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Everything posted by PaBLo

  1. Gang Closed We Will BACK Soon...
  2. +1 player need make inventory not only for Drugs he can save Pizza and Ammo and Mech Kit ..........
  3. ~[Activity[Hang]:]~(maroon) Activity Type :Hang Around/FIX Car's Cuban Car member's : @M7mod @TaJ Mr.Scott helper's : @Jesse421 @RadiO Screenshots : ~[CLICK HERE-ALL SS]~(maroon)
  4. :busts_in_silhouette: :bust_in_silhouette:
  5. ~[Roleplay Number:50]~(red) ~[Story:]~(red) Today I was in the arms store of the new gang that I joined and suddenly my friend came to me and told me that they lacked some weapons and that is why we need your help and in order to prove my skills I went to find a solution and on the way I found my friend's bike and I entered the restaurant to talk to him Did he have some weapons, he answered me, of course, and he told me to come tomorrow. Tomorrow I and my friend went to my truck and when we arrived we loaded the load and then gave him his money and we delivered the goods to our headquarters. ~[Participants:]~(red) @Rebels-MC & @FireSnow & @PaBLo & @SWT & @Pirus ~[Screenshot(s)]~(red): https://giant.gfycat.com/BitesizedSandyGreatwhiteshark.webm ~[Vidoe]~(red) https://youtu.be/tbj6GRBXNE4
  6. missclick....
  7. In-game Name: PaBLo Real Name: Ilyas Age: 16 Country of Residence: Algerian What made you applying for The Pirus?: i see that the Pirus gang deserves to get tired of it and help it be the best through a great effort What is the main role of The Pirus?: -Smuggling and selling weapons, drug trafficking and money fraud Let us know a bit about you: -i'm pablo 16 years old like play mta and Call of duty and battle ground games Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone ?: I have Dc/but i havnt microphone Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?: if i get the chance? first i will be happy then i will give good Work's[rp's+event's-etc.]
  8. ~[Cleaning Roads:]~(maroon) Type of used car :TowTruck Participants:N/A Duration :30min Total laminated cars:6Car's[1 Helicopter] Screenshots : ::: :::
  9. ~[Activity[Hang]:]~(maroon) Activity Type :Hang Around Cuban Car member's :Crash helper's :N/A Screenshots : ::: :::
  10. ~[ROLEPLAY:]~(black) ~[RolePlay Title :]~(maroon) ~[Help The Car Seller.]~(silver) ~[Participants:]~(maroon) @WiTTi01 ~[Story :]~(maroon) Yesterday I was in my garage smoking to waste some time from this life and suddenly I received a call from one of the sellers of cars, who was angry and asked for help and I went to him in the car of the wrecked vehicles and when I contacted him and asked him what happened he told me that a thief would steal one of his cars and But I hit him and fled and I said to him I took care of him and I moved the car to my workshop and I repaired it and then prepared to replace it and it did not collide. ~[Screenshots :]~(maroon) ::: :::
  11. -~[EVENT]~(maroon): ~[Event Type:]~(maroon)Cheekin Shooter ~[Event Prize:]~(maroon)1.000.000 ~[LWS/G6:]~(maroon)@Tritosh <~Thank's ~[Winner:]~(maroon)@FireSnow ~[Screen Shots:]~(maroon) ::: :::
  12. @Flexman said in Racing & Cunning Brother's: Nickname:Flex Username:Flex02
  13. Ingame name: 215|PaBLo. Ingame username: pablo04. Previous organizations and leaving causes: ~[Cartel Da Sinaloa:]~(maroon) Left. ~[Cartel Da Sinaloa:]~(maroon) Kicked. Define Underground Empire: The Empire is an organized crime syndicate founded by the leaders John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, Judas Davis, former Confederate soldiers who have not found a job to bring in their livelihoods and therefore decided to choose the path of criminality to become one of the wealthiest and most dangerous clients. When the task was done successfully, they got a lot of money and made them complete this way. This is known in playing the UE's roles, because it is the simplest thing that this gang can do. What binds you with Underground Empire: What connects me with the empire under the ground is that I consider it as my house to know its daily activities and its members taught me some beautiful things that I did not know and I also like the behavior of its members, they are not like the rest of the people, but they are distinguished by something What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a criminal activity that is systematically carried out by a number of persons working for an organization, a term related to organizations consisting of persons who follow a senior leader. This process contributes to increased experience in teamwork and tactics, if it is a type of crime associated with drug trafficking, indiscriminate killing and all kinds of crime. ::: ~[HANG SS]~(cyan) ~[With Arctic:]~(red) ~[With Jose and Kaylum:]~(red) ~[With Spinkess:]~(red) ~[With Jose and Kurpted]~(red) ~[Truf:-:Hari-Marques-Kurpted-Urban-kanzerino-Clario-Ammar :]~(red) ~[Click here to view all images]~(Green) :::
  14. ~[~Welcome Here you can find all my activities.~]~(sienna) how is the activity will be posted : ~[Activity[Hang]:]~(maroon) Activity Type : Cuban Car member's : helper's : Screenshots : ~[ROLEPLAY:]~(maroon) RolePlay Title : Participants: : Story : Screenshots : ~[EVENT:]~(maroon) Event Type: Event Prize: LWS/G6: Winner: Screen Shots: ~[Cleaning Roads:]~(maroon) Type of used car : Participants: : Duration : Total laminated cars: Screenshots :
  15. @Thing @Nord xd guys plz stop
  16. @Nord nice one nord :joy: :laughing: and Thank's
  17. @Thing xD the Same mate
  18. ~[ALL BANNER'S AND LOGO HAS UPDATED]~(cyan,red) ~[DATE]~(cyan):18/06/2019 ~[DESIGNER]~(cyan):@Nakeer
  19. Date:17/06/2019[13:35] ::: :::
  20. @FireSnow u'r ~[Black Listed]~(black) Dont Post Any thing Here Again
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