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Posts posted by Steve.

  1. Hello guys, @Rata @Jokerulty
    After few days discussing, we have decided to prooced with your application. Your general knowledge about server is decent, your activity looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ACCEPTED. Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard!
    Hello, @whswagiwnl23 @Falfoul
    Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your application is currently DENIED.

  2. @Samuel1 @Syndicate-Rainy
    Hello guys,
    After few days discussing, we have decided to prooced with your application. Your experiences at the server and general knowledge is decent, your activity looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ACCEPTED. Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard!

  3. @Enemy44 @ZeCabra
    Hello guys,
    After few days discussing, we have decided to prooced with your application. Your experiences at the server and general knowledge is decent, your activity looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ACCEPTED. Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard!

  4. @enemy44 said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic:

    Nickname : Enemy.

    Ingame username : slogamer44.

    Nationality & Age : Croatian/Slovenian, 17 years old.

    @zecabra said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic:

    Nickname : ZeCabra

    Ingame username : LennyGostoso

    Nationality & Age : I'm Portuguese and i'm 16 years old.

    Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, Hang more with our members and improve for us that you are loyal enough to be part of us also what you'll bring to us. That means we will set your application on hold PENDING and wait for your final answer.

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    #RP 713

    @ziad said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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    RP#57- The right of man
    Participants : OC|>Ziad[M] , BS|@Steve , NNB|@Riley
    Story :
    One day it was Night i Got call From My brother that he was in The car Traveling to Los Santos and there was a A committee By NNB they stopped him and they want To Search the Trunk ,they searched it and they Got a Package of Drug and They took Him to Prison and he Need to Right the Man because he Put him at Jail .
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    I took the Car From the Base , I call an Black syndicate Member to Help me to Kill him For alot of Money
    i toom the Car to BS base to Talk about the Details of the Police Officer To kill him
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    We talk about the Money and the Details and to make a plan for Him that Call his OC members to Get more Details about this NNB , When OC member done he send Massage to Ziad saying that he in His house at Los santos .
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    Ziad and steve Take the Car and went out of the Base and travel To Los santos To check the Officer House they Went there and they see his Car out and they took the Weapons and Went in the House .
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    When they Get in the House they saw him Watching T.V so they Get out the Weapons and Aim at Him.
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    then they Told him to Get down and Cower at the Ground .
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    He asked them to Not Kill him ,To give them all the Money they want and he was Crying in the Ground and Saying "Who are you and what you want from me" Ziad Told him that he Arrested my Brother and he still Child and Ziad Told Steve to Kill him and Take all what he want in the House .
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    They went Out Ziad Reload His M4 and Shoot in the Police car Tell it Fire.
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    Ziad Run to the Car and Went to Overdose Crime Base to Give Steve His Money
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