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Everything posted by ReaperBF

  1. Participants in The RP: Wassim| @sami RP Scenario: Suddenly we got a phone call to our repair service the caller is a girl said that the car smoke came from I immediately told the car to cover the car and open the front hood so that the smoke would have to spread you do not do anything until I come there I told you to stay away from the car when I told you exactly where you was, I got into the car and started to drive fast I eventually arrived and quickly took my handbag and went to the car and tried to figure out what the problem was the problem seems to come from the water tank of the car and it was pierced I immediately began to repair the water tank by removing a few items to repair the water tank I said that after finishing all the things, the car should fill the water tank and run it again He ran the car again and everything seemed fine, and the car seemed to be as good as the old one. I gathered all my goods and returned to work. ScreenShot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/qGJrJ.png :::
  2. @Chief Thnx <3
  3. Thnx @gullbooy @James @Flex
  4. Good LuCK :P
  5. EVENT [N6] Event type : LMS LWS:@zaza Prize : 1,000,000 $ Winner(s) : @Naker Screens : ::: :::
  6. EVENT [N5] Event type : LMS LWS:@zaza Prize : 1,000,000 $ Winner(s) : @jonathan959 Screens : ::: :::
  7. EVENT [N4] Event type : Chicken Arrest LWS:@zaza Prize : 1,000,000 $ Winner(s) : @Raiden Screens : ::: :::
  8. HBD @scooter
  9. Gz Kipt
  10. EVENT [N3] Event type : Chicken Shooter Helper: @LuXa2k LWS:@zaza Prize : 1,000,000 $ Winner(s) : @JaKeL Screens : ::: ![Spoiler Text]( :::
  11. EVENT [N2] Event type : Last Man Standing. LWS:@zaza Prize : 1,000,000 $ Winner(s) : @kokwedy Screens : ::: ![Spoiler Text]( :::
  12. Event Type : Chiken Arrest LWS/G6: @zaza Price : $1.000.000 Winner : @Reus Screen : ::: :::
  13. Part 1 / Personal information Ingame Name: WaSsiM Real Name:wissou Age:16 Country:Algeria Languages :Arabic,Turk,French,English Gender: male Nationality:algerian Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? Nope. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? NCI=Left (Problems) Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? 06 year How long have you been playing on SAES? 05 year How many hours do you play in a day? 4 - 10 hours in day How many times do you visit the forums in a day? all times Previous gangs/squads?:N/A Are you in any groups?: TS Do you have PC (Procop membership)?:No Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications Strengths: i can say iam good in driving , shooting, sniping and teamwork Weaknesses: Driving Boats . Describe Deathmatch: mean kill other player with out reason for revenge/enjoy (this not allowed in Rpg sevrer) Describe RolePlay: acting like real life and make action for enjoy and more fun Describe TeamWork: mean to be helpful and work with your team to stop armed robbery or arresting any suspect. or making RP Add a picture of your "stats" by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] ::: ::: Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? take SS and report to Hq if he is in squad or gang if no i will press F1/report to admin. What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? asking how he got level wanted and after that i decide if i want bribing or not. Someone DMs you: take SS and report to Hq if he is in squad or gang If not report to admin. An admin asks you something: sure i will answer . Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? responding and listen to the orders. Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? @McJoni Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? yes with Firas @McJoni @Jamal Where is our private forums?: saesrpg.uk > Territorial Support Group section Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: @John @N-FUN Tell us something about yourself( more than 30 words): i am WaSsiM from algeria exactly Oran city i have 16years,Old i'm working with my father as Mech, i love play/watch football and video games and i love make videos about SAES . Additional information: N/A
  14. Which form for Event: Chicken Arrest Winner:@Zakaria Prise: 1mill Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Best Of Luck Guys <3 <3
  16. RolePlay Number:#21 Title:theft of houses Participants:@Wassim @McJoni @xXMarKDouMXx @SoulFly @readal Story:When I was walking in the city of San Fierro, my friend called me and told me that there was a rich man who had a big house and had a lot of money after a period of time we went to the house where the man started to watch first, so we told him that the house was empty and we started to load things in the garage when we took Dahab and the computer ... We went out hilarious after the police cut off our way and said that there was a report against us for stealing things from people's houses when the police officers were searching in my car park, we had the opportunity to kill them, we killed them and we got on our way. Ss: ::: :::
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