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Everything posted by Acez

  1. ~[Hello and welcome to xClipper's Application for Arms Assasins(AA :P) ( AA FTW )]~(#99004d) Application Format Nickname: hello there ! my nickname ingame is , iBowOP|TF Age: my age is 14 ! Country: my country is Philippines ! Languages spoken: i spoke , a little bit italian , english , tagalog From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): i would'nt say that i am very good at english but i can understand .. speak ... so its like 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: i started playing saes 2015 and i stop at the year of 2016... then i study more hard because i know scientist is hard work. then i came back like january/february of 2019. then yea.. i meet a lot of friends.. In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: ( 1st Paragraph ) Arms Assasins in short AA , in the early days ASSASINS was a bit of a push....... they had a fear ... they had a lives and morals.... they learned to lose them..they aren't really sure where the name came about .... he/she knows it wasnt use. some street gangs tagged them as ASSASINS . early on and when they began to sell their cargo onto streets of San Fierro, he guess that some wise guy added the ARMS . ( 2nd Paragraph ) Nicknames stick to people. the more ridiculous the more adhesive they are. for some reason they are now cabbages.. or couves.. who knows where this came from but , like everything else , it stuck like glue.... they now christened the Arms Assassins and . he was now Couves.. ( 3rd Paragraph ) They found a fitting move ito that little cargo/ship . its a bit off the coast and it feels pretty protected . the local force doesn't bother with them. they come and try tp execute a search warrant and suddenly they are in international water . ( 4th Paragraph ) The law cant stop AA , who can ? they had no rivals , no competition . they are family , strong , safe , and together . they work fot the profit that keep them going and they will never stop . this is who they are / this is why they dropped their morals . Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): ICE 2x - 1st - kicked because i reported a SAFP member to forums and James said 'Delete it' but i said 'I can't' and he didn't believe . thats why ..... , 2nd-I left for some reasons .. i will tell you ingame. Previous bans on the server and reasons for them:--- Name 3 BR rules: When the BR started do not marker kill , when BR finished don't jump from roof to suicide/avoid cops outside/inside the Bank , do not BR alone , must have atleast 1 HQ to start a BR ( i know its only Three ( 3 ) but i put 4 Sorry :) ) Name 3 GR rules: Do not spawn kill , Do not GR Alone , DE / CLO Assistance is not allowed , Nades is not allowed , Applicants / Helpers is not allowed ( i know its only need Three(3) but i put 5 sorry :) ) Name 3 Turf rules: Medic / Pizzaboy is not allowed to help allies , do not start a Turf without permission , Do not climb from unclimbable roofs , you can only spawn as gangspawn or hospital spawn . sorry if its 4 :) What is Roleplay?: Its like .. actinging like in real life... or experiencing... example : AA need more weapons so they bought from a shop and get chased by some cops . What is Deathmatching?: Killing / attacking / damaging any player or vehicles without any reasons. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: just take screenshot ( f12 ) and report them ( /report ) You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I will let him / ignore him because he is AFK or dont want to arrest me Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: i know anyone like Hoodie , Rubik , Licano , Terry ( Best seller ) ,nicus , Yoko... Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Hi im Jude a.k.a xClipper , i started playing SAES like 2015 ... then i enjoyed playing .. then stop at the year of 2016 . because im little bit bored... then i came back like January 2019 ... i found kind/friendly players... that i can trust them. like Smurf. he always with me anytime in game . and i love my all family !! and im Pinoy. i can speak 3languages.. and im loyal , kind , respectful player and you can trust me. :) .. and yeah.. thats all for my applciation ! thanks ! Thank you for Reading . Kind Regards , Jude A.K.A iBowOP
  2. @James said in MTA Lagging: @kipt said in MTA Lagging: James donated a PC as well? You da best James (just messing a bit) Sorry @Jude-Obiasca i donated wrong pc for you,i will send you one new pc CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K - Intel Core i9-9900K | Graphics: Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 - RTX 2080 Ti | RAM: 32GB | Storage: 480GB M.2 SSD/2TB HDD. :smile: Lmfao , send me in my house :)
  3. +1 guys , when i enter Saes it says "You need to update your MTA before playing this server" then i click "OK" when it reaches 70% , it restarts to 10% ..
  4. @xDarkMan said in MTA Lagging: do Windows+R then write %TEMP% then delete all files there u dont need it you sure?
  5. @Ramby said in MTA Lagging: @Jude-Obiasca It's just ICE base. Even when I drive past ICE my PC just wants to die. Massive fps drop and then you hit one of the amazing cars that spawn on the road. no it's not ICE Base , i mean my Ping even i have good Wifi
  6. @XgangsterX said in MTA Lagging: @Jude-Obiasca I'll come back to you when I'm home / behind the PC. Other thing, is it a laptop or PC? And.. do you have a graphics card? this is Laptop , i don't know if this is Graphics card called "AMD Radeon"
  7. Please open the spoiler if this is , @XgangsterX ::: :::
  8. @XgangsterX said in MTA Lagging: What kind of hardware do you use? how to know where it is?
  9. @Markus said in MTA Lagging: Perhaps it's your PC? Not problem with my PC
  10. Hello guys !!!! So ingame im lagging !! even i have good wifi connection and not about my Country !! Please anyone can help me !!
  11. Elections ?? This is awesome...
  12. This is Already a group
  13. HBD Rubikscube !
  14. Address: BC Motel Room #22 Account name:knattenmedhatten Last seen: july 28 , 2018 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/fnOxmlt
  15. @Noah said in @Orten or @Lance: @Jude-Obiasca said in @Orten or @Lance: Orten = Pomie = Lance = Noah Uhmm, @Jude-Obiasca Hello xJude aka xClimmer aka MartinJames @Mohamed-Mostafa And if you know i'm orten.. what i should do? HAHAHAHHA Yes im Jude And Clipper !!! but i am not Martin James , he is my cousin LoL EDIT : I just changed my name to xJude to xClipper LoL
  16. @Mohamed-Mostafa said in @Orten or @Lance: @Jude-Obiasca said in @Orten or @Lance: Orten = Pomie = Lance = Noah wtf Lance is Noah too ? why tf this Orten is changing his name everyday :D Yep Noah is Lance EDIT: he even changed his name to SAES>Lance
  17. Orten = Pomie = Lance = Noah
  19. I bet who Voted "NO" is Lance
  20. good car and yehh,,,,, i like Audi's! !!!!! +1
  21. Address: Richman Love Cabin Account name: morcao69 Last seen: February 10 , 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WQ2f6E1
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