bankrob rule 3 forbits us from spawning cop to ruin a br. Literally same shit in different toilet as if official squad member spawns criminal to ruin a br by selling drugs to cops. Open your eyes and look at things from 2 perspectives. Either remove the rule or adapt it to apply for all players regardless of side they chose to play.
@Howlze said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: Yes, you should be allowed to kill the drug dealer selling strictly to cops. Obviously. Even Vice President of USA is talking wise words into your hollow skulls!
@XgangsterX said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: @Teller You gotta look on both sides of the subject brotha as I mentioned in the above seconde sentence No. You are wrong and your opinion is stupid. Bitches be talking about minimal realism and this is literally it.
@XgangsterX said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: @Makaveli You still can't really tell if he is a real cop or not, new players can think of earning easy money by selling it to the cops too Doesn't fuckin mather. Become a nark and sell to cops - get blasted. Should be like that. Period.
@Bunny said in Decrease Jail Time: Nearly same topic, but I prefer to pay for the shorter jail time. Doesn't have to be a lot. Reducing itself is okay too; but I find cash drains economicly better Why do you think they removed "pay 2000 dollars to keep 50% of your guns" ?? Exactly because nobody paid. Decrese the time for everyone to enjoy gameplay.
Atleast allow us to kill any criminal selling drugs to cops to even things up. I'm 100% positive if cops kill any kind of helper, be it medic or any other source of HP gain, it'll be forgotten and kicked under the carpet sort of case.