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Everything posted by PaBLo

  1. @johnn ty bro<3
  2. @Thing i dont care :-1:
  3. @Carbon Thanks :pray:
  4. Dear @Hassantt @Freezy @FoxZilla Thanks Very Much Thats Make Me Happy :D
  5. Address:Los Santos Small Shack 3 Account name:solrac Last seen:28th April 2019 Screenshots:
  6. ~[Address:BaySide Shop Centre Account name:professorparadox10 Last seen:29th July 2019 Screenshots:]~(black)
  7. ~[Deleted Wtf i was noob here?]~(red)
  8. xd 3id mobarak for every one :face_with_cowboy_hat:
  9. Application format: ~[Nickname:]~(black) PaBLo ~[Username:]~(black) pablo04 ~[Age:]~(black) 16 ~[Nationality:]~(black) Algerian ~[How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? :]~(black) I Start Play SAES 6/1/2019 ~[Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please):]~(black) Only 1Aj A Cop Report Me With No Ss Idk What Is Reson. ~[Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :]~(black) ~[Cartel Da Sinaloa]~(maroon):Leave ~[The_Pirus]~(red):Leave ~[Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay:]~(black) ~[The main roles are: Car theft: It is one of the most important roles / tattoo design: It is the most important art owned by the gang and consists of Japanese arts / kidnapping and intimidation: more interested in stealing customers with important information / Assassination and murder: if too much money is offered to gang members to kill A person or a policeman will be under service.]~(black) ~[Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?:]~(black) No (by my Self) ~[why you wanna join us? :]~(black) I want your assistant to come back as you were the first time ~[what can we expect from you? :]~(black) Helping By Offer RolePlay's,Event's,Money Cars...etc ~[Any additional information we may need to know?:]~(black) Now I'm Fixing My Pc [Changing Windows] I Will Back To Play SAES After 1 or 2 Days At Maximum
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0TPzdNQEDXw ~[Start From 4:26 For Funny]~(black)
  11. Congratulations @Brophy For Your Daughter (tech him how to be like you[i mean how to kick]... :relaxed: )
  12. PaBLo


    Gl i'm coming too ....(soon after 298years later)
  13. Best of luck Algerian Boys i mean gays
  14. @Wassim ''Reply kifk ya 5ra <3 " @Garcia1999 ''thanks for your reply i will try to change the tag :thinking_face: '' @Orten09 Thanks <3 @ZoRo <3 <3
  15. @Faysal Thank you for giving me some incentive
  16. Gang Closed We Will Back Soon
  17. @xxLaZaRxx Thanks <3 :pray:
  18. @Hetler thanks <3
  19. @Casper Ty <3
  20. @SoulFly , @XxNetroxX , @YankaTa , @hzhayzza , @JaKeL , @Josesito , @Object , @Spicey Thank you so much <3 :pray: Dear @Markus Thanks For Your Reply But Please ask after postt any thing , cuz this gang realy from another rpg server and I'm the owner of this gang and another think i get promossion From Brophy After i Open This Gang, another Think Thee Other RPG SERVER is Dead.Thanks For Reading
  21. @SoulFly Thanks:pray:
  22. UPDATE 23/07/2019 00:31 BACK STORY:Added ROLE PLAY:Added APPLICATION:Added 00:38 RULES:Added 24/07/2019 12:33 Topic Posted
  23. Dear @Vennelle , @Hassantt , @Freezom, @reket , @Lightning @McJoni Thanks <3
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