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Everything posted by Teller

  1. Teller


  2. Address: 11 East Beach Account name: archaon Last seen: 30th December 2018 Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Address: Comando Da Capital Gangbase Account name: l34n Last seen: 21st April 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. @Blade @teller said in Donations: They've been donated using my mom's paypal (I was underage back then) No problem, my donations have been added by Jonas. Thanks for help anyway :ok_hand:
  5. Part I: I've donated 211 Back in 2016 I need this change because all my vehicles have been removed due to inactivity Links to your donation topics: It's going to be a hard job finding them. I'm better of attaching a screenshot approving that I did donate (if that is fine) ::: https://i.gyazo.com/eb1a54b6c15fde40210c982f97a8a18d.png ::: Links to your previous donation changes requests: There's lots of them. Found my most recent one: http://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/88304-reward-replacement/ Part II: What I Want to be Removed Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1-10: Wayfarer Vehicle 11-21: Freeway Location: Tuga Thugs donation vehicle garage (Ask any TT member, they know what this means) Username: teller
  6. Got a question - I've had exactly 211GBP donated on previous version of forums. How can I track them? They've been donated using my mom's paypal (I was underage back then)
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