communicate well and have fun with others. I have the experience to understand the community's needs and help them. I have played on different game servers for many years, and during that time, I held higher positions, gaining experience in working with the community and solving problems. Server Memberships: SAI/SAFD/Renegados/raceTECH/RadioSA/Helvete/BRINKS/SAM Additional information: My name is Mehmetcan, and I live a normal life in Turkey. I am continuing my education and preparing for university. Like most young people, I spend my free time playing computer games. I have a hobby of watching esports. Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: Recently, I have only received a few mute for minor issues. The last time I received an admin jail punishment was probably one or two years ago. Previous (legitimate) bans: I didn't banned before.
  10. Radio Station : RadioSA Main-Streaming DJ : @Miltingary Participants: - Date : 07/10/2024 Duration : 42 minutes Screenshots :
  11. Date: 02/09/2024 Event Type: Attackers Vs Defenders LWS Host: @Winter_Soldier Prize: 3.000.000$ Winner(s): (Screenshot) Screenshots:
  12. Date: 31/08/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Dinaz @MrYOLO @Miltingary Screenshots:
  13. Date: 30/08/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Miltingary @niceez @Enemy44 Screenshots:
  14. Date: 29/08/2024 Activity: Stopping SR Participants: @Miltingary @Zarc @Hammer Screenshots:
  15. Date: 24/08/2024 Activity: Stopping Bayside BR Participants: @Gotchi @SlapBobs @Miltingary Screenshots:
  16. Date: 23/08/2024 Activity: Stopping MR Participants: @Hammer @Curvy @Miltingary Screenshots:
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