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Everything posted by PaBLo

  1. ~[Event number:#2 Event Type:Chicken Shooter Prize:1.000.000 LWS Helper:@Star Winner(s):[FOX]Alex Screenshots:]~(lime,black) ::: :::
  2. ~[Event number:#1 Event Type:Chicken Shooter Prize:1.000.000 LWS Helper:Xoeric Winner(s):[B~B]Mayda Screenshots:]~(lime,black) ::: :::
  3. Was Good Time Pirus Bye Bye I Hope You Back Again //Red Bandana <3
  4. Dear @Romiro02 First We Are So Happy For Get Denied cuz we need fix some thing's in our Family And Be More Active And Serious. Another Thing You are writing things that are meaningless and not worth writing. You try to demoralize anyone who rejects you or anything you dislike, please think twice before you write something.
  5. ~[Activity Number:]~(red,black) 158 ~[Activity Type:]~(red,black) Night Activety ( 31.10.2019) ~[Screenshot(s):]~(red,black) :
  6. ~[Event Number :]~(red) 89 ~[Event Price]~(red,black) : $1.000.000 ~[Event Type:]~(red,black) LMS ~[LWS or G6:]~(red,black) @sprriw ~[Event Winner:]~(red,black) @Ment ~[Screenshots :]~(red,black) ::: :::
  7. ~[Activity[Hang]:]~(maroon) Activity Type :Hang Around/Cleaning Roads Cuban Car member's : @Sw3dy helper's : @Judy Screenshots : ::: :::
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R3csNpXfR4&feature=youtu.be
  9. Good Luck To Find some one
  10. ~[Roleplay Number]~(red,black) : 128 ~[Story :]~(red,black) ::: ^[When we do not care about anything in this life we go to the private residence and to smoke until we die.] ^[Today someone came to me what I did not know his identity, but as soon as I tried to talk to him towards his weapon towards me and said: Go about me do not need more problems.] ^[I asked him what is the problem and said, Did not you know me after I am the servant of the Mafia clan?] ^[Then I got to know him. He was in my clan last year, but because of his psychological problems, he separated from us and now he wants to help get out of the mafia.] ^[I consulted the leader and then carried my weapons and we went to his house] ^[For our security we found the door locked and decided to use force to break the door] ^[We entered the house and started looking for him] ^[I found him rehearsing and I killed him immediately out of anger] ^[When I came back I found my friend drinking and he could not understand what happened. I took him home] :::
  11. soon
  12. Gj Mate But Now Your Gang Now hhh
  13. PaBLo


    if you wany a Diesigner I'm Here
  14. ^[~[Event Formate:]~(lime,black)] ~[Event number: Event Type: Prize: LWS Helper: Winner(s): Screenshots:]~(lime,black) ^[~[Information]~(lime,black)] Old Info: In-game Name:PaBLo Account name:pablo04 Joined the server on (date):6/1/2019 Events you see yourself doing if you get to join LWS:i WillStart by learning the techniques of building and programming in the not and also try to open a contest for the experience and then the questions of members who have experience and then never develop my skills. Explain what you understand by our motto, "Quality over Quantity":Quality is more than quantity This Motto means a lot to me, because it means big and they mean that even if the thing you offer to the client is not the big thing but the important is the quality of the thing so the customer to follow the details that you give him. The quality of the thing does not mean to be something supernatural but quality The food is distinctive and suitable for the customer and also made with the highest materials, but quantity is the proportion of what you give Explain why you want to join LWS:The players in the server are always on the rise, who are opening the contests and there are a few LWS who are opening them so we need more LWS and i'm active player.
  15. In-game Name:PaBLo Real Name:Ilyas Age:17 Country of Residence:Algerian What made you applying for The Pirus?: I noticed that the pirus is getting stronger in the streets and also I'm not in any gang or any team and all my friends are there What is the main role of The Pirus?: Smuggling and selling weapons, drug trafficking and money fraud Let us know a bit about you: - I'm pablo 17 Years Old Like Play Battle Ground Games/I'm New Streamer Old Application:https://saesrpg.uk/topic/8774/the-pirus/97 Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone?: Im Own a Discord /I Have Bad Microphone Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?:I Will Help Every One In The Gang (Rp/event..) And I Will Respect All Member/HQ's
  16. ~[Number:First Activity #1 Date:31/8/2019 TheH ID's:]~(red) ~[TheH|001,TheH|002,TheH|008,TheH|010,TheH|007,TheH|011]~(black) ~[(SS):]~(red)
  17. Type(BR/PBR/JB):BR Location:Las Vantures Date:28/08/2019 TheH ID's: @PaBLo TheH|001 (SS): ::: :::
  18. Happy Birthday <3 <3 <3
  19. ^[UPDATE] DATE 1.Logo & Banners Update 2.Members ID Changed @PaBLo ID#001 @FireSnow ID#002 Nice Work @IsLeMou223 ID#003 @WiTTi01 ID#004 Level Up You Are Level 4 Try To Be A Good Manger @Jiirak ID#005 @Faysal ID#006 @Picanto ID#007 Nice Work Keep It Up And You Will @barboy Kicked @Lion ID#008 Level Up You Are Now Level 1 @Casper ID#009 Warn try To Join Our Activity @The-Best1 ID#010 Level Up You Are Now Level 1 @Sweets ID#011 Try To Join Our Activity 3.Apllication Added
  20. Type(BR/PBR/JB):JB Location:LosSantos/Prison Date:28/08/2019 TheH ID's: (SS): ::: :::
  21. Address: 10 Seamen Road Account name : solrac Last seen: 28th April 2019a Screenshot (s): ::: :::
  22. Group Topic:~[The_Hornec]~(red) ^[[MEDIA ARCHIVE]] ^[Event Formate] Event Number: Event Type: LWS/G6: Winner(s): Prize: (SS): ^[Role Play Formate] Roleplay Number: Title: Participants: Story: (SS): ^[Activity Formate] Number: Date: TheH ID's: (SS): ^[Input Formate] Type(BR/PBR/JB): Location: Date: TheH ID's: (SS): ~~[Total Event's:]~(red)4~ ~~[Total Roleplay:]~(red)1~ ~~[Total Input:]~(red)3~ ~~[Total Activity:]~(red)2~
  23. @PaBLo said in Inactive Ls: Address:Quality Meats Small Shack 2
  24. @Thing Please Its Not Gang Its Crim Group
  25. Address:Los Santos Small Shack 2 Account name:maestroswidi Last seen:19th April 2019 Screenshots:
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