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Posts posted by Steve.

  1. Hello there,
    As the title saying Housing limit, Well for me personally i see that housing limit which is 8 is insufficient for properties and i would like it to be raised more to 12 or 15 so everyone can be able to get their favourable properties without any problem. That's all.

  2. Personal information
    Nickname: Steve

    Ingame Username: kazmet

    Age: 17 years old

    English proficiency: I would say 8/10

    Nationality: Tunisian

    Spoken Languages: Arabic, french and english

    Roleplay skills: 8/10

    Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked :
    Underground Empire - I left the gang, because i didn't find my comfort there.
    Black Syndicate - Gang closed.

    Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Wild Angels is a known gang around san andreas and it's respected by other gangs they are doing multiple roles such as arms/drug dealing, carjacking, robbing/stealing etc... and their objective to earn much money

    Previous punishments/bans and reason: I was banned by mistake

    Why you want to join Wild Angels?: Well, as for why I want to join. Wild Angels offers a lot that I'm interested in, RP wise. Besides that i'd like to contribute with all i've got, and help out.

    What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I can assure you that i will be a good member, I' skilled, active and reliable enough to be part of the gang

    What does DeathMatch means: Killing someone without any valid reason. It's forbidden against rules.

    If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: I will take screenshot and use /report.

    So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?: I won't do anything to him

    What does avoid arrest means: Killing yourself or loggin off to avoid being arrested

    State 3 turf rules:
    -Don't use unclimbable roofs
    -Don't spawn at your properties
    -Don't use anims

    State 3 BR rules:
    -Don't camp at enterence
    -Don't suicide by jumping from roof
    -Don't br without HQ perm

    State 3 GR rules:
    -Don't use nades or any explosion
    -Don't spawn kill
    -Don't block safe with vehicles

    Additional Information
    Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes, Expert.
    What are your strengths: Driving, shooting, cracking

    What are your weaknesses: I guess nothing

    Something else to add?: Thanks for reading!

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