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Posts posted by Steve.

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    #RP 708

    @sparrow said in InvestArms Corporation Media Archive:

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    RolePlay With : Black Syndicate
    Participants: @Steve , @Curvy
    Story: Yesterday night, I've been called by a known gang in SA that they need to make arms deal with us since they are having leak of ammo and weak weapons which got bought by illegal ways , I also got informed that they are getting tired of having problems with cops about it , So i've prepared the list of the weapons they wanted to buy and i informed the research and developpement unit to create unique and special weapons that can attract the customers attention .. So i picked up my truck and i head immediatly to red country where Black syndicate base. We had a talk with one of their trustworthy member who will be taking care and will be selecting the weapons to buy and use for his gang.. After few tests and checking the weapons , The member of the gang decided to pick up these following weapons : Desert eagle, SCAR,AK-47 and some few explosions such as grenades and C4 ... So i took the crates down from the truck and i put them in their gang storage , it didn't last more than 50 minutes loading them , After finish loading them , i've got a money check from them which it was about 130.000$,After that sucesful deal we shaked our hands and i went back to our Headquarters and waiting for more good and succesful deals.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/h8OYO22

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    #RP 707

    @wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive:

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    Participants: @wizax @Kayser @Steve @kevin @Methomas @ziad

    Yesterday, our dispatcher got these photos about this criminal activity

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    This one in the middle is one of the largest drug dealer in San Andreas, and is required for the law, and all officers were given an order to choke around San fierro, Red Country and Bayside to catch them, after a long search found them in bayside - San Fierro bridge

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    we kept chasing them and shooting them till they lose the control on their car after that i cuffed their hands and brought them to SA. Federal Police base

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    we brought 1 by 1 to the integration room from the first one we knew what does the creates has inside and what is the name of who sold them this delivery

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    From the second we knew where the drug dealer lives and who is his boss and his customers

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    -=()To protect with courage, to serve with compassion.

    -San Andreas Federal Police-=-

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    #RP 706

    @ziad said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive:

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    RP#26 - The deal
    One day it was at the Night James Went to OC base to Get Some Ammo for his Guns he wont find his Gun ammo then he took a car From OC base to Go to Black syndicate base to Ask them if they have After he Turn the Engine on he asked if OC members need Ammo , they tell him that No Ammo with them so they went to BS base to took big amount of Ammo from them when James went Out from OC base he thought that there is a cops near his base So he think if he put the Ammo in the Shamal in LV Airport .
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    Then we Talk about the Weapons @Steve he Show me all the Weapons and the Ammo And he told me that He want some Drugs for BS ,We took our Cars and trucks and Went To OC base to take the Drugs from there .
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    and get the Cars Near The Gate door of the Stuff of the drugs
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    and we went to The Lv airport to put the Ammo there
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  4. @Bird0 Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your application is currently DENIED. and that's for some reasons, Which is lying about your age, also that you multi-acconting and pestering our members ingame, Don't bother applying please.

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    #RP 706

    @squizo said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    RP Number 319
    Participants: @Steve
    Title: they need good guns for war
    Story:One day when I was having a cigarette in groove street, I get a call from a member of THC and he tells me that he need some guns for the turf war against one of the biggest gang in San Andreas so as always to start discussing and negotiate about the price and the quantity also about the quality because as you know the price depends on the quality of the weapon, so we decided to meet in our base and I will show him all the guns and he will choose he tells me that they have a low storage and they need to fill up . I took my car and I went to our base, when I arrived I called him and i said that he can come because im available now after 30 minutes he arrived we shook hands and I showed him all the guns he chose to get m4 and combat shotgun also sniper and some grenades. we transport all the guns to his Huntley and This time I make all these weapons for free because we are allies, he thanked me a lot and he goes back to his base happy with their new weapons
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/oILVQLT

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    #RP 705

    @pump said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    RolePlay Number: 308
    Title: ~Perfect Plan~
    Story: Back in 1969, one of the trustworthy members of Wild Angels got some problems. These problems made him in the courts much time, Many times these problems happen without any reasons. All-time the judge make this guy loses, he loses 1 case per 2 weeks and there was just only one judge that always makes him lose. So he started thinking that he is getting bribed. So, James, another trustworthy guy liked to help him after he got an idea and that might get that judge life ends in 3 days but he needed a whore to do it. Like all know the most popular gang in prostitution is Black Syndicate The motivated gang that is making this job since 5 years this time. Like James got one of his friend in this gang, he called them to explain what they are in need. Then James went to his leader room to explain for him the need of this whore. It was about making a whore trying to get this man killed after she gets on him since he is a person that makes his pastime in the bar so she will get on him and when they will go to the room she will get his heart out by a knife. The leader liked this savage idea so much and he gave him permission to go. After he loaded the money in the trunk he headed to BS headquarters where he got welcomed well. After that, they started talking seriously about the job. Nothing bad and nothing special James paid the guy and got the whore. The next day, the newspaper was talking about the accident that happened to this judge.
    Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BWfxk0i

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    #RP 704

    @squizo said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    RP Number 310
    Participants: @Steve @kevin
    Title: Out of Ammo
    Story: Since Wild Angels gang was created by our founder, The leader try hard to train their members to be the best in fighting and turf wars but last time we spend a lot of ammo and weapons and as you know wild angels have many skilled players in shooting and they win many wars , they always train on shooting and more ... until one day Wild angels members are out of ammo and weapons so i decided to buy professional Weapons from Balck Syndicate so I made a call for one of BS member called steve and I told him to meet in a secret place so he tells me to let's meet at our base it's so safe and none can see us ... after 10 minutes of talking and discussing we agree for a good price because we will buy a big quantity, after 1 hour, I took the Alpha, I turn on the engine and I directly go to the place and I tried to be punctual like all Wild Angels members ,we finnaly in the place and we are on time so we start talking about the price and the quality of the weapons and like always Black Syndicate have the best quality of arms he opened the trunk and we transported the arms to our car trunk this took so much time because it was a big quantity and hard to trransport we finnaly transported all the weapons and we made sure that none see what we've done and we moved back to base, the mission was succeed and we are now well-prepared for wars and turfing .
    ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Mlo0E4t

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    #RP 703

    @kayler said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    -=(#800080)RP Number 294=-

    • Participants: @kayler & @khalil

    • Story: After hearing of the Criminal that Always Gets from Gangs' Zone much money from selling arms there. Today he came to Wild Angels' Zone so I called Black Syndicate maybe they can give me some pieces of information about him because he sold Arms in their Zone. To get to there faster maybe BS got something to do with Bank Robbery or Store Robbery I got the Sports Cart that we got last Week Super GT and went to their base. I found one of their member guarding the base called Daglow he opened for me the gate then we start chatting about the deal we called it Expensive Information because I needed to pay 5.000$ to tell me about this Criminal. This Criminal is from U.S.A he worker as Cop but he changed his job to Arms dealer after Some Crims killed his family. His name is James_Rivola He wants to get money to do an operation for the last one left of his family his Daughter called Sindy. After that, I got my car and went back to the Base to call someone to come with me for ...

    • Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OMUYVuq

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    #rp 702

    @meta said in Organization Zero | Role play archive:

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    -=(orange)Participants=- : Wizax, Steve, Jesse, Flappy and Meta

    Our friend and gang mate was arrested in Bone County in the bar

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    Right after getting this news, I called 2 of his closest friends, we arranged a meeting to help him before getting jailed .
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    After setting a good plan, we drove to the ammunation to buy some weapons .

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    Meanwhile, Jesse was getting investigated by SAFP officers, alt text

    They took his finger prints, insereted it into the system and then moved to the investigation room where officers started pressing him

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    We kept waiting for like 3 hours outside the official department of SAFP

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    The officers were driving Jesse to the Prison to spend his first 3 days there before getting investigated again,
    We started following the car carefully

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    It was late, the street was empty in the middle of the night, I drove at max speed to get close to the car when Flappy and Steve opened fire .

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    Jesse wasn't much hurt comparing to the officers, steve helped him getting in the back of the Burrito .
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    Safe and clean! .

  10. @steve said in Black Syndicate | Media Centre:

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    RP #700

    @josefrags said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    Roleplay Number:268
    Participants:@Arone @Steve @TheCoon
    Title:Drugs Deal with new friends
    Story:oneday I was at base once I received a call from BS called Steve he told me that he want some alchol for his gang I told him ok I told him to meet in a prop own by my gang in whetstone to be away of cops he told me ok after we end the call I went to get some alchol for them I started load them from the base after I put it in the car after I loaded it I checked the car and I found everything good then I started to move the way was very dark but I could reach there safely when I reached there I found cobra and his members waiting me I parked my car then I got out to talk to them Mr.Steve came to me and started to talk he told me that he want see the alchol for his gang I took him to trunk and opened it to show him he told me bottle does not look bad he asked me if his member can pick up one and try it I Of Course after he went to trunk and picked up one to try after he finished he told his Leader Steve that its very good then Mr.Steve told me tat he forgot is money but he has good deal he told me that he can give me 40 bottle for some ammo of AK47 I told I'm let me ask my gang after that I got out my phone and called high rank from gang and asked him about deal they told me ok then I went to Mr.Cobra and told him that we accept deal after he told me to wait until his member andre load alchol and AK47 I waitied until he finished after I told Mr.Steve goodbye and that if he need any more help call me he told me then I got in my car and started to move

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    RP #699

    @josefrags said in Wild~Angels Media Archive:

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    Roleplay Number:267
    Participants:@XpookS @Steve
    Title:Drugs Business
    Story:After few days without any good drug deal we found a new customer for heroin and meth we got from Liberty City i received a phone call from a member from Organisation Zero he was interested in our drug products. we made a meeting in our base to make the deal.
    i welcomed him in the base and we had a small talk and introduced to each others then i showed him our drugs collection he liked meth and heroin and wanted to buy it . after testing it we set a price 30.000 dollar and i offered him a small discount 5%. we loaded his truck and he set on the road.

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    RP #698

    @wizax said in SAFP - Official Media Archive:

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    -=(red)PART II=- -=()The Federal File=-

    Special Thanks to DJO for helping me to host this big RP
    Main characters: @Wizax @Brian @DJ0 @Hammer @Lynardz2 @Steve @devin @Tut [Some others DE and Squads member i couldn't see their names when we was RPing]
    Story: It's been 3 weeks since we lost our federal file. The criminals still do not know the password. This morning our Dispatchers found this criminal activity near Bon-Country Airport and after zooming in on the faces of the suspects they seem to be the same criminals of the last time. as soon as possible we respond. after long searching we found a large ship parked away at sea My radio did not work so I could not call back I informed my teammates that we should do it on our own unless we lost it again and i am not ready to lose it again We parked the helicopter and then rush and I took out my megaphone and yell but no answer. We tried to shoot the gardians but that spent the lives of one of our members but luck there was a marine unit patrolling the sea We brought the sick officer on his boat and back to the land. my radio back to work. I called heavy backup of Airborne units and Naval Units, within 2 minutes all responds After long shoting the criminals surrendered When i was about cuffing their hands the jumped to the sea but there was a boat waitting them down. I gave an order to all the units to follow them while im taking our the federal usb file. But the criminals have died so we do not know who gives them orders to steal our file.

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    ~~More screens on Imgure link >https://imgur.com/a/AYtOECS<

    -=()To protect with gourage to serve with compassion.
    -San Andreas Federal Police-=-

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