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Everything posted by Adistar

  1. @rykila said in BR issue: Cry kid @Adistar Idiot pt go l2p valorant
  2. With the amount of official gangs nowadays it is hard to find an available bank to rob, leading to less fun gameplay. This needs to be looked at. I added a poll where people can vote on the best solution to this issue. You can vote on more options as the final solution could be a mix of the options. Also if you have another idea then suggest it here so I may add it to the poll. Hope this gets solved ASAP EDIT: ...I am sorry but either I don't know how to update the poll or there is no feature for it. So forget about suggesting other ideas lol
  3. Oops. Fucked up with the poll. Will redo the topic. Remove this pls New topic: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25030/br-issue
  4. With the amount of official gangs nowadays it is hard to find an available bank to rob, leading to less fun gameplay. This needs to be looked at. I added a poll where people can vote on the best solution to this issue. You can vote on more options as the final solution could be a mix of the options. Also if you have another idea then suggest it here so I may add it to the poll. Hope this gets solved ASAP [poll title="How should the BR issue be tackled" maxvotes="3"] Bring back amount of BRs a day to 2 Add more banks ingame Reduce BR cooldown [/poll]
  5. @sushii said in New Jail: @zabo Well, it just seems to me that you're struggling to jailbreak. May I suggest you just play cop instead, maybe it'll be a little easier for you. Oh and Nano and myself have played around with the jail. In fact, we did before it went live. Thanks for the suggestion, but we managed. If you want something easier, play cop or just play as a bin man ;) Managed against who if you tried it out before it went live xD
  6. @Blue very insightful topic for you
  7. @dark - Thanks for your effort in-game. Find a Coordinator or higher in-game for a test. Pending
  8. Good luck on getting panel back @Teddy
  9. @Lacrim humble yourself. Denied, don't bother applying again.
  10. This is so sad
  12. Pls do I would love to vote for my favourite admin nanobob
  13. Its my 7th fake birthday and age this year guys, fuck blue the simp
  14. Rykila is an animal
  15. I really appreciate your posts, but unfortunately I am gonna have to tell you that Moley is just trolling around and it's not even my birthday lol. Thanks though
  16. I only see faggots, but Ramos/Kratos is missing... Jokes aside, best of luck brothas!!
  17. @Nuno said in The big flaws in SAES, time for a change.: For a moment I thought you would create WSG gang again. Not only is your brain still stuck with roasts from 2011, if you had any common sense you would be asking yourself why I reported Nanobob with my name earlier, and not anonymously. You never fail to be a fool bro ahahaha, maybe grow up as you have 9 years to catch xD
  18. A day of reminder for someone who was born by mistake. Happy birthday bro, hope Giroud will acknowledge you one day hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  19. @NanoBob said in [SUGGESTION] Search and Destroy: @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] Search and Destroy: Excuse me, What's C++ ? Is it C bug or smth else ? Serious question :D C++ is a (low level) programming language. MTA is written in this programming language. This programming language however has no relevance to this suggestion. @Adistar said in [SUGGESTION] Search and Destroy: It is a programming language that has been used to experiment with a new mta platform on SAES This is incorrect, there is no amount of C++ code written for SAES specifically, nor is it used to experiment with a "new MTA platform". This is factually correct. It is C#, not C++. I am sorry for misrepresenting your MTA platform sir. ::: :honk: :::
  20. @VayraN said in [SUGGESTION] Search and Destroy: @Adistar said in [SUGGESTION] Search and Destroy: I don't understand why u write an essay for something u need to learn c++ for Excuse me, What's C++ ? Is it C bug or smth else ? Serious question :D It is a programming language that has been used to experiment with a new mta platform on SAES so that DE members can join a gang. Lets keep it on-topic now no essays please.
  21. I don't understand why u write an essay for something u need to learn c++ for But yes I like your idea +1.
  22. Happy birthday bro!!! Another year of animal planet coming from you!!
  23. Happy birthday brotha, wishing you all the best. Its been 9 years ago since we met here, as two retarded kids . Time fliess!
  24. ....or just have a confirmation output in chatbox or notification bar like Lincoln said, and force players to click twice to go to spawn panel. Very simple to implement (even @Filex can script this), fulfills its goal, and no extra screen needed whatsoever
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