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Everything posted by Steve.

  1. If someone won the mansion I'm ready to buy it
  2. sana 7elwa ya gamiil
  3. Starting bid 30.000.000 (30mils) Screenshots: ::: ::: Good luck!
  4. Nickname: Steve / Steven Age: 17 years old Country: Tunisian Languages spoken: Tunisian / French / English From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: I have been playing on SAES for 2 years. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms assassins are mainly based on providing the most quality guns, which keeps their operations running on a ship that is located at North San fierro and they have a lot of ammunitions around san andreas Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Underground Empire - I left the gang, because i didn't find my comfort there. Black Syndicate - Gang closed. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I was banned by mistake Name 3 BR rules: -Don't camp at enterence -Don't suicide by jumping from roof -Don't br without HQ perm Name 3 GR rules: -Don't use nades or any explosion -Don't spawn kill -Don't block safe with vehicles Name 3 Turf rules: -Don't use unclimbable roofs -Don't spawn at your properties -Don't use anims What is Roleplay?: Acting like real life. What is Deathmatching?: Killing someone without any valid reason. It's forbidden against rules. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I will take screenshot and use /report. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I will continue my road Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: Yes, I have many friends. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hello, my real name is Aziz and in game known as "Steve/Steven". I am from tunisia and i live in sousse, it's a known city and I'm currently 17 years old. I started playing MTA and SAES at 31 January 2017 and i found it to be quite fun as it had a unique community that binds to you. My first couple of days in SAES wasn't all that good but later when i joined Underground Empire everything got better as i started to learn a lot about the server, they were kind enough to take me in as a newcomer and teach me. After that I joined BS, I spent there 1.5 year and reached high rank in the gang, Really unforgettable moments.
  5. RIP BS :'(
  6. Night Activity: 26.01.2019
  7. @Radrick @IceCream @LuXa2k Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your applications are DENIED.
  8. @xxjougou said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : Jougou Ingame username : akyal Nationality & Age : 16 years old Previous Punishments : I got adminjailed one time because i was lagging Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : YakuzA : Dead BBMC : Dead CDC : Kicked (better tell th reason ingame) Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your applications are DENIED.
  9. @AymenjO68 said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : AymenjO68 Ingame username :AymenjO68 Nationality & Age : 17 years old from tunisia Previous Punishments :adminjailed when i'm begginer Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm happy to announce for you that you're BLACKLISTED. Don't fucking re-apply...
  10. @FastYounq said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : FastYounq Ingame username : general4234 Nationality & Age : Im from Turkey and 18 years old. Previous Punishments : I was banned because of multiaccounts.Later we solved the problem and the ban was lifted. @Leonidas said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : Leonidas Ingame username : kralxlac1 Nationality & Age : My nationality Turkey and Im 20 years old. Previous Punishments : N/A Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your applications are DENIED. Re-Apply after 2 weeks from now if you're still interested.
  11. @TheClaw said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : TheClaw Ingame username : theclaw Nationality & Age : I'm Turkish. 17 years old. Previous Punishments : N/A After few days discussing, we have decided to prooced with your applications. Your experiences at the server and general knowledge is decent, your activities looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ACCEPTED. Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard! @XxNetroxX said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: In-game Nickname: Netro Account name: XxNetroxX Nationality: Israel (Arabic 48) Age:17 years old When did you started playing saes:8 month ago Did you got banned before?: Nope Languages spoken: English / Arabic Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm happy to announce for you that you're BLACKLISTED. Don't fucking re-apply once again please
  12. @Bird9 said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname: Syndicate.Bird Ingame username: Bird9 Nationality & Age : Tunisia - 17 Previous Punishments : N/A Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : WA = for i can join "Black Syndicate" "Z = it's dead but i leave for i can help "WA" Okay, I don't know how to start Mr bird or Mr Mechul you are same guy. Firstly lets start with BIRD Alright, you have 4 account forums https://saesrpg.uk/user/bird_ https://saesrpg.uk/user/bird0 https://saesrpg.uk/user/bird9 https://saesrpg.uk/user/bird ::: ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3189/bird-ban-appeal Secondly, You are good liar (lied about your age, city and punishment) ::: ::: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/3189/bird-ban-appeal Now let's move to MECHUL Nowadays the activity of mechul lowered, since you joined new gang (WA) with Bird and now trying to join us, you couldn't find time to open that account Firstly Mechul created 1 month and he is good cracker that's weird also same level of cracking skills as Bird ::: ::: Secondly this proof, shows that you Bird = Mechul same level english and same mistakes haha stupid for real ::: ::: Bird = Mechul = Mafyouza Well i don't have anything to say Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm happy to announce for you that you're BLACKLISTED @RAMPAGE @Bone I mentioned you here, because you banned him before and this is new Serial of Bird's PC, So you can give him perm ban haha 5B440913687F26338FEBDC0D9F7BB143
  13. @Kayle said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname: Kayle Ingame username: Karim Nationality & Age : Tunisia/23 Previous Punishments : N/A @Jack_ said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname: Jack or Syndicate.Jack Ingame username: yaman231 Nationality & Age: Turkish/18 Previous Punishments : I will explain to HQs After few days discussing, we have decided to prooced with your applications. Your experiences at the server and general knowledge is decent, your activities looks fine so far, please keep it up. Anyway, you are ACCEPTED. Since you have been already tested & invited, there's nothing else to say. Welcome aboard!
  14. Turfing BC
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