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Everything posted by Nishki

  1. If possible can admin please change the Cab/Taxi with a hotringracer/BMW while the custom wraps are ready?
  2. @SAES-Developer
  3. Happy birthday brother <3
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Happy birthday
  6. Done @ILLUSION
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 30 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? about 2 or 1 month ago. Why do you need this change? Because i want to add a custom wrap Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/22212/nishki-s-donation?_=1610473663196 Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/23170/nishki-s-reward-change?_=1610473663181 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: The taxi/cab at TT base Vehicle 1: My Shamal at LS airport. Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: N/A ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: I want to add a custom wrap at my broken glenblade and anoother to a hotring racer. Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) Interior: A meduim/small at a house in LS
  8. Feliz Aniversario
  9. happy birthday dogpizza
  10. Good idea about the ATM being Hacked/Robbed to obtain a certain amount of money to give you few stars after that why not.
  11. Happy birthday i did not notice this one and made my own topic
  12. Happy Birthday real one enjoy it to the max caralho <3
  13. @Kayl-0 They have moved the application system to the discord so make sure you join the Outfit's discord and apply there
  14. Happy birthday my nigga enjoy it <33
  15. Happy birthday to my favourite Macedonian Gypsy enjoy it bro
  16. happy birthday
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