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Everything posted by Adistar

  1. Kinda late but better late than never right. Yesterday we had another huge activity of ~20 players. Though not everyone was attending it (Fakin AFKers), here is a gang screenshot we took yesterday, evident for our activity. Beautiful I know. As you can see there are objects around the hospital. It looks stupid yeah because Blue can't map at all, but fortunately that was the wrong map. As nobody was turfing and we're not really fond of BRs in general, we decided to host a 1V1 DM session. But the nice thing is: everyone was welcome to join. We had players from various gangs coming over to participate. Here are screenshots of it: (I would strongly advise you not to read what Strong was saying in the chat because we have no clue what he's on about) It was a succesful event, and I would like to thank (Sorry if I forgot some names men) @bazuka36, @Siper_, @Disaster, @Rivals, @Tritosh, @hope in particular for joining the fun DM session with us. We hope to host this more often, so whoever is reading this and willing to join in next time, just come
  2. @Ardron I think you took my words too literal. Intention was not to label AA as the bad guys here but simply for him to ignore whatever makes him not wanna play saes
  3. You should ignore bullies and just enjoy your game mate
  4. Finally, a good suggestion +1 Am I a step closer to clo now???????
  5. Yesterday we managed to defend our zones against CripZ, LE, and TT. Unfortunately I myself do not have the screenshots, but our activity and this video which we recorded after victory is enough of an evidence. A victorious gang picture with @Clandestine-Mob: @Ramos @Mohd @System31 does this video ring a bell to you? :smirk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2U98z1TB56Q&t=2s ::: The old video for the ones who weren't around then: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1NekjHgFHE :::
  6. @FarVio123 - You do not meet our standards as you and C departed in a bad way, therefore denied. Gather more experience somewhere else.
  7. @thebutcher - Welcome to the family. Find a High Council ingame for an invite!
  8. Thanks guys!!
  9. Hbd hermano from the company
  10. @Laza said in Lincoln and Bazuka leaving: I just thought @Linkan is leaving, oh damn. Anyways take care boys, ciao. How rude
  11. @Makaveli said in Bank Robbery Rule Change: Cops are still spawning as drug dealer even tho they included vending machines. What happened exactly? Did the cops get rid of their stars after?
  12. @Sattar083 the last question explicitely states that the answer must have 150-200 words
  13. @Sattar083 Your application doesn't meet the standards. Please fix it
  14. I don't have time to post every day so here is a collection of activities from this week. Today was a special day again. It was Power Hour, and yes we definitely took the opportunity to enjoy it. We reached 17 players ingame. Following screenshot shows that. Cropped @Zlatan out because his ping was too high to change his name back to proper ThC tag: Our activity screenshot this time was a tribute to @Groove, which was wanking with his skinmod. Credits go to @Ikzelf our photographer: Here are some shots from other POVs: Before I came online, The Company attempted (with the accent on ATTEMPTED cause imagine failing with minigun) to BR twice at the same time. Here are screenshots of the BR (Taken by @Siper_ ): We also went on a small trip around SA, in the hope of one bank becoming able as nobody was turfing: Afterwards we did a 1 V 1 game in TR hospital but forgot to take screenshots unfortunately. Screenshot of us assisting BloodZ in their BR, which happened yesterday: Finally, turfs of yesterday: Before: After:
  15. @Fox-Operations-X @FOX-Operations-X brothers <3
  16. @Tiger said in The Company: Withdrawn for now :( Don't bother applying again.
  17. Hello everyone, pretty much the first time I'm writing something like this. As you can see, the topic's design has been upgraded and our logo has evolved into the logo pictured below: With this, we would like to introduce a new era of The Company. Our spawn and it's structure is also being updated, as we're waiting for approval from GM's. This means that our iconic skin will disappear too: Expect to see a complete new The Company in-game, soon. I would like to thank every The Company member, in gang or out of it - and these know who they are - for all the effort. I also would like to thank the gangs who keep us alive and motivated to continue playing in-game, especially our biggest rival in turf ;). We hope to stay alive as long as possible and to involve ourselves in even more activities, who knows we can bring GRs back alive? Stay tuned!
  18. @Garcia1999 I've deleted your post but even though you're not interested in The Company at all, I would like to let you know that I've decided to blacklist you due to that post. Baibai
  19. @Ashleyy - we haven't seen you around, for this reason you are denied. You may reapply after 2 weeks @Ram - decent dude. Pending, find a HQ ingame for a test. @Azazel - No decision about you yet. Under review
  20. @Ram @Ashleyy - New applicants, so your applications will be answered later. Under review @SomeOne - You are forgiven for your mistakes. Meet a High Council ingame for a test so that we can make sure you're aware of the rules. Pending @Ibrahim @Zorro - You are both denied because you do not meet our standards. Gain experience somewhere else
  21. Today was yet another day for The Company. First the members were ordered to take over Bone country and Tierra Robada, which did happen succesfully. Here are pictures of the operation: Regrouping The turf before: The turf after: After the turfs we took a little break, but a regular guest visited (But not really) our base. As he is a really good friend of us, Every ThC member came back in-game special for our friend, @Corrupt, to give him the lovely attention he deserves from us. We decided to take an activity picture together with him! Was it a good time? Definitely. Did he betray us in the end? Definitely. Few cops showed up and some of us ended up arrested. Not nice @Corrupt. After a while, The Company members were ordered to investigate certain agents and gather material about them for blackmailing purposes. This time it was time to expose the FBI agent @Kain , as we received intel that he was buying illegal drugs from a drugs dealer. Our agents dressed up as Reporters and went to the pinpointed location. The agent spotted us and tried to escape, but too late! Even though he arrested some of us after, we managed to take shocking pictures of him and the pictures will be used as blackmail in the future. Here are pictures of the activity: The evidence! Of course they're all jokes, so nothing to be taken serious!! We love you all To finish this post, here is a fancy lineup from 2 days ago which we forgot to post for some reason:
  22. Today was a very busy day for The Company. First, we went for a turf. The initial turf map can be seen below: During the turfs, we obviously took fancy pictures to display them in this topic: Our ally @Clandestine-Mob was also turfing and ended up in a possible zone collision with Z. We responded to this problem and fought with Z too, but cops had to ruin the fight again.. Anyway the outcome of the turf was this map (Our zones in LV were Z's then): After the turfing session we called @Clandestine-Mob to our base for a possible BR and a new ally picture: Obviously the cops knew we were about to do it even though we did not call other gangs on purpose so that we could rob the bank unsuspiciously, but oh well. Cops started to follow us and we decided to pull plan B: Pretend we're turfing @CripZ zones: Genius plan? Hell no. 15 cops were still following us with a Shamal (Fml). But another gang wanted to BR aswell so we agreed that we'd keep the cops busy for them and once that gang triggers their BR, we would take RC. The post above this one shows the outcome of that BR. Many thanks to @Clandestine-Mob for sticking with us and @Pump in particular for being an amazing photographer. That was all for today! EDIT: We have never shown this in our media archive so might be interesting to know that The Company does not just turf and BR, and you are of course welcome to join our DM sessions next time. We frequently host 1V1 DMs for ThC and invite other gangmembers to play aswell. Its kinda becoming a popular activity among gang members but still not known by everyone. See the pictures below (Don't pay attention to dutch kanker in cc it rarely happens I promise) of YESTERDAY! Credits go to @CripZ and @zaza in particular for the map. They're the founders of this DM session
  23. @DarkSideR - Friend of The Company. Accepted & invited @Joshbond - Sad to hear what has happened to you. Lets hope you will finally find an organization you feel comfortable in. We would love to welcome you with open arms. Pending, contact a High Council ingame. @bazuka36 - Honestly I lost my trust in you last time you left The Company because of bug abuse incident. Also you were known to have an opinion against us. After the discussion we had with you and rest of High Council we've decided to welcome you regardless of the past. Any new abuse and it's over. Pending, contact a High Council ingame. LightSide - Hang time was already extended and you improved. Find a HQ ingame for test! @SomeOne - Due to the mistake you made last time(I contacted you about it) we're extending the review period a little bit. Keep hanging a bit more and you'll join ThC back in no time. @Ibrahim - Not really known by us. I'm giving you some time to prove yourself. Under-review. The REST of the applicants are DENIED. You may reapply after two weeks if desired. Contact me in private for the reasons.
  24. Definitely was one of the better lvl 5 gangs in the server with stable activity for a very long time. Rest in peace brothers
  25. @Terry as written in the topic, there was a voting made by Kain and it is clear that the majority does not agree with your stance on Speed. That's why it is better to find a common ground that would satisfy both sides at least, and this suggestion could be one. Another thing I've stated is that this suggestion is just the first step for new features in the future hopefully. The idea could be expanded to even an inventory system which may solve your problem about having to buy drugs everytime, but as I honestly don't see SAES implementing something big anytime soon, suggesting the entire idea step by step would be better @James - Perhaps explain why it is bad?
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