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Everything posted by Steve.

  1. Involved SAI members: @Steve Responsible SAI Teams involved: Charlie Other involved people: @Star Date, time and duration of activity: 10th of June 2019, 6 minutes Activity type: Roleplay - Regular check @Star said in Star's application for ALT: ^[] Type Of Activity: Roleplay ALT Members: None Participants: @Steve , Myself Information/Story/Screenshots: It was sunny day. Sunday 3 PM. After the 8 hours break and PTI held over in San Fierro. I was driving back to my hometown , Las Venturas. The cargo was structural steel for one of ZIP constructions over in the Northern LV. On the SF-LV interstate I figured there were some blinking signs which I was gradually approaching to. I lowered my speed in case if a interstate police officer gonna stop me. That hapepened, An officer waved his hand pointing to the place where I must park my truck. ^[] The officer came by my truck's cabin as I went outside, He intriduced himself and said there was a raid on drug traffic going on, so I was being detained for the further investigation ^[] We went by the truck's trailer and he asked me about the details of the cargo that being shipped. I said that it was the structural steel for one of the ZIP constructions in the Northern LV. The officer had an attentive look through the trailer. ^[] Then officer asked me for transportation agreements, ID, Logbook, which I handed over to him immideately. As he looked through all the papers and the Logbook, he figured everything was alright, either the PTI had been held properly and there had been no violation on the rest rule and the time on the way had not been exceeded. ^[] He handed over all of my documents and said 'Careful on the road!' ^[]
  2. adress : 29 biff street Username : pokila Last seen : 26 / 04 / 2019 SS : https://imgur.com/a/zbYp9Sx
  3. Last seen: 21 april 2019 Account name: l34n
  4. I'm selling my nice mansion in vinewood ::: ::: Starting bid: 20m ::: :::
  5. Starting bid 50m
  6. Applicant Main Information : Nickname: Steve / Steven Username: kazmet Age: Im 17 years old Nationality: Tunisian Languages you can speak: I can speak Arabic, French and English Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I have been playing on SAES since 31 January 2017 Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Underground Empire Black Syndicate Wild Angels If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Underground Empire - I left the gang, because i didn't find my comfort there. Black Syndicate - Gang closed. Wild Angels - Gang closed. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) : I was banned by mistake What groups are you currently part of? : SAI Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I can assure you that i will be a good member, I'm skilled, active and reliable enough to be part of the gang Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets: Black Bullets role is consist of parts: are mainly based on providing assassinations, mercenary services, money laundering is an option, weapons repairs, coating, and customizations, which keeps their operations running around San andreas and basically at San Fierro. Likewise, they are using any way to gain/profit money Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : Black Bullets offers a lot that I'm interested in, RP wise. Besides that i'd like to contribute with all i've got, and help out. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? : Yes, Nicky. Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : nothing. ::: :::
  7. Best of luck guys :D
  8. Ramadan mubarak
  9. Starting bid over 250m :) *
  10. Starting bid: 100m (keep in mind that the income dosent work altho its still a spawn point)
  11. Sold already
  12. 120 if u want
  13. In-game name: Steve Username: kazmet Age: 17 yo Nationality: Tunisian Previous bans/punishments: Banned by mistake Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Well, I think that i'm suitabe for the role because the knowledge i already have will therefore help me with future. The least service that you can offer to your community is helping them as SAHA also a thing we need. you should always be ready for anything. i will help people with my knowledge and my experience in this area to make it stronger from currently. So yeah, the SAHA seems intriguing to me, it'd be nice if i could get it.
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