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Everything posted by Steve.

  1. #RP 713 @ziad said in OverdoseCrime - Media Archive: RP#57- The right of man Participants : OC|>Ziad[M] , BS|@Steve , NNB|@Riley Story : One day it was Night i Got call From My brother that he was in The car Traveling to Los Santos and there was a A committee By NNB they stopped him and they want To Search the Trunk ,they searched it and they Got a Package of Drug and They took Him to Prison and he Need to Right the Man because he Put him at Jail . I took the Car From the Base , I call an Black syndicate Member to Help me to Kill him For alot of Money i toom the Car to BS base to Talk about the Details of the Police Officer To kill him We talk about the Money and the Details and to make a plan for Him that Call his OC members to Get more Details about this NNB , When OC member done he send Massage to Ziad saying that he in His house at Los santos . ![alt text]( Ziad and steve Take the Car and went out of the Base and travel To Los santos To check the Officer House they Went there and they see his Car out and they took the Weapons and Went in the House . When they Get in the House they saw him Watching T.V so they Get out the Weapons and Aim at Him. then they Told him to Get down and Cower at the Ground . He asked them to Not Kill him ,To give them all the Money they want and he was Crying in the Ground and Saying "Who are you and what you want from me" Ziad Told him that he Arrested my Brother and he still Child and Ziad Told Steve to Kill him and Take all what he want in the House . They went Out Ziad Reload His M4 and Shoot in the Police car Tell it Fire. Ziad Run to the Car and Went to Overdose Crime Base to Give Steve His Money
  2. @faysal-kruger said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname : Faysal Ingame username : sakami852 Nationality & Age : I'm from Tunisia and I'm 17 years old. Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your application is currently DENIED.
  3. Today is The Company's birthday, Happy birthday brothers, Enjoy!!
  4. Turfing San Fierro and Tierra Robbada
  5. #RP 713 @asesinothekiller said in [The Company | Media Archive](/post/: Roleplay 333 - Delivering weapons to our allies Participants: @Steve, @Stoner Story: Tonight I got a call from a Black Syndicate member who ordered us a couple of guns and rifles, he told me he wanted best quality we got but he was complaining because the price...we discussed and reached an agreements. I packed up the weapons in my car and headed to Black Syndicate headquarter. In my way I picked up one fella whose wanted to accompany me due the safely. In the way we don't knew the exact location of them beacuse they currently moved...when we arrived at BS gate a gentleman opened the door, we entered in their spaciously and awesome base. We regarded each other right away we make the deal we just beagan by a call. Stoner went to delivery him the weapon while I was chill smoking a cigarette. we made the sale successfully and said goodbye. ScrenShots: https://imgur.com/a/NuC27UG
  6. Starting bid of Bone's street houses is 50m Exterior: https://imgur.com/a/lxyJlYl GUI: https://imgur.com/a/uEsQQjF
  7. Do you accept prop + cash?
  8. @Joshbond meet me ingame
  9. #RP 712 @pump said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants: @Steve Story: It is really Happening, James, after he got permission to start selling Tabbacos in OrganiZation Zero's zones, He started with San Fierro since the buyers are a lot there. So he got his bike, headed to the zone of OrganiZation Zero there. When he reached there, he was surprised, the guy that all the gangs these days talking about is here, He is selling Drugs in Gangs' zone. Lastly, Black Syndicate got him out of their zones by blackmailing him by some pieces of information they got. So James called the same guy that made for him the transportation "Steve", he didn't answer, So James sent him a message about the case. Within 2 Hours, he answered by "Come to Black Syndicate Headquarters, grab some money with you, If you forget the location of our headquarters, Here it is. So James got his favorite car "Admiral" which he counts it as the beauty, then he leaned a cigar, put the key in the car, headed to San Fierro where Black Syndicate "Headquarters" located. When he got there, he has seen "Steve" waiving for him. So They had a talk but to not take the risk of someone spying on them, they got inside the headquarters where none can come to them. It was steve's office. So James offered 5.000$ for it, since it was a perfect price for both, they accepted from the first bid. After James got all the pieces of Information, paid the guy, he got his favorite car, went back to the Headquarters where he met the leader, explained for him why he spent this money Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. #RP 711 @pump said in Organization Zero | Media archive: Participants: @Steve Story: Today, the leader of OrganiZation Zero is back from "Senegal" where he was dealing with them because he wanted to get some tobaccos, he finally agreed with someone of them after 3 days of negotiation but there was a problem, in Whetstone Airport, there are a lot of Officers because lastly, there was a lot of smuggling missions there. That's why he will come from San Fierro Airport. So James got an idea, It was about calling Black Syndicate to help them by transporting it to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. So he called one of his best friends in Black Syndicate "Steve" and told him the situation. He accepted without any doubts. This time, James didn't have money, That's why he said they can do a trade between "his modded bike versus Trasporting mission". He accepted this too. When James got there with the Products that he got from his leader, he had a little chat with "Steve" after they greeted each other. Then Steve got the recommended car for these mission "Securiar". Then he loaded the Tabbacos with "James". Then he headed to OrganiZation Zero Headquarters. The leader called "James" to tell him that the tobaccos are in the headquarters. So James gave Steve's gangmate the bike. then he got a taxi to come back to Base. Screenshots: ::: ![ :::
  11. Medium warehouse for sale at bayside (Tierra robada) Starting bid: 5m Screens: https://imgur.com/a/ilybJFS
  12. Current bid 120m
  13. Personal Information. In-game nickname: Steve In-game username [your login]: kazmet Your real name: Aziz. Your age: 17 yo. Your nationality: Tunisian. Your timezone: GMT [+/-]: +1 GMT. How often do you play every week?: I play everyday 7/24. English proficiency (Out of 10): 7/10. Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absences & forum time too): I joined the server at 31 January 2017. What organization are you CURRENTLY a part of?: Black Syndicate What are your previous organizations?: Underground Empire What server groups are you CURRENTLY a part of?: San Andreas Medics San Andreas Interceptors Previous server bans WITH reasons: I got banned by mistake. General Knowledge of SAES:RPG & raceTECH. Explain what park killing is and why it isn't allowed. Park kill is when you rammed someone with vehicle while his breath is very low. It's forbidden against rules. Explain what deathmatching is and why it isn't allowed. Killing someone without any reason. It's forbidden against rules. Explain what avoiding arrest is and why it isn't allowed. Avoiding arrest is when you suicide or kill yourself or log off out, any way to flee from cop. It's forbidden against rules. When was raceTECH founded?: rTECH was founded at 2012. Where is raceTECH base located? ::: ::: Have you read our group rules prior to applying?: Yes, i did. What will happen if you cheat during a racing event?: Louis will hunt me down, and stick his dick up my nose. What is the first thing you should do before roleplaying as raceTECH?: Wear tags And remove your stars. What is rule 5 of the raceTECH rulebook?: Be active, you cunt. In your opinion, what do you think is the most important raceTECH rule?: Listen to higher ranked members at all times. Additional Information. What interested you most about raceTECH?: Well, as for why Im interested to join. raceTECH offers a lot that I'm interested in, RP wise. Besides that i'd like to contribute with all i've got, and help out. I'll try to do my best! Would you see yourself as more of a role player, racer, or event host for raceTECH?: I would like to see myself as more role player. Why should we pick you to be a member?: I'm a guy that likes cars, both the aesthetical view but also repairing them. The knowledge i already have will therefore help me with future roleplays. So yeah, the group seems intriguing to me, it'd be nice if i could have fun with my interests irl in game as well. Do you own a vehicle in real life? If so, what is it? [N/A if you don't drive]: I don't own a vehicle. but often i drive. What is your dream vehicle to own?: Mercades G63 Brabus
  14. In-game name: Steve Username: kazmet Age: 17 yo Nationality: Tunisian Previous bans/punishments: Banned by mistake Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Well, I think that i'm suitabe for the role because the knowledge i already have will therefore help me with future. The least service that you can offer to your community is helping them as SAHA also a thing we need. you should always be ready for anything. i will help people with my knowledge and my experience in this area to make it stronger from currently. So yeah, the SAHA seems intriguing to me, it'd be nice if i could get it.
  15. Last seen: 17 June 2018 Username: slaine97 Screens:
  16. Last seen: 17 June 2018 Username: slaine97 Screens:
  17. @Human_ @RikKi current bid is 120m
  18. https://imgur.com/a/SSH1BjY
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