Ingame name: 215|ReMP Ingame username:wissou Previous organizations and leaving causes: TST(Dead),ICE(ILeft;IWant to start anew life with crims),CDC(ILeft;Inactive Gang no br's no turf...),Rebels(igot kicked bcz ihave some problems with the VL),CDS(Dead),Pirus(Dead),MMC(Dead in 2015),BBMC(Dead) Define Underground Empire: Without a doubt, I can define the group as an organized group as far as I could notice by the days I've been monitored by an HQ. I see the dedication that the HQ team put in the group. I really like that. For a while, I could see some members turfing, they're really skilled. I'm impressed by the group's management and very excited to be a part of you. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire, is the most experienced and active gang in the server and well known to its members respectful of others. I want to join the UE because I think staying with this family would be better for me. I am an active man and I can give a good company in the gang. What do you know about organized crime: Organize crime is contact public officials to establish a suitable basis for violent acts and to protect themselves. In this respect, organized crime important and differs from the type of organization that a few people form a crime. Has a hierarchical structure within itself. everyone from organized crime group have their own role. Organize crime is more interested in money and motivation as a result, they can continue their work better. Be willing to be violent has a continuity. Members must be respectful and disciplined.