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Everything posted by Alexis

  1. Donated 40 gbp some years ago lost all the vehicles and inteior due to inacitivity though 4 cars have been added already. I would like to add : Large Interior 19 at 5 Vaginal Discharge Way , it's my house in Lost Sanots Account name is : alexishellas Here is the old reward change: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/7388/alexi-s-reward-change?_=1604596363881
  2. :Personal Information:- Real name: Alexis In-Game name: Alexis Account name:alexishellas Age: 24 What is your gender?: Male Nationality: I am from greece English knowledge (1-10): 8 I pretty much understand everything just doing some typos because of the speed i am typing Timezone: +2 How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG ? : That was a long time ago came online first time in 2011 had some periods of big inactivity though How active are you on SAES:RPG ? : I am online everyday can't be more spesific than that since it depends from the day and the things i got to do Describe yourself with one word: Confused Tell us about you're self (Minimum 100 words): So except the main information about myself name age etc. I am a student studying computer science ( hardest decision of my life :') ) changed school after some time i was studying material science . I spend my free time mostly in games since i am not the sports guy or something and of course going out with friends which is pretty hard these days because of the stupid corona. I am pretty much playing 3 games currently wow , lol , mta pretty basic ones. Tried to keep it short . :SDO Knowledge: - What do you know about SDO? I know that it is a group based on sky diving which is their main purpose to make those jumps they will need also some pilots and drivers to escape quickly while doing opperations in which they can't be caught Have you applied to join SDO before ? : Nope Do you have any friends in SDO? : I do not sadly looking forward in making ( got some people i know though ) What's our Moto? : "if at first you don't succeed SKYDIVING is not for you" Did you read and understand our rules: Flying Skills (0/10)?: 7/10 Driving skills (0/10)?:8/10 RP skills (0/10)?:8/10 What you gonna do in SDO if you got accepted ? : RP with the rest of the group and make those jumps with them or drive them to places so they jump it Write backstory for skydiver character: As a kid young Alexis was living near a bridge that was well known about the dangerous it is to jump from it and skydivers was jumping from there just to prove theirselfes . Alexis was afraid of the heights so he never imagined himself be the one that jumps from the bridge he always stayed up watching the others doing it. His bestfriend had the dream to make this jump though he trained himself hard did as many jumps as he could with a record of 389 jumps and he thought he was ready to make this jump he called alexis to be with him while doing it. Alexis tried to convice him not to do that since only 7% came back alive from this and it has gone illegal to do it , he wasn't listening and takes the instantly the jump for the most part he was okay when he tried to open his parachute it blocked and didn't open he crushed into the rocks with maximum speed he died. Alexis mourned about him and was devistated he became autocatastofical and was unable to be reached from family and friends , until one day he makes a decision he wanted to get trained and make this jump for the honor of his best friend of course he did not started from there since heights were also his biggest fear he started training and jumping from easier places on the first jump he felt the andrenaline and that is when he understood that sky diving was ment for him he started doing it because he wanted it he made jumps from everyplace that was able and also on some that noone ever jumped before . He had more than 1000 jumps and almost 5 years later he decides to make the jump that started all this. Takes his parachute and goes to the place and then .................. :Server Memberships: - Your current gang/squad/company: Organization Zero What are your currently server groups?: I ain't in groups Have you been kicked/banned before from SAES:RPG (If yes, details please): Have not been kicked Have you read and understood the rules in F1?: Yes Descrive with your own words SAES:RPG? : I would describe it with the word nostalgia to be honest started back in 2011 and still coming back after periods of inactivity whenever i come back active i thinking of things back then
  3. After some consideration I have decided to withdraw my application, thank you for your time and your understanding. I am really sorry for spending your time hope that you wont hold it against me.
  4. nasty
  5. dildo
  6. Shit
  7. car
  8. @Bartman Wanna speak about a decent roll? https://imgur.com/gbMt0Q8 It's straighter than a ruler
  9. Trap
  10. Idiot
  11. Anarchy
  12. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 3/4: One freeway in rebels colors black and as secondary #7000000 Location: Rebels base Username:alexishellas Vehicle 4/4: Freeway rebels colors again Location: rebels base I prefer to be online so I can show you excatly where
  13. Black would be nice
  14. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 40.00 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? I don't think I've requested again.If I had,It was like 5 years ago Why do you need this change? Lost because I was inactive Links to your donation topics:https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/31662-donation-alexiss-amount-4000/ Links to your previous donation changes requests: Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1/4: One stuntplane Location: Bc airpot Username:alexishellas Vehicle 2/4: Picador Location: 1 goverment housing estate ,Owner is alexishellas Interior: Interior 22 location :1 goverment housing estate Owner:alexishellas I will add the other 2 vehicles later on so don't lock when it's locked.
  15. Address:1 goverment housing estate Account name:zakaria10 Last seen:5th february 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/1pAD1jG https://imgur.com/6Gsnofh https://imgur.com/pMCkI57
  16. hahahha happy birthday :)
  17. Address:Ls south Flats Business Account name:dudegamer Last seen:17th february 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/al1DPwa https://imgur.com/Bz6Zpl6 https://imgur.com/dahB7zO
  18. @Alexis https://imgur.com/DC1fypM https://imgur.com/ufju1i8 https://imgur.com/3n0s7sf
  19. In-game name Username:alexishellas Age:22 Nationality:I am from Greece Previous bans/punishments:Nope never punished Why you think you would be suitable for the role:Well.I dont know if i am the most suitable player for the role.I am sure one old player in the server played since 2012,but i've been also for a long time inactive.Anwayay I want to join because i noticed that people ask often for saha and maybme there arent any online,or busy doing sth else,I just wanna help out the server.It's an easy thing to do to help out.And i dont think that this is one of those groups that you need to be really known to join,I dont even mind getting denied if you find people more suitable for the role.That's all no need to say anything else.
  20. Address:Ruster Club Cafao Account name:kaoz123 Last seen:2nd february 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/OWhJkS8 https://imgur.com/IAqIJrC https://imgur.com/wNRvZMK
  21. Address:Un-Natuler Products store Account name:desrobotiksbg Last seen:9th February 2019 Screenshots: [spoiler][spoiler] https://imgur.com/OgBEzfM https://imgur.com/eye5qt8 https://imgur.com/p8qmTHH [/spoiler][/spoiler]
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